Still waiting for the evidence that you don't live in three village huts.Do you have proof or do you just blurt things out?
Fockin Jeberti rats make assumptions with no evidence to back their claims
Still waiting for the evidence that you don't live in three village huts.Do you have proof or do you just blurt things out?
Fockin Jeberti rats make assumptions with no evidence to back their claims
Still waiting for proof that your khaatumo/maakhir govt existsStill waiting for the evidence that you don't live in three village huts.
Easy coming from someone where his people live in a densely populated area because they don't have anything else.Darood are scattered subclans with no power whatsoever.I own your black ass whether you accept this reality or not is entirely up to you
Dahir Rayale Kahin, Président of Somaliland :If you are talking about Dhahir Riyale, he himself was quoted saying he is open to unification negotiations with Somalia when they democratically elect a president.
Everyone knows the majority people living in Khaatumo and Awdal want to see a prosperous Somaliweyn Nation
This one guy I knew back then who was a staunch Somalilander was arguing with another guy from Puntland, and he was like "we will conquer and raise the Somaliland flag from Garowe" And I laughed so hard and told "they should also add Mogadishu, hell raise the somaliland flag from Hawd to NFD"
It doesn't matter what the color of the fucking flag is, as long as Somaliland state is fare and free, conquer all the Somali regions and raise that pan arab flag from it for all I care, as long as it is a pan Somali free state.
Darood are scattered subclans with no power whatsoever.I own your black ass whether you accept this reality or not is entirely up to you
You should wish them the best considering I own you and could slap any of your silly uncles/grandfathers without repercussionsView attachment 7288 View attachment 7289 View attachment 7290
@MrProfessor sl people are very smart people and they choose the best people in world to led them through 21 century, They like these two men to lead them. One of them is father of ISIS terrorist and second man who they loved him more is junky old senile. wishing them the best Somaliland and sealand country.
Like I said in my first response to this thread.You are biased....which is why I didnt bother giving you a proper response.There can only be war between Duriyada Sheikh Isaxaaq and Jeberti Shoe thiefs like yourselfJust assume My Qabiil you sad tribalistic bastard, barbaric qabyaalad mentality. you sad f*ck
What prove do I have that the people of that large amounts of the people Khatumo and Awdal don't want to be a part of Somaliland.
It is called Advocates for Khatumo state and Awdal state. Only former SNM territories want to be independent
Like I said in my first response to this thread.You are biased....which is why I didnt bother giving you a proper response.There can only be war between Duriyada Sheikh Isaxaaq and Jeberti Shoe thiefs like yourself
Allah yil3an abuuk ya ibn Jeberti.Who are you to make takfir? Fockin KhaarijiWallahi you are the most disgusting, tribalistic, barbaric and Vile c*nt on this entire forum. you talk about "Sheikh Isaxaaq" like you are Muslim or follow in his footsteps. You are a fucking qabiileyste donkey that his hell bound. May Allah take you to the deepest fires of Jahanam yaa kalb.
Ey yahow Ey ga dalay you are an embarrassment to Muslim, Somali and Isaaq people. IDK why other Isaaqs associate themselves with a fucking retard like yourself.
Allah yil3an abuuk ya ibn Jeberti.Who are you to make takfir? Fockin Khaariji
I spit on you,your mother,father and your entire worthless clan![]()
Darood are gaal.Your dhiig is xalalOW the fucking Irony in that statement is priceless. I did not make Takfir on you, if you know anything about deenta Islamka the first thing you would do is look up what Islam says about tribalistic fucks like you.
Sunan Abu dawood 5121
عَنْ جُبَيْرِ بْنِ مُطْعِمٍ أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ قَالَ لَيْسَ مِنَّا مَنْ دَعَا إِلَى عَصَبِيَّةٍ وَلَيْسَ مِنَّا مَنْ قَاتَلَ عَلَى عَصَبِيَّةٍ وَلَيْسَ مِنَّا مَنْ مَاتَ عَلَى عَصَبِيَّةٍ
Jubair ibn Mut’im reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “He is not one of us who calls to tribalism. He is not one of us who fights for the sake of tribalism. He is not one of us who dies following the way of tribalism.”
Yet you claim you are a true Muslim and in the very next sentence Insult other peoples clans.
and you call me a Khawarij. (The Irony is priceless)
Darood are gaal.Your dhiig is xalal
Darood are gaal.Your dhiig is xalal
Low IQ boy !!!!what do you expect?You are worst than Alshabaab and Daacish when it comes to making takfiir on other Muslims. At least those cunts make takfir on other Muslims because they claim they are following the wrong doctrine. But you claim they are Gaalo because they are from a certain clan. Argagixiso are saints when compared to you
Not surprised you'd say stupid things like that when you have an idiot that considers himself God as you AVI
Pretty much this. Somaliland chose Diplomacy over violence and got a better functioning and safer state because of it.Somaliland has shown that they are able to have a functioning independent state. Even though Isaaqs are the majority they are willing to comprise with minority clans.
Until Somalia can learn how to do that, Somaliland re-joining Somalia will be impossible.
Darood are gaal cause of what happned in the 80s.Even women and babies are allowedYou are worst than Alshabaab and Daacish when it comes to making takfiir on other Muslims. At least those cunts make takfir on other Muslims because they claim they are following the wrong doctrine. But you claim they are Gaalo because they are from a certain clan. Argagixiso are saints when compared to you
Not surprised you'd say stupid things like that when you have an idiot that considers himself God as you AVI
Darood are gaal cause of what happned in the 80s.Even women and babies are allowed