Somaliland Minister welcomed in Buhoodle

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Saalax Bidaar

Truthfulness so often goes with ruthlessness
The head of somalia senate is isaac, the vice prime minister of Somalia is isaac do you know how many wazir and Parliamentarians that are a part of somalia federal government?

Don’t throw stones when you live in a glass house.

It’s even worse when an isaac goes to mogadisho cause isaac believes that they’re a sovereign country imagine how the international community feels about citiraaf when they’re greeted in Mogadishu by thousands of isaac?
Cali Khalif Galaydh can go to Las Anod , Mr Ducale can go to Buhoodle but none of the Isaacs in Somali Fed Govt can come to SL without getting arrested.There is the difference.


Cali Khalif Galaydh can go to Las Anod , Mr Ducale can go to Buhoodle but none of the Isaacs in Somali Fed Govt can come to SL without getting arrested.There is the difference.
Arrested by who? By Jeeganland, not by your sub clan who are oppressed citizens. Your own traditional leaders such as Suldaan Maxamed Muuse Cune have been incarcerated and thrown into dungeons. :russ:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Cali Khalif Galaydh can go to Las Anod , Mr Ducale can go to Buhoodle but none of the Isaacs in Somali Fed Govt can come to SL without getting arrested.There is the difference.

Siyaasi Ex Wasiir Cabdilaahi Cirro Oo Soo Bandhigay Masuuliyiin Iyo Jaajuus Ka Tirsan Maamulka Muqdisho Oo Ay Xukuumadda KULMIYE Ku Casuuntey

Hargeysa (SLL)-Wasiirkii hore ee wasaarada arrimaha guhada Somaliland ee dowladii Madaxweyne Daahir Riyaale Ex Wasiir Cabdilaahi Cirro oo si rasmi ah ugu biirey Xisbiga Mucaaradka ah ee WADDANI ayaa khudbad uu ka jeediyey madashii xafladii ku biiritaanka WADDANI wuxuu ku soo bandhigay xidhiidhka ay xukuumaddda KULMIYE la leedahay maamulka muqdisho, isagoo

“Had iyo jeer Xukuumadda iminka jirtaa waxay tidhaah WADDANI Soomaali weyn ayuu u socdaa , waxaan maanta cadaynayaa cida Soomaali weyn ah,waxa Hargeysa yimi oo Xukuumadda KULMIYE ay marti qaaday wasiir ka tirsan Dowlada fadaraalka ah oo iyada marti u ahaa , waxa kale oo ay marti qaaday oo Hargeysa yimi oo maanta joogta Farmaajo gabadhii la tartantay ee Madaxweynaha isku sharaxdey,miyaanay wax lala yaabo ahayn yey ku sheegayaan markaa Xamar ayey u socdaan marka ay madax-dii Somaaliya iyagu Hargeysa ku casuumayaan, markaa marka dhinaca sharciga loo eego waa khiyaamo Qaran” Ayuu yidhi Ex Wasiir Cabdilaahi Cirro .

Dhinaca Kale Siyaasi Cabdilaahi Cirro oo haddalkiisa sii wata ayaa sheegay inuu dhawaan uu Hargeysa yimi Jaajuus Sare oo ka tirsan nabad suguda Soomaaliya, kaasi oo ay xidheen ciidamada amaanka, balse nasiib darro ay Madaxtooyada Xukuumadda Siilaanyo soo daysay jaajuuskaasi, waxaanu ku tilaamay talaabadan siyaasi C/laahi Cirro in ay tahay khiyaamo qaran “waxa taasi ka sii daran nin sarkaal ah oo nabad sugida Soomaaliya ah ayaa yimi Hargeysa , waxa xidhay ciidanka amniga oo ku amaanan, balse nasiib darro markiiba Madaxtooyada xukumadda KULMIYE ayaa siidaaya Jaajuuskaa oo nin wasiir ah ayaa damiintey , wuxuu ahaa jaajuus la soo diray oo dalka inuu basaaso doonayey , waaayo dalka aad cadowga tihiin jaajuuskiisu haddii uu kuu yimaado waa cadowgaaga ee saaxiibkaa mahaa , waa khiyaamo qaran iyaduna arrintaasi “


Saalax Bidaar

Truthfulness so often goes with ruthlessness
Arrested by who? By Jeeganland, not by your sub clan who are oppressed citizens. Your own traditional leaders such as Suldaan Maxamed Muuse Cune have been incarcerated and thrown into dungeons. :russ:

The political party I supported “lost” a “rigged” election. That is not oppression nor are other Isaaq even capable of oppressing HY. If you wanna see what real oppression looks and sounds like, look further than Las Anod and Tukaraq
What's with this @World guy, how are HY weak when virtually all other Issaq clans are united in opposition to us, is that a sign of weakness? I suppose you're a Dhulo:patrice:, I thought your ppl knew what real oppression was?:drakelaugh:


The political party I supported “lost” a “rigged” election. That is not oppression nor are other Isaaq even capable of oppressing HY. If you wanna see what real oppression looks and sounds like, look further than Las Anod and Tukaraq
Damn that’s even worse LMAO so somaliland is a habar awal/habar jeclo monarchy and if you speak up against it then like your traditional elder Maxamed muse cuune, you will be thrown into mandhera prison. Imagine being the main idoor(cannon fodder) fighting against siad barre only for your isaaq brothers to rule you in a dictatorship :damn:

Worse part of it is the fact that you don’t know you’re under gumeysi :drakelaugh:
Last Wednesday

'Aarlibaax the Somaliland Buuhoodle Minister will come to Buuhoodle!

Let us say Camey recruits 100 men for the fighting the Somaliland Minister will recruit a 100 men too if not more.

Buuhoodle is not entirely Puntland nor Somaliland. It is a town of ambiguity many are pro Somalia.

Every move he makes will be counterbalanced and after a few man and businesses get rich they'll decide that they are cousins and fighting is not in their interest. Few Elders will then speak asking both to leave the town to avoid bloodshed.'
Last Wednesday when they were celebrating Camey's arrival

'Here he is with the then Interior Minister Faratoon who is Education Minister in Boocame at the burial of Ugaas Cabdullahi.

When he goes to Buuhoodle he goes as a reer Hagar the same with the Somaliland Minister.'
'Facts he did a long detour through Ethiopia and yes his clansmen allow him. He will most likely have meetings with the Somaliland Minister before a Elder asks them to leave so they could return to their comfortable asylums in Garoowe and Hargaysa.'
@Saahid Qamaan I suppose Dabcasar was right, Dhulos are naago, low T must be a real issue amongst their men. They also must have a severe case of amnesia, didn't they invite the Puntland VP to Buuhoodle a few days ago?? :gucciwhat:
Still unanswered from Thursday

He came to ask for weapons and manpower for the battle with Somaliland.

Tomorrow or in a few days Somaliland delegation will arrive in Buuhoodle.

Why does he not liberate the town from them and take them prisoners?
What did I say?

'Tomorrow or in a few days Somaliland delegation will arrive in Buuhoodle.'

Then this question I asked:

Why does he not liberate the town from them and take them prisoners?
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