Somaliland Minister welcomed in Buhoodle

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@The Patriot You as a Dhulo, should know what real oppression is sxb. You're ppl have no choice, their is no khaatumo , you're land will be taken by either Sland or Pland, and you have no say. That my friend, is modern day slavery:umad:
All I am saying is don't compare yourselves to the mighty HY. HY can ban the entire Somaliland from their territories within 24hr if our political elites decide while Dhulos can't liberate one village (Tukoraq).


15,000 numerical advantage troops consisting of every yam yam and qadad weyn failed to defeat us.:manny:

Are you serious? So your just gonna pretend like dhulos arent on both sides of the conflict and have their own political agendas. So why dont you ban somallani from your territories, what are you waiting you've been disrespected enough.
@The Patriot You as a Dhulo, should know what real oppression is sxb. You're ppl have no choice, their is no khaatumo , you're land will be taken by either Sland or Pland, and you have no say. That my friend, is modern day slavery:umad:
Yea we have no choice thats why we've been waving the blue flag for the last 30 years just two hours from burco the snm capital lool


Are you serious? So your just gonna pretend like dhulos arent on both sides of the conflict and have their own political agendas. So why dont you ban somallani from your territories, what are you waiting you've been disrespected enough.

That still doesn't explain why a simple village called Tukoraq is not liberated? as for the GX
majority of their civilians and political elite are still pro Sland. The day they decide to quit the
project is when Sland will entirely be disbanded in their territories. GX issue is not militarily (
since we can easily kick out anyone out of our cities/regions) but it is political.
Yea we have no choice thats why we've been waving the blue flag for the last 30 years just two hours from burco the snm capital lool

Yes:comeon:Just like you wave the Somaliland flag, or the Puntland flag, waving a little piece of fabric will not change the reality on the ground, you're ppl are under oppression


Reformation of Somaliland
Somaliland is somalia side do you know how many isaac ministers and parliamentarians that are littered in somalia government in migadisho waiting for a pay check?

I reiterate dont throw stones when you live in a glass house and i see your colonialial masters tge british whos borders isaac worship have taught you well in the art of divide amd conquer let me make this perfectly clear to you

Puntland = harti

Somaliland = Isaac

That's how gullible you are, those individuals were put in place simply to Antigonise and weaken Somaliland chances of recognition so Somaliland doesnt out put the qabil card.

But they're so stupid that legally Somaliland has every right to for its secession to be accepted by the world only thing that's stopping it is geopolitics but as time moved on and business globalises we'll see
That still doesn't explain why a simple village called Tukoraq is not liberated? as for the GX
majority of their civilians and political elite are still pro Sland. The day they decide to quit the
project is when Sland will entirely be disbanded in their territories. GX issue is not militarily (
since we can easily kick out anyone out of our cities/regions) but it is political.
I thought you guys took your militia outta of tukaraq so why are you using it as bragging point. Tukaraq is a ghost town right now the jeegan militias that were there got masscured wholesale Aun...


I thought you guys took your militia outta of tukaraq so why are you using it as bragging point. Tukaraq is a ghost town right now the jeegan militias that were there got masscured wholesale Aun...

Yes our boys are chilling in Sanaag with Caare with no one daring to look him in the eye . With us not present there , it is easier to take over that village, no?
Yes:comeon:Just like you wave the Somaliland flag, or the Puntland flag, waving a little piece of fabric will not change the reality on the ground, you're ppl are under oppression
And what reality is that extacly, the somalilani flag has never flown in buuhoodle which is just two hours from burco.


Ilaahay Gargaaryeey Gabiley Qurux Badanaa
And what reality is that extacly, the somalilani flag has never flown in buuhoodle which is just two hours from burco.

Which is a testament to Reer Buuhodle and them alone. But The SL flag flies in Las Anod so similarly what does that mean for Reer Las Anod?

The point @Wei is making is you guys are divided, and it is true.
Yes our boys are chilling in Sanaag with Caare with no one daring to look him in the eye . With us not present there , it is easier to take over that village, no?
Again dhulbahante are not united as one, alot of the conflict thats going on right now is our fault for not being united and not having real leadership. Tukaraq is being fought over by dhulos on both sides.
@The Patriot Not only are your ppl divided but you simply don't have the means to govern yourself. Wave any fabric you want sxb, you're political future is not in your hands.

Sland is firmly entrenched in your areas, even if you wanted to fight back, you don't have the capability to do so. You're lucky they're offering you compensation, but we all know your ppl's treacherous ways. I don't see Tukaraq as a full on war between Issaq Sland vs Harti Pland but Dhulos vs Dhulos, that should explain the current state of your ppl.
Which is a testament to Reer Buuhodle and them alone. But The SL flag flies in Las Anod so similarly what does that mean for Reer Las Anod?

The point @Wei is making is you guys are divided, and it is true.
Im not denyig that, lascanod made their choice to go with SL, but you guys are trying to spin as if dhulbahante are under occupation when reality is dhulbahante is just political divided.


Again dhulbahante are not united as one, alot of the conflict thats going on right now is our fault for not being united and not having real leadership. Tukaraq is being fought over by dhulos on both sides.

Nope. It is reer Puntland and other Daroods trying to free Dhulos. VP Camey admitted most of the heavy lifting to liberate the area was being done by other Daroods.

lets get two facts right.

1. Somaliland troops captured Tukaraq 6 months ago forcefully

2. The inhabitants of the area never wanted Sland presence

thus that is a occupation full stop.
@The Patriot Not only are your ppl divided but you simply don't have the means to govern yourself. Wave any fabric you want sxb, you're political future is not in your hands.

Sland is firmly entrenched in your areas, even if you wanted to fight back, you don't have the capability to do so. You're lucky they're offering you compensation, but we all know your ppl's treacherous ways. I don't see Tukaraq as Issaq Sland vs Harti Pland but Dhulos vs Dhulos, that should explain the current state of your ppl.
If somaliland is fully entrenched in our areas then why is the blue flag flying high just two hours from burco lool.


Ilaahay Gargaaryeey Gabiley Qurux Badanaa
Knew it was probably a lie lol, all these YouTube videos with fabricated titles are annoying. OP should double check before posting these things.

Actually I was wrong. The video in the OP said Qorilugud which is in Buhoodle district so that is what threw me off but I didn't watch the whole thing. Now even the Puntland-owned channels like SBC have reported it so it can't be dismissed anymore. This one clearly shows the town as well but the key is the Minister was welcomed at a place in the outskirts of the town. It wasn't Qorligud so I was mistaken on that. He did enter Buhoodle with his armed guard as you can clearly see in the video.
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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
That's how gullible you are, those individuals were put in place simply to Antigonise and weaken Somaliland chances of recognition so Somaliland doesnt out put the qabil card.

But they're so stupid that legally Somaliland has every right to for its secession to be accepted by the world only thing that's stopping it is geopolitics but as time moved on and business globalises we'll see
That's how gullible you are, the harti individuals in somaliland government were put in place simply to Antagonise and weaken Harti so somaliland has better chances of recognition so Dhulbhante and warsengeli doesn't pull out the harti card.

But they're so stupid that legally Harti has every right to oppose sool sanaag and togdheer buhoodle secession from the rest of somalia to be accepted by the world cause sool and sanaag and parts of tagdheer belong to harti, only thing that's stopping isaac icitiraaf is harti even if time moved on and business globalises harti won't consent to it
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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Actually I was wrong. The video in the OP said Qorilugud which is in Buhoodle district so that is what threw me off but I didn't watch the whole thing. Now even the Puntland-owned channels like SBC have reported it so it can't be dismissed anymore. This one clearly shows the town as well but the key is the Minister was welcomed at a place in the outskirts of the town. It wasn't Qorligud so I was mistaken on that. He did enter Buhoodle with his armed guard as you can clearly see in the video.
Theres more isaac ministers and parliamentarians in mogadhisho federal government than there is in hargaysa.
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