Somaliland officer assaults Oromo woman then she beats him up

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mr steal your naag

banu hashim and shiettt
Then all these little subclass can't complain. Let somalia their masters control them. We issaqs are decent population without a massive amount of land so we can easily build it up. And form our own perfect nations. I wonder why our government is holding these little tribes hostage
I have said this on here and i got jumped by my fellow clansman :ohreally:


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
Why can't somaliland just give dhulbahantes, samarooon and warsengeli their lands. And just make an issaq state

I'm legit down for this. But it's about recognition, if I'm not mistaken. If they create a 100% new country with never before seen borders it's less likely to be recognized whereas if they use the old British Somaliland borders, even though this was never a real country and was a protectorate formed by treaties with several different clans, they have a greater chance of being acknowledged by the west. This is the logic I've seen thrown around anyway.

greyhound stone

The Boss💎
I'm legit down for this. But it's about recognition, if I'm not mistaken. If they create a 100% new country with never before seen borders it's less likely to be recognized whereas if they use the old British Somaliland borders, even though this was never a real country and was a protectorate formed by treaties with several different clans, they have a greater chance of being acknowledged by the west. This is the logic I've seen thrown around anyway.
If we do that to get recognition then we can temporarily make a deal with the little clans that we'll set them free once we gain our full independence and recognition rights. I think that's the best way to go about it. Let them little clans free.
I'm legit down for this. But it's about recognition, if I'm not mistaken. If they create a 100% new country with never before seen borders it's less likely to be recognized whereas if they use the old British Somaliland borders, even though this was never a real country and was a protectorate formed by treaties with several different clans, they have a greater chance of being acknowledged by the west. This is the logic I've seen thrown around anyway.
The thing is that somalia wouldnt give SL reccegnition even if they give the other clans their land back. They just use it as a argument against SL


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
If we do that to get recognition then we can temporarily make a deal with the little clans that we'll set them free once we gain our full independence and recognition rights. I think that's the best way to go about it. Let them little clans free.

I wouldn't call them "little clans", abowe. They maybe outdone in terms of sheer numbers but in terms of land Awdal, Makhir and Khatumo aren't a small chunk of Somaliland by any means. And I doubt this "letting them go free". What state gives up land willingly? And they would further have to get recognition from the international community which will laugh given that they just, in this hypothetical, gave SL it's independence. It'll confirm all their talk about how giving SL independence will just trigger all out balkanization in the Horn as a whole.
Keep beating up these Oromo dogs they should be deported from Somaliland immediately.

so you advocate for putting hands on women? what if a somali refugee somewhere, a woman, got hands put on her-you'd support that?

good thing is, a lot of us oromo's got them hands, and grew up boxing/fighting, so beware before you test us.

mr steal your naag

banu hashim and shiettt
I wouldn't call them "little clans", abowe. They maybe outdone in terms of sheer numbers but in terms of land Awdal, Makhir and Khatumo aren't a small chunk of Somaliland by any means. And I doubt this "letting them go free". What state gives up land willingly? And they would further have to get recognition from the international community which will laugh given that they just, in this hypothetical, gave SL it's independence. It'll confirm all their talk about how giving SL independence will just trigger all out balkanization in the Horn as a whole.

Iam happy with only taking our lands. And the rest can stay with Somalia :mjswag:

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