Somaliland officer assaults Oromo woman then she beats him up

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(Alkebulan mother of mankind)
If we do that to get recognition then we can temporarily make a deal with the little clans that we'll set them free once we gain our full independence and recognition rights. I think that's the best way to go about it. Let them little clans free.

you can’t get recognition because there’s nothing uniquely different from sali
Iam happy with only taking our lands. And the rest can stay with Somalia :mjswag:

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Lol caabudwaaq and that region of galmudug is mostly HG region. Hhhhhhh i have relatives there sxb it’s our tuulos and not Marehans

mr steal your naag

banu hashim and shiettt
you can’t get recognition because there’s nothing uniquely different from sali

Lol caabudwaaq and that region of galmudug is mostly HG region. Hhhhhhh i have relatives there sxb it’s our tuulos and not Marehans
You guys proberly stole it from them during the civil war. :mjdontkno:

Gacanka Cadmeed

انا عربي, سْنْمْ هَنولاتو‌‌‌‌, Free Azawad, 🇾🇪
you can’t get recognition because there’s nothing uniquely different from sali

Lol caabudwaaq and that region of galmudug is mostly HG region. Hhhhhhh i have relatives there sxb it’s our tuulos and not Marehans
Like I said the 1960 act of union was never signed so the union will be annulled

greyhound stone

The Boss💎
I wouldn't call them "little clans", abowe. They maybe outdone in terms of sheer numbers but in terms of land Awdal, Makhir and Khatumo aren't a small chunk of Somaliland by any means. And I doubt this "letting them go free". What state gives up land willingly? And they would further have to get recognition from the international community which will laugh given that they just, in this hypothetical, gave SL it's independence. It'll confirm all their talk about how giving SL independence will just trigger all out balkanization in the Horn as a whole.
Balkanzation of the horn is the best idea in my opinion. Too many tribes and ethnicity for us to be all under one governments


(Alkebulan mother of mankind)
The whole region from southern gaalkayo all the way down to beledweyne is specifically HG dominated regions.

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Wanaag iyo Dhiig kar
Why is he fighting with a woman , I’m glad she beat his ass .

I don’t care if she’s Oromo or Chinese . As a police officer he should be upholding the law , if she is illegal deport her fine but why use physical violence .
He is an Iraqi actually but had Children in Yemen where his descendants still live today.

''The Somali have a tradition that their ancestors emigrated from the Arabian province of Hadramaut to Med, on the African coast; from which place their descendants gradually spread over the country they now occupy, having driven out the original Galla inhabitants.
They ascribe the origin of the present tribes to three persons: Isacc, Tir, and Tarood. Isacc they consider to be the progenitor of the three principal tribes-the Habr gir Hajis, Habr Awul, and Habr tul Jaitah.
According to this tradition, Tarood was originally from Africa; and they consider that the tribes descended from him are of Negro origin.
These are the Majertein, Wur Sungulli, Dhol Bahanta, and Wogadin.

The Somali tribes differ much in feature and general appearance, some being much lighter in colour than others; but all speak the same language, and differ but slightly in manners and customs.
Each tribe is quite independent, and is governed by its own sultan or girad, whose authority is little more than nominal.
Feuds constantly occur between the various tribes; and, being a very warlike, independent race, bloody fights often occur.''

Transactions of the Ethnological Society of London
Ethnological Society, 1867 - Ethnology
Pages 92-94


(Alkebulan mother of mankind)
Why is he fighting with a woman , I’m glad she beat his ass .

I don’t care if she’s Oromo or Chinese . As a police officer he should be upholding the law , if she is illegal deport her fine but why use physical violence .


Gacanka Cadmeed

انا عربي, سْنْمْ هَنولاتو‌‌‌‌, Free Azawad, 🇾🇪
''The Somali have a tradition that their ancestors emigrated from the Arabian province of Hadramaut to Med, on the African coast; from which place their descendants gradually spread over the country they now occupy, having driven out the original Galla inhabitants.
They ascribe the origin of the present tribes to three persons: Isacc, Tir, and Tarood. Isacc they consider to be the progenitor of the three principal tribes-the Habr gir Hajis, Habr Awul, and Habr tul Jaitah.
According to this tradition, Tarood was originally from Africa; and they consider that the tribes descended from him are of Negro origin.
These are the Majertein, Wur Sungulli, Dhol Bahanta, and Wogadin.

The Somali tribes differ much in feature and general appearance, some being much lighter in colour than others; but all speak the same language, and differ but slightly in manners and customs.
Each tribe is quite independent, and is governed by its own sultan or girad, whose authority is little more than nominal.
Feuds constantly occur between the various tribes; and, being a very warlike, independent race, bloody fights often occur.''

Transactions of the Ethnological Society of London
Ethnological Society, 1867 - Ethnology
Pages 92-94
It's a bit inaccurate as Darood was traditionally from yemen .It's dir and Hawiye that say they are natives.


i do it anyway i like
''The Somali have a tradition that their ancestors emigrated from the Arabian province of Hadramaut to Med, on the African coast; from which place their descendants gradually spread over the country they now occupy, having driven out the original Galla inhabitants.
They ascribe the origin of the present tribes to three persons: Isacc, Tir, and Tarood. Isacc they consider to be the progenitor of the three principal tribes-the Habr gir Hajis, Habr Awul, and Habr tul Jaitah.
According to this tradition, Tarood was originally from Africa; and they consider that the tribes descended from him are of Negro origin.
These are the Majertein, Wur Sungulli, Dhol Bahanta, and Wogadin.

The Somali tribes differ much in feature and general appearance, some being much lighter in colour than others; but all speak the same language, and differ but slightly in manners and customs.
Each tribe is quite independent, and is governed by its own sultan or girad, whose authority is little more than nominal.
Feuds constantly occur between the various tribes; and, being a very warlike, independent race, bloody fights often occur.''

Transactions of the Ethnological Society of London
Ethnological Society, 1867 - Ethnology
Pages 92-94

Gacanka Cadmeed

انا عربي, سْنْمْ هَنولاتو‌‌‌‌, Free Azawad, 🇾🇪
probably warsengeli,
Habar Yunis is the majority in Ceerigaabo and in the 90s Harti left in droves until only 2 girls were left.
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