Somaliland officer assaults Oromo woman then she beats him up

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mr steal your naag

banu hashim and shiettt
bruhh darood is the most native somali clan, aren't your daddy from Iraq something
Long live iraq
That's like my grandkids claiming to be English. I reckon that the so-called Arab forefathers were Somali guys that travelled to the middle east and had other families there. No more no less.

greyhound stone

The Boss💎
''The Somali have a tradition that their ancestors emigrated from the Arabian province of Hadramaut to Med, on the African coast; from which place their descendants gradually spread over the country they now occupy, having driven out the original Galla inhabitants.
They ascribe the origin of the present tribes to three persons: Isacc, Tir, and Tarood. Isacc they consider to be the progenitor of the three principal tribes-the Habr gir Hajis, Habr Awul, and Habr tul Jaitah.
According to this tradition, Tarood was originally from Africa; and they consider that the tribes descended from him are of Negro origin.
These are the Majertein, Wur Sungulli, Dhol Bahanta, and Wogadin.

The Somali tribes differ much in feature and general appearance, some being much lighter in colour than others; but all speak the same language, and differ but slightly in manners and customs.
Each tribe is quite independent, and is governed by its own sultan or girad, whose authority is little more than nominal.
Feuds constantly occur between the various tribes; and, being a very warlike, independent race, bloody fights often occur.''

Transactions of the Ethnological Society of London
Ethnological Society, 1867 - Ethnology
Pages 92-94
Facts even the British realise somalis are different people that assimilated to one culture and language

greyhound stone

The Boss💎
That's like my grandkids claiming to be English. I reckon that the so-called Arab forefathers were Somali guys that travelled to the middle east and had other families there. No more no less.
I think these story's were ancient folklore that have been modernised in the 16/17th centuries. I actually believe it has some truth to it. But it isn't anything that happened any time recently

greyhound stone

The Boss💎
nigga British just seen you as another negroid with somewhat caucasian feature that why they were merciful enough to not enslave yo ass
My ass wouldn't accept slavery hell no. And British historians writing about what somalis told them during there protectorate days. Somalis told them this so...


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
I think these story's were ancient folklore that have been modernised in the 16/17th centuries. I actually believe it has some truth to it. But it isn't anything that happened any time recently

Some of the stories are very interesting when you observe them closely. The story of Sheikh Darood is one. Despite him being recounted as a Sheikh of the deen his story is undeniably a Waaqist one. It goes that he appeared atop a tree and then spoke to the local people, asking them to bring him a local daughter to marry so that he may descend and guide them. They did so and he was brought the Dir clan chieftain's daughter. This is blatantly a Waaqist story that appears among Oromos and Afars where saints are said to appear atop a sacred tree and ask to wed a local woman so that they might descend and guide the locals as one of their own and the religion itself generally has an obsession with certain trees and their sacredness like the sycamore.

It's also interesting how the story illustrates that Somali ties are most strong on the maternal side. I've noticed over the years that the mtDNA HGs that pop up across regions are pretty much identical and that Somalis have an alarming degree of IBD sharing across wide distances where even I will pop up with relatives in Jabuuti of all places despite mostly being from the northeast and that most people can recount that this or that ayeeyo was of a different subclan or clan. We have always been rather "exogamous" on the maternal side and kept our bonds as a people through the maternal line.


Sidii roon Raba og
That's like my grandkids claiming to be English. I reckon that the so-called Arab forefathers were Somali guys that travelled to the middle east and had other families there. No more no less.

Sheekadaas markii marfishyada loogu faafiyey cidkasta oo marqaansani wey rumeysatay xitaa Majeerteenkii wey rumesteen.
''But the first major impetus to Somali migration which tradition records is the arrival from Arabia of Sheikh Isma'il Jabarti about the 10th or 11th century and the expansion of his descendants, the Darod clans, from their early seat in the north-east corner of Somaliland, This cannot be dated with certainty, but the period suggested here accords well with the sequence of subsequent events.
It was followed perhaps some two centuries later by the arrival from Arabia of Sheikh Isaq, founder of the Isaq Somali, who settled to the west of the Darod at Mait where his domed tomb stands today, and who like his precessor Darod, married with the local Dir Somali.
While present evidence, or to be more precise, its lack, suggests that much of the very detailed tradition which surrounds these two patriarchs is legend, it appears likely that it should be interpreted as reflecting the growth and expansion of the Darod and Isaq clans about this time.''

Modern History of the Somali : Nation and State in the Horn of Africa
By: I.m Lewis, 2nd Chapter: Before Partition


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
You got issues man, God help you.
Oromos pose an existential threat to Somalis in PL and SL whilst Bantus are multiplying at an existential rate in the south, if these trends continue Somalis shall become a minority in their own land. I dont want my fellow Somalis being replaced by foreigners.

If being an ethnonationalist is "having serious issues" then i am proud.


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
nigga British just seen you as another negroid with somewhat caucasian feature that why they were merciful enough to not enslave yo ass

Somaliweyn wasn't very desirable land. Most of it is just good for pasture except a few areas like the hinterland of Waqooyi and riverine areas of Koonfur where some sizable farming and agropastoral communities did historically exist. And Somalis were an unruly, armed and prideful lot familiar with metallurgy, firearms and some degree of early modern warfare. Even the south wasn't as arable as it could be due to issues like the tsetse fly, if I recall correctly. Why go through ages of guerilla warfare and buuq with Geeljires to enslave and conquer them when you can just steal land from stick wielding Hunter-Gatherers in Australia? Cadaans being practical, sxb.
Oromos pose an existential threat to Somalis in PL and SL whilst Bantus are multiplying at an existential rate in the south, if these trends continue Somalis shall become a minority in their own land. I dont want my fellow Somalis being replaced by foreigners.

If being an ethnonationalist is "having serious issues" then i am proud.
You saw a women get beat and that’s the 1st thing you thought about? Sheesh :holeup:


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
You saw a women get beat and that’s what you thought about? Sheesh :holeup:
They send women and children as scouts to begin the great replacement. I remember a few years ago when an Oromo woman was kicked out of a minibus due to screaming child. She basically was bitter and told the passengers that this scresming child shall inherit Hargeisa in the future snd that Greater Oromia shall reign again. These people genuinely believe Somalia was their ancestral land.
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