Somalilanders hold a rally in London for captured commander Faisal Abdi Botan

Habar Jeclo are not Garxajis. It's also not cool making fun of other qabils. You can disapprove of the commander and his actions or even politically disagree. However, we're individuals first. @pinkyandthebrain and @RoyalNortherner are HJ and disappointed in the direction SL has taken. So to malign them doesn't make sense. You don't win people over this way. In fact it alienates them. Which contributed to the isolationism we see today.
I was actually playing on my ignorance in not knowing every somali sub clan and being a hooyo mataalo but yes, I agree that we're individuals first.

If somalis from the north get offended and alienated by such low quality jokes, then this section must be torture for a Hawiye. Having to read the unhinged language used in the Drs threads. Or should we only placate northerners?


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
I was actually playing on my ignorance in not knowing every somali sub clan and being a hooyo mataalo but yes, I agree that we're individuals first.

If somalis from the north get offended and alienated by such low quality jokes, then this section must be torture for a Hawiye. Having to read the unhinged language used in the Drs threads. Or should we only placate northerners?
This is more of a universal principle. Not about placating any particular group.

Garaad Awal

War is coming.
Heegoism is an utter embarassmant wallahi, these people can't let us use social media for a second without suffering from a second hand ceeb:snoop:
No such thing of heegoism, have some balls and say what you mean instead of dog whistling
It appears to be a mix of aggression, delusion and denial.
There ain't no such thing as a distinct northerns vs southerns, its just a fake narrative created by the corrupted elites in hargeisa to advance their own personal aspirations, Northerns has no shared exlusive political agenda just like Southerns do, so lumping the entire Southern tribes and portraying them as an evil force against sland is just unfounded


There ain't no such thing as a distinct northerns vs southerns, its just a fake narrative created by the corrupted elites in hargeisa to advance their own personal aspirations, Northerns has no shared exlusive political agenda just like Southerns do, so lumping the entire Southern tribes and portraying them as an evil force against sland is just unfounded
That user is a weirdo

Garaad Awal

War is coming.
Mind your habashi races that are butchering and massacring each other in their millions
Says the Somalian, you have murdered each other for 30+ years, committed a self-inflicted famine on yourself multiple times as well. Somalians have lost thousands of souls due butchering & hatred. I’m not Xabeshi but they are 1000x better than a Somalian from the failed state


Says the Somalian, you have murdered each other for 30+ years, committed a self-inflicted famine on yourself multiple times as well. Somalians have lost thousands of souls due butchering & hatred. I’m not Xabeshi but they are 1000x better than a Somalian from the failed state
you are genuinely disgusting 🤢🤢🤢🤢there’s literally genocides taking place in Ethiopia right now you pos

Garaad Awal

War is coming.
@Garaad Awal nobody is murdering each other anymore there’s been mass rape air strikes going on in Ethiopia for years
Somalia right now according to Somalian Nationalists:
Love Is Love Dance GIF by Teletubbies

sun baby GIF


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
I’m not a “Somalian” I was born in Bristol 😭😭 Somalia is not in a good position now and is suffering but is mass murder mass rape and air strikes happening to civilians
I thought u was american🤔

