Somalilanders hold a rally in London for captured commander Faisal Abdi Botan


I dare you or your Somalian cousins to come to Caynabo or Ceerigaabo and wave that blue flag
Mr Bean Waiting GIF by MOODMAN
nobody here is a “Somalian”


I think mr awal is a troll... his only goal is to increase the anger for somalilanders on here. I dont really mind Isaaq they will eventually unite
Isaaq are very noble people most of them not think like him they are genuinely good people I have nothing but respect for them 🥰🥰

Garaad Awal

Former African
It’s funny how you guys are distancing yourself from the L by pointing out to the HJ.
I admit the battle we lost in 2023 and don’t blame the HJ for that. But only the HJ are personally invested in this individual. I hope SL authorities in the next battle get him back but he isn’t important.

Either way I’m pretty certain SL is planning for a campaign against Eastern Sool judging from what I have heard so far.
Heego emasculated garxajis, Harti wiped the floor with Heego. Go become president in SL and release your traditional leaders from prison or from exile.
Heego can't emasculate gx, and there is no single gx elder in jail or in exile, its all about inter garhajis rift where those who are paid enough try to suppress the rest of the clan, and gx has no incentive to go full scale war with sland cuz there is nothing to gain from a total chaos and lawlessness especially when our poeple forms majority of every major city plus the chance of ascending to the kursi is increasing by the day


Sooner or later everything comes to an end. I think we are here. All Somalia has left are lies. Like all ruthless imperial projects, the end isn't pretty or dignified.

Maybe then the Somalians can become like the Japanese and make playstations. Who knows.
Imperial project??? You really are insane.


Garaad Awal

Former African
Heego can't emasculate gx, and there is no single gx elder in jail or in exile, its all about inter garhajis rift where those who are paid enough try to suppress the rest of the clan, and gx has no incentive to go full scale war with sland cuz there is nothing to gain from a total chaos and lawlessness especially when our poeple forms majority of every major city plus the chance of ascending to the kursi is increasing by the day
1000% you are one of those bum followers of the Buddha fucker. Why do HY despite being larger than CG always hide behind the Gx name. The CG & HY have never been on the same page politically ever. CG are nasab which is why they were Suldaans of Isaaq unlike the moronic clan known as Habaar Yoonis

