Somalilands Future

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Improving where? Don't come with bullshit, Somalia is the most corrupt country in the world.. The highest bidder wins, what improvements?? We both know the corruption is deep rooted regardless of some economical improvements.

When there is real change in Somalia, come argue with me then about Somaliland rejoining because then at least you can bring up good point as to why it will be beneficial for Somaliland to rejoin.

SL is not perfect but the SL government is more trustworthy than yours. Basically you want us to be united in corruption.
Lol, you're like a bot, all you do is repeat the same talking points whether its rooted in reality or not. Repeating the same things over and over doesn't make them true.

Anyway, I did not come to argue anything with you, I wouldn't waste my time. Just clarifying something that is obvious to most people.


Lol, you're like a bot, all you do is repeat the same talking points whether its rooted in reality or not. Repeating the same things over and over doesn't make them true.

Anyway, I did not come to argue anything with you, I wouldn't waste my time. Just clarifying something that is obvious to most people.
The corruption in Somalia is deep rooted whether I say it or not. Are you okay? :what1:


Farmaajo will create a new waqoyi land state in northern Somalia with the help of amisom, the new head of Amisom (abiy Ahmed) suggested this, I heard the early favorite for president will be col caare, this is part of farmaajo and abiys plan to end and weaken the federal states so they deal with farmaajo directly,(its a miracle Deni is now cooperating with them, under gaas it was going to get ugly), the question should be the future of Somalia will we join Ethiopia Eritrea and Djibouti like abiy has recently suggest saying we don’t need separate banks, leaders, or representatives between the nations
Farmaajo will create a new waqoyi land state in northern Somalia with the help of amisom, the new head of Amisom (abiy Ahmed) suggested this, I heard the early favorite for president will be col caare, this is part of farmaajo and abiys plan to end and weaken the federal states so they deal with farmaajo directly,(its a miracle Deni is now cooperating with them, under gaas it was going to get ugly), the question should be the future of Somalia will we join Ethiopia Eritrea and Djibouti like abiy has recently suggest saying we don’t need separate banks, leaders, or representatives between the nations
What happened to "Ethiopia is against Somalia and is trying destabilize it"? :kanyehmm: What regions will this new state contain?


What happened to "Ethiopia is against Somalia and is trying destabilize it"? :kanyehmm: What regions will this new state contain?
Their trying to restablize it to use for their economy, buy there products and have access to our sea, they also want shared political control where Somalia, Eritrea, and Ethiopia move as one block, this was after the meeting with farmaajo, this basically ended the fedral states:faysalwtf: they want one voice to deal with for the whole country and noticed Farmaajo would be easy to deal with(sold our seas for only a mill to China) instead of dealing with somaliland, jubbaland and puntland for seperate deals, for the new state let’s wait and see, but somalilands days are numbered, I hear farmaajo will be in hargeisa after he finishes with jubbaland, with full Amisom support in the north
Their trying to restablize it to use for their economy, buy there products and have access to our sea, they also want shared political control where Somalia, Eritrea, and Ethiopia move as one block, this was after the meeting with farmaajo, this basically ended the fedral states:faysalwtf: they want one voice to deal with for the whole country and noticed Farmaajo would be easy to deal with(sold our seas for only a mill to China) instead of dealing with somaliland, jubbaland and puntland for seperate deals, for the new state let’s wait and see, but somalilands days are numbered, I hear farmaajo will be in hargeisa after he finishes with jubbaland, with full Amisom support in the north
So he wants to sell the whole country more easily, got it.


Even worse he wants to unite with us so gaajo 60 million habeshas get a cut in our oil
The reason every one in Qatar and Dubai are rich is due to simple economics, small population(1 million) many resources to split between them, allah blessed us with a small 15 million population and more oil than the uae, he wants us to further split it with 60 million starving habeshas


I don't see them uniting sxb because Somalis are troublesome people. Why would they want more Somalis?
Look at my other post these guys are gaajo while we’re sitting on trillions in gas, just look at the killing they made of robbing @Ferrari ’s fam in the Ogaden region they want a cut in our oil too
Very unrealistic. The IC will never allow amison to operate in Sland. Besides that these federal states in which farmaajo interferes are only by name states and don't really have power over their claimed territoy unlike Sland. Brothers come on we need realistical Approaches not some imagination of amison conquering Sland


Very unrealistic. The IC will never allow amison to operate in Sland. Besides that these federal states in which farmaajo interferes are only by name states and don't really have power over their claimed territoy unlike Sland. Brothers come on we need realistical Approaches not some imagination of amison conquering Sland
Saxib power Hungary farmaajo and abiy will try to get it done, ic doesn’t even recognize sl, heck I feel it will be a peaceful take over up to at least eastern burco will see what happens in the rest


But tukaraq with one point you are right. The Somali peninsula is by far the african territory with the most POTENTIAL.
I do want Abiy to fail though:gucciwhat:
Qatar and Dubai managed to split the large oil money among their small population, we can do the same, fuuck habeshas and there 60 million parasites, they can be our cheap labor like the Indians in Dubai since we supposedly have more oil than the UAE:salute:
The IC recognises SL as a de-facto State and deJure Part of Somalia. That means in no possible ways will it happen that the IC sponsered Amison Troops will go to SL. Thats imagination and Farmaajo will do nothing abiy is the man who has the power
I do want Abiy to fail though:gucciwhat:
Qatar and Dubai managed to split the large oil money among their small population, we can do the same, fuuck habeshas and there 60 million parasites, they can be our cheap labor like the Indians in Dubai since we supposedly have more oil than the UAE:salute:
I have no problem with that but first of all Somalis has to clear their conflicts i am 100 pro SL and won't give up my status quo by beeing leveled with jubaland and co


I have no problem with that but first of all Somalis has to clear their conflicts i am 100 pro SL and won't give up my status quo by beeing leveled with jubaland and co
I’m okay with that :chrisfreshhah:wouldnt want to split the oil money with more people:ooh: I heard all the oil is off the coast of puntland:russ::lolbron: inshallah we will be billionaires and may send you guys Sadaqah every now and then:fittytousand:
Bro this is somalia not America your goverment can't even control xamar and you are talking about a bright future. The oil and gaas is not only in puntland rather Sl have the clostest geografical relation with the oil-rich part of Arabia what means we have better chances of having oil than you but this are all dreams and presumptions


Bro this is somalia not America your goverment can't even control xamar and you are talking about a bright future. The oil and gaas is not only in puntland rather Sl have the clostest geografical relation with the oil-rich part of Arabia what means we have better chances of having oil than you but this are all dreams and presumptions
Sahib the oil is proven to be off the coast of puntland, proximity to oil barren Yemen doesn’t help you:siilaanyosmile:


Bro don't bother with this forum is trash and all are Somaliland haters you're not gonna get an honest opinion here all with a motive to defame and soon against the Republic. The main one being Bohol who somehow is a mod
Are u debating wether puntland has the oil or not:mahubowtf: I’m okay with ictiraf just stay far from our oil :fittytousand:
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