Somalilands Future

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Somaliland should push for centralisation , don't fall for the "federalism" trick inflicted on somalia. Although I am pro Somali weyn we can only do that by having at least one strong Somali state.
Somaliland should push for centralisation , don't fall for the "federalism" trick inflicted on somalia. Although I am pro Somali weyn we can only do that by having at least one strong Somali state.
Your point is valid but you ignore the facts. SL people were 30 years isolated from south and most of the people and the politicans don't have ilany interest in union and prefer the status quo. Furthermore Sl chooses to be Sl because they don't trust people in the south to have a military influence in SL which would be a case by centralisation (due to what happened in 1988) you get my point ?
To answer you question succinctly, SL will continue with their status-quo form of self governance until the federal government has the resources and capacity to directly confront the problem to the north. There is no long-term solution for "Somaliland" because it doesn't exist. You want to base your borders off of colonial lines drawn that we and the rest of the world don't recognize to be legitimate. Your maamul gobaleed is going to be stuck in limbo and will not be allowed to secede, that's just the reality whether you want to accept it or not is up to you.
Your point is valid but you ignore the facts. SL people were 30 years isolated from south and most of the people and the politicans don't have ilany interest in union and prefer the status quo. Furthermore Sl chooses to be Sl because they don't trust people in the south to have a military influence in SL which would be a case by centralisation (due to what happened in 1988) you get my point ?
No I meant Somaliland itself centralises as an independent nation.


Show me scientific studies about that bro and than i may believe you
Somalia’s oil is in nugaal and bari blocks
This is Bloomberg which is America’s leading business newspaper
Somalia’s oil is in nugaal and bari blocks
This is Bloomberg which is America’s leading business newspaper
1) Map is not Puntland rather include Sl Territory and disputed Area (which is controlled by Sl)
2)Where is the source of the Map ? On what study it is based ? How was this block subdivision made ?Map gives literally no information.
3)Your Bloomberg Source says ONLY that Punltand gave Concessions to Oil Companies ....what does that proof ?
I asked for scientific Study about your oil ressources not a map which is unsless without the Study it is based on or a Bloomberg reference about Oil concessions awarded to foreign companies
To answer you question succinctly, SL will continue with their status-quo form of self governance until the federal government has the resources and capacity to directly confront the problem to the north. There is no long-term solution for "Somaliland" because it doesn't exist. You want to base your borders off of colonial lines drawn that we and the rest of the world don't recognize to be legitimate. Your maamul gobaleed is going to be stuck in limbo and will not be allowed to secede, that's just the reality whether you want to accept it or not is up to you.
1)It doesn't exist de-facto or the de jure ?? Please we all know sl is not recognized your are ignoring facts. i give you an example. I buy a car and you take it away from me and i have no power to take it back. Then you are the de facto owner but i am de jure the owner it's my car because i bought it. i have to sit with you on the table and must do something to get the car back, right ? With your logic you claim i just get the car back by saying it's my car(de jure).
2)Colonial Borders ... All Africa and Somalia are based on colonial borders. Somalia is based on the union of the two former colonial borders of Somalia Italia and British Somaliland. So this colonial border argument is really unreasonable. Every State in Africa who argues to be State is based on Colonial borders, notice that.
To most of you. Don't confuse your wishes and your hatred based prognoses with a rational opinion. If you say Sl is part of Somalia and Somalia don't have to sit on the table...I mean come on we all know there are so many problem that stand against your prognoses but hatred makes the mind blind. Here are some points:
1) Peace: SL has Stability all over the country with an Exekutive (Police and military force) who controls the whole country. Why would Sl part of Somalia who don't has an Executive and can't even control the capital without foreign help ? Also this federal States don't have have an Exekutive (besides PL)
2)Political Climate: Sl with three Party System elect their President, their Parlament, their mayors even and Somalia hasn't a democracy in Puntland let alone the rest of it. How could you combine this political Systems ??
3)Power struggle : The Federal States and FG don't have any definitions of their relation towards each other, their task sharing it'S a political anarchy and why would sl take part in it.
and so many more points but you guys don't have any reasonable argumentation just phrases like sl doesn't exist and the typical nonsense .........
4) Death of Somaliwayn: In 1960 Sl joined a union with somalia to archive Somaliwayn and gave up their sovereignty to be bring the 5 corners of the star from the blue flag together but would Sl joined a union by beeing leveled with und puntland jubbaland and co...? would djibouti join today such a union today?

And so many more points but you guys don't have any reasonable argumentation just phrases like sl doesn't exist and the typical nonsense about ictiraaf....
Sounds good, but i need a realistic plan from you how Sl could archive that.

Somaliland doesn't need to be recognised, it needs to force itself to be economically self sufficient. No matter what people say money is power!

The one thing somaliland has that others do not is security.The monopoly on weaponry in its cities(To an extent) allows the citizens to live in safety.This in turn spurs taxable entities which can revitalise an economy.

Instead of entering military expeditions for towns in eastern sanaag the region should focus on creating a functioning economy.The problem is that the leaders are naiive and live in ancient times.

Muse Bixi , Silaanyo and whoever else was leading are all OLD.Once you are old you are stuck in a fixed mindset which breeds laziness and economic stagnation.Other than nepotism , clanissm and exuberant celebrations what has the current administration achieved?

I say this as someone who supports somaliweyn, Somalis are living in the past.Somaliland is a microcosm of Somalias revolutionary council. The hard handed policies, the propaganda , the over the top jingoism, the previous military leaders(warlords if you want) and the reliance on a scape goat.

The solution? Well here is my take:

Somaliland focuses on growing econimically:

The somaliland economy as of now is sub par.It relies heavily of remittances, foreign aid and over taxation of the telecommunication sector.It must focus on reducing taxation of business and begin loaning money to the populace.This can spur businesses which can eventually be taxed.

The government should create economic sectors which are regulated. These will bring large groups of people and thus increase the exchange of goods.

Somaliland must begin PRODUCING , what does the government export other than animals??? Production brings in money and stifles inflation. Somaliland must fund fishermen,agriculture,MINERS!, lumber jacks etc

Another point is taxing ethiopian goods, somaliland must tax ethiopian goods to offset the advantage against native farmers.

To recap somaliland must focus on growing economically , the money from this grants them power => illegally import weaponry => they can then push either for quasi nationhood or full nationhood.

Also the AU is corrupt asf , if somaliland makes billions it can bribe its way to independence.

This is how i , a guy from badhan , advise you :)
Somaliland doesn't need to be recognised, it needs to force itself to be economically self sufficient. No matter what people say money is power!

The one thing somaliland has that others do not is security.The monopoly on weaponry in its cities(To an extent) allows the citizens to live in safety.This in turn spurs taxable entities which can revitalise an economy.

Instead of entering military expeditions for towns in eastern sanaag the region should focus on creating a functioning economy.The problem is that the leaders are naiive and live in ancient times.

Muse Bixi , Silaanyo and whoever else was leading are all OLD.Once you are old you are stuck in a fixed mindset which breeds laziness and economic stagnation.Other than nepotism , clanissm and exuberant celebrations what has the current administration achieved?

I say this as someone who supports somaliweyn, Somalis are living in the past.Somaliland is a microcosm of Somalias revolutionary council. The hard handed policies, the propaganda , the over the top jingoism, the previous military leaders(warlords if you want) and the reliance on a scape goat.

The solution? Well here is my take:

Somaliland focuses on growing econimically:

The somaliland economy as of now is sub par.It relies heavily of remittances, foreign aid and over taxation of the telecommunication sector.It must focus on reducing taxation of business and begin loaning money to the populace.This can spur businesses which can eventually be taxed.

The government should create economic sectors which are regulated. These will bring large groups of people and thus increase the exchange of goods.

Somaliland must begin PRODUCING , what does the government export other than animals??? Production brings in money and stifles inflation. Somaliland must fund fishermen,agriculture,MINERS!, lumber jacks etc

Another point is taxing ethiopian goods, somaliland must tax ethiopian goods to offset the advantage against native farmers.

To recap somaliland must focus on growing economically , the money from this grants them power => illegally import weaponry => they can then push either for quasi nationhood or full nationhood.

Also the AU is corrupt asf , if somaliland makes billions it can bribe its way to independence.

This is how i , a guy from badhan , advise you :)

Masha Allah that's what i wanted someone who comes with a clear open mind and gives solutions instead of hatred based standard phrases ...... i agree with you 100 procent but brother a question: if the kids raised in the diaspora are so full of qabil and hatred like even seen in this post how could you expect from the people in SL to stop tribalism. I mean you are the first person who answers the question focusing on the important things. Others just focus on provocations and the "you don't get ictiraaf' shit .....
Masha Allah that's what i wanted someone who comes with a clear open mind and gives solutions instead of hatred based standard phrases ...... i agree with you 100 procent but brother a question: if the kids raised in the diaspora are so full of qabil and hatred like even seen in this post how could you expect from the people in SL to stop tribalism. I mean you are the first person who answers the question focusing on the important things. Others just focus on provocations and the "you don't get ictiraaf' shit .....
Qabyalad is present in somaliland, however somalispot intensifies qabyalaad due to anonymity.

Qabyalad permeates the somali culture, we cannot deny that.It is only negative in times of turmoil. HY qabyalad pops up when a political struggle occured, massacres within the Las Canood vicinity happened due to the power struggle

. The problem is Qabil is used to flame fitnah between two people. If the somaliland government focused on economic survival there would be enough to go around and the people wouldn't fight as much.

This forces people to come to the cities for a chance to make millions. This inturn blurs the lines between qabils.Qabyalaad can be reduced through wealth,polical representation and youth indoctrination.

60-70% of the Diaspora wont benefit any part of somaliweyn so there views shouldnt be cared for.
Qabyalad is present in somaliland, however somalispot intensifies qabyalaad due to anonymity.

Qabyalad permeates the somali culture, we cannot deny that.It is only negative in times of turmoil. HY qabyalad pops up when a political struggle occured, massacres within the Las Canood vicinity happened due to the power struggle

. The problem is Qabil is used to flame fitnah between two people. If the somaliland government focused on economic survival there would be enough to go around and the people wouldn't fight as much.

This forces people to come to the cities for a chance to make millions. This inturn blurs the lines between qabils.Qabyalaad can be reduced through wealth,polical representation and youth indoctrination.

60-70% of the Diaspora wont benefit any part of somaliweyn so there views shouldnt be cared for.

What i ask myself is where do this people have the energy from to play in an anonym forum the warrior of their holy clan....

I agree i think another big Problem in somaliland is that our qabyalist clan elders have to many influence and the old bunch of politicans use Qabyalid for their intentions they are all like a Mafia and nobody can change their power structure.

As for the diaspora wallahi many of them are useless hypocrites who want a good life in the western world for themselves and their families but will support every rebel movement with financial aid to let muslim somali sons of other families die ....

As for somaliwayn wallahi i think this is today just propoganda and most somalis don't believe in it, although some are sincere about and i hope you are on of them.
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