***Somalis Are Arabs And Arabs Were Kushites Proof***

Adnan is within J1-FGC12. Qathan being much older and more ancient is difficult to tell. The bulk of the Arabs always lived in Yemen and Hejaz. Hejaz literally served as an alleyway that connected Yemen with the Fertile Crescent. The centre part known as Najd was only recently populated due to the discovery of oil.



Cushite Arab
Adnan is within J1-FGC12. Qathan being much older and more ancient is difficult to tell. The bulk of the Arabs always lived in Yemen and Hejaz. Hejaz literally served as an alleyway that connected Yemen with the Fertile Crescent. The centre part known as Najd was only recently populated due to the discovery of oil.

View attachment 289863
I already explained and debunked this, the fact you still believe J hg is real just shows you never read the whole thing, have a read and come back, delete your post then let me see what you think, I ask you to do this respectfully.

Btw here is an ancient map according to the bible, Ibrahim was son of Cush, Sabteca and Havila are also in Africa, according to the Greeks a catastrophe happened causing a migration to Easst Africa, this all adds up


Cushite Arab
There are many texts, and these are texts that talk about the migrations of pre-Christian Arabs to the other side of the Red Sea, and specifically Egypt, Sudan and East Africa. These texts talk about branches of E-M78, specifically branches #V22 and from #V12 , branch #Cts693 , branch #V32 .

This was the expansion of the Hawiye and Gugundhabe tribes, which is why they all seperate at 2600 years, this is the exact period Adnan was born, 600 bc


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Cushite Arab
A member of the Banu Abu Lahab who matched us on the V32 mutation

Keep in mind they are among the purest Arabs because there is a tabboo for marrying them, many of them are dark skin and wallahi they look Somali, I saw one and thought he was Darood, no surprise they are matching us



Cushite Arab
According to family tree we are the real Arabs from Ibrahim AS 😏

Puntite hoteps keep hotepping

It is impossible we are Puntites when the ancient Egyptians were of completely different sub clades for all their pharaohs



Amaan Duule
Many of the Sahaba such as Abdullah ibn Mas'ud (ra) were described as being very dark-skinned despite being fully Arab.


Cushite Arab
Many of the Sahaba such as Abdullah ibn Mas'ud (ra) were described as being very dark-skinned despite being fully Arab.
Akhi they were all dark skinned, read the description of the 10 children of Abdul Mutalib, all were described as not even brown or dark but BLACK, the Arabs called themselves green which means a very dark color, and so what if the Prophet SAW if he was light skinned? Wallahi there are so many anomalies among Somalis, in 1 family you'll find 10 skin tones, remember the turks were racist to the Prophet SAW's family because of their dark skin,


Cushite Arab
Professor Fajri, Al-Qushairi campaign tied V65 & V12, and that they are the Arab Islamic armies that suppressed the Moroccan revolution. The text is clear with a conclusive study of the scholars. Who brought down not me, nor Dr. Muhammad, nor Professor Otohikal.
Puntite hoteps keep believing j haplogroup is Arab when all the top historians and genetic companies agree it's V12


Cushite Arab
Isdaji now we all know who actually civilized the ummah not the backward daughter killing nomads it was the Persians and non arabs who were civilized
Persians and Non Arabs are civilized and that's exactly why Allah replaced us, in the Ummayad and Abbasid caliphates we were tribalists who massacred each other based on clans and probably continued our nomadic warfare and rabshad so Allah brought these more civilized Indo Europeans, it's mentioned in the Quran Allah will always replace the bad people, we are survivors


Cushite Arab
Ummayad was run by Arabs under the Unmayada themselves who were close relatives of Uthman RA
The early Arab conquerors were Cushitic, I already proved this, the Arabs were crazy tribalists who would always run to the front lines to die for their tribe, today they are docile pale skinned people who can easily be colonized
Where can you find this type of crazy tribalism and lust for war? Only Somalia, every Somali has war in his DNA, todays carabs are fake

It says it in the Arab documents of history and the descriptions from Persians, Greeks and other people who met them during the conquest idk how you're still rambling like this
The early Arab conquerors were Cushitic, I already proved this, the Arabs were crazy tribalists who would always run to the front lines to die for their tribe, today they are docile pale skinned people who can easily be colonized
Where can you find this type of crazy tribalism and lust for war? Only Somalia, every Somali has war in his DNA, todays carabs are fake
Haye Haye 🤣


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
khaleejis are pure Arabs and the only pure Arabs today,Arabs have their own unique look different from Iranians

Thick eye lashes,hump noses,thick lips (Arab)

Iranians look like darker Turks


Cushite Arab
khaleejis are pure Arabs and the only pure Arabs today,Arabs have their own unique look different from Iranians View attachment 289899
Thick eye lashes,hump noses,thick lips (Arab)
View attachment 289900
Iranians look like darker Turks
Yes, the Arabs of today are from the Zagros mountains, they originated from that region and mingled with native Cushites, and Khaleejis aren't Pure Arabs there's evidence showing there part of the IE expansion, hadith already show the Arabs would be replaced
Also how are they pure Arabs when Arabs themselves admit the pure Arabs were black skinned people with curly hair 😂😂😂😂😂


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