***Somalis Are Arabs And Arabs Were Kushites Proof***

Create the most ridiculous hotep thread about Arabs and Somalis on a Somali forum, so you can eventually link back the same thread on your Twitter account as proof of Somali hotepry. Then use the same aforementioned thread to dismiss any actual historical facts about Somali history each time your ajanabi ass is in hot waters when it comes to citing sources.


You didn’t even change your typing pattern, amateur.


Cushite Arab
Create the most ridiculous hotep thread about Arabs and Somalis on a Somali forum, so you can eventually link back the same thread on your Twitter account as proof of Somali hotepry. Then use the same aforementioned thread to dismiss any actual historical facts about Somali history each time your ajanabi ass is in hot waters when it comes to citing sources.

You didn’t even change your typing pattern, amateur.
Hotep thread? This is backed by genetics, top Arab historians and top genetic companies who picked our haplogroup out of all
Secondly I'm not trying to dismiss any Somali history, we married into the native Puntites, but we are not paternally descended from them as I previously evidenced, I'm not trying to hide anything idek what twitter account you're talking about
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Cushite Arab
Somali women have more pride than b!tch made niggas like you.
According to top genetic companies E-V32 was the haplogroup of Akkadians who Ibrahim AS was from plus we matched with other Qurayshis under the same sub sub clade from all Hashemite sub clans, original Arabs were dark Cushites who got replaced by Persians and Indo Europeans

he Arabs of the past also used the word green to mean black. El-Fadl ibn El-Abbas ibn ‘Utba El-Lahabi said:

وأَنا الأَخْضَرُ، من يَعْرِفُنـي؟ أَخْضَرُ الـجِلْدَةِ فـي بـيتِ العَرَبْ
I am the green one. Who knows me? My skin is green. I am from the family of the Arabs.
Bronze is a copper alloy (combination of copper and tin) and when exposed to air and moisture, it will develop a greenish layer of build-up on its dark brown surface. Hence the association of green with dark-brown skin.

Ibn Mandhor, the author of Lisan El-Arab says this about the verse:

يقول: أَنا خالص لأَن أَلوان العرب السمرة
“He says that he is a pure Arab because the color of the Arabs is brown (dark).”
In Lisan El-Arab, Ibn Mandhor also quotes the author of El-Tahdhib, Saad El-Din Masud ibn Umar El-Taftaazaani (1312-1389 A.D.) as saying the following about the verse:

فـي هذا البـيت قولان: أَحدهما أَنه أَراد أَسود الـجلدة؛ قال: قاله أَبو طالب النـحوي، وقـيل: أَراد أَنه من خالص العرب وصميمهم لأَن الغالب علـى أَلوان العرب الأُدْمَةُ،
“There are two sayings about this verse. One is that he meant that he had black skin. This is what Abu Talib El-Nahwi said. It is also said that he meant that he is a pure unmixed Arab because most Arabs are black-skinned.”
Abdella ibn Berry (1106-1187 A.D.), the “King of the Grammarians” as he was called, said the following about the verse:

قال ابن بري: نسب الـجوهري هذا البـيت للهبـي، وهو الفضل بن العباس بن عُتْبَةَ بن أَبـي لَهَبٍ، وأَراد بالـخضرة سمرة لونه، وإِنما يريد بذلك خـلوص نسبه وأَنه عربـي مـحض، لأَن العرب تصف أَلوانها بالسواد وتصف أَلوان العجم بالـحمرة. وفـي الـحديث: بُعثت إِلـى الأَحمر والأَسود؛ وهذا الـمعنى بعينه هو الذي أَراده مسكين الدارمي فـي قوله أَنا مسكِينٌ لـمن يَعْرِفُنـي، لَوْنِـي السُّمْرَةُ أَلوانُ العَرَبْ
“El-Jawhari attributed this verse to El-Lahabi and he is El-Fadl ibn El-Abbas ibn ‘Utba ibn Abi Lahab and he meant by green the brownness (darkness) of his complexion and he meant by that the purity of his genealogy and that he was an unmixed Arab because the Arabs describe their color as black and they describe the color of the non-Arabs as red. Like the hadith says, ‘I was sent to the red and the black. And this is exactly what Miskeen El-Darimi meant when he said: ‘I am Miskeen, for those who know me. My color is brown (dark), the color of the Arabs’”.


Cushite Arab
“increasing intermarriage (between Arabs and non-Arabs) served to submerge the original distinctions, and increasing numbers of the conquered, having adopted the religion and language of the conquerors, took to assuming the identity as if Arabs themselves” (Segal 2001:22)

“In one important way … (the second caliph) Omar was unable to prevent the Moslems from mingling with the subject peoples … Since they were forbidden to own land, they used their wealth (from booty) chiefly to buy women … All the children born of these unions – and there were many thousands of them – called themselves Arabs, in order to identify with the ruling class. When they grew up and married, their offspring in turn called themselves Arabs. Thus it came about that the people of the Moslem world, many of them without a drop of Arab blood in their veins, became known as Arabs.”Such ‘conversion to Arabism’ is illustrated by the words of the Iranian poet Bashshar b. Barb (d. 783-4), who responded to the caliph al-Mahdi’s question, “Of whom do you reckon yourself, Bashshar”: “As for my language and dress, they are Arab; but as for my origin, it is non-Arab (ajam.)”” (Suskind 1972:37)


Cushite Arab
They insulted the Rasuul SAW's family for their dark skin, this was after centuries of mixing

Ninth century poet Abu Al-Hasan Ali ibn Al-Abbas ibn Jurayj, known as Ibn Al-Rumi, wrote a long poem to the Abbasids blaming them for the way that they treated the family of the Prophet Mohamed (SAWS). It should be understood that at that time, the Abbasids had become very mixed with the Romans, Greeks, and Persians. Here is part of what Ibn Al-Rumi said in his famous poem called Al-Jeemia:

You insulted them (the family of the Prophet Mohamed) because of their blackness while there are still pure-blooded black-skinned Arabs. However, you are blue (eyed) – the Romans have embellished your faces with their color.”


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Umar ibn al khattab r.a said:
"إنّما جاءتني الأدمة من قِبل أخوالي وهم بنو مخزوم"

Meaning that his dark skin came from his maternal side Banu makhzum

Btw arabs are naturally dark skinned it's not that uncommon either.
I know they can be very dark, Ali ra and Zayd ra were described as very dark brown.
We all know that and anyone denying it is in denial. I mean look at my profile photo.


Cushite Arab
“When the Arabs said that a man or a woman was white, they meant that the person had a faultless honor…they didn’t mean white skin. What they meant by this was to praise the person for his/her generosity and faultless honor. When they said that a man or woman had a white face, they meant that the person had a complexion free of blemishes and free of an unattractive blackness.”

Bertram Thomas, historian and former Prime Minister of Muscat and Oman, reported in his work ‘The Arabs’:

“The original inhabitants of Arabia…were not the familiar Arabs of our time but a very much darker people. A proto-negroid belt of mankind stretched across the ancient world from Africa to Malaya. This belt…(gave) rise to the Hamitic peoples of Africa, to the Dravidian peoples of India, and to an intermediate dark people inhabiting the Arabian peninsula. In the course of time two big migrations of fair-skinned peoples came from the north…to break through and transform the dark belt of man beyond India (and) to drive a wedge between India and Africa…The more virile invaders overcame the dark-skinned peoples, absorbing most of them, driving others southwards…The cultural condition of the newcomers is unknown. It is unlikely that they were more than wild hordes of adventurous hunters.”


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Had she just read the thread she would realize this and that they were pure Cushites lakiin Somali females are too hard headed subxanallah

@Qeelbax read this and my first posts then come back, open your mind instead of rambling
View attachment 289916
What kind of source is this? “Prophets father was a jet black arab, so too were his uncles”?
Why are only the men dark? Sounds like a Black male fantasy.


Amaan Duule
Both his parents were documented to be slaves, they called him Ibn Umm Abd (son of the mother of a slave).

Have some shame
Yes they were slaves, but they were still Arabs. The Arabs used to enslave each other all the time during the Jahiliyah, remember the case of Zaid ibn Harithah? As for Abdullah ibn Masud, his parents came from the Banu Hudheil tribe specifically.


Cushite Arab
Slave girls were favored as concubines, and certain of the wives of ʿAbbasid caliphs who gave birth to princes and future caliphs, being of the status of omm walad, are mentioned as being Iranian, e.g., Marājel, the concubine of Hārūn-al-Rašīd, said to be from Bāḏḡīs in northwestern Afghanistan, and the mother of the future caliph al-Maʾmūn, born in 170/787, and also Māreda, born in Kūfa but of Sogdian stock, slave of Hārūn al-Rašīd, who bore him the future caliph al-Moʿtaṣem, born in 179/795 or 180/796.


In early Islamic times, parts of [Arab-ruled] Iran itself remained unislamized, and these infidel regions could be raided for slaves. This was the case with Daylam in northwestern Iran up to the time of the appearance there of the ʿAlid dāʿī Ḥasan b. Zayd b. Moḥammad (second half of the 3rd/9th century); while slaves were captured from the mountainous region of Ḡūr in central Afghanistan, a pagan enclave there till the early Ghaznavid period.
Slaves came into the Iranian world as captives of war from the Arab campaigns in the Caucasus against the Ḵazars and from the campaigns in central Asia against the local Iranian peoples and the Turks of the steppes beyond, from the end of the lst/7th century onward. Thus Naršaḵī mentions how in 87/706 the Arab governor Qotayba b. Moslem slew all the males in the town of Baykand in Sogdia and enslaved all the women and children.

J1 P58


Everything unuka leh
I know they can be very dark, Ali ra and Zayd ra were described as very dark brown.
We all know that and anyone denying it is in denial. I mean look at my profile photo.
I thought you were disagreeing with @Cush When he said many of the sahaba رضي الله عنهم were dark skinned
But if you already know that's great

Who's that guy on your pfp? He looks like my sudani neighbour


East Africa UNUKA LEH
“When the Arabs said that a man or a woman was white, they meant that the person had a faultless honor…they didn’t mean white skin. What they meant by this was to praise the person for his/her generosity and faultless honor. When they said that a man or woman had a white face, they meant that the person had a complexion free of blemishes and free of an unattractive blackness.”

Bertram Thomas, historian and former Prime Minister of Muscat and Oman, reported in his work ‘The Arabs’:
Arabs did refer to people as white, they made a distinction between persians/levantines (white skin) and black Africans (black skin) and believed they were in the middle, they still believe that in modern times.


Cushite Arab
What kind of source is this? “Prophets father was a jet black arab, so too were his uncles”?
Why are only the men dark? Sounds like a Black male fantasy.
Wtf are you talking about? This description was solely about the family of the prophet SAW why would we need women? I'm done with you stop xaaring on the thread if you won't bother learning anything from anyone else or reading anything, you came in here acting like a know it all


Cushite Arab
Arabs did refer to people as white, they made a distinction between persians/levantines (white skin) and black Africans (black skin) and believed they were in the middle, they still believe that in modern times.
No they called white people red skinned and black people were usually called xabash, Arabs called themselves green which means very dark skinned


Cushite Arab
The majority of Arabs back then were dark skinned Cushites, according to historical sources the booty of the war was used chiefly to buy women from the Caucasus and Persia, and of course this caused them to become lighter (the Rasuul SAW's family literally faced racism) and also the male slaves adopted the tribes to have an identity causing an influx of the J haplogroup dominance in the region


Cushite Arab
(Regarding) [t]he origin of the Arab race…

the first certain fact on which to base our investigations is the ancient and undoubted division of the Arab race into two branches, the ‘Arab’ or pure; and the ‘Mostareb’ or adscititions…

A second fact is, that everything in pro-Islamitic literature and record…concurs in representing the first settlement of the ‘pure’ Arabs as made on the extreme south-western point of the peninsula, near Aden, and then spreading northward and eastward…

A third is the name Himyar, or ‘dusky’…a circumstance pointing, like the former, to African origin.

A fourth is the Himyaritic language…(The preserved words) are African in character, often in identity. Indeed, the dialect commonly used along the south-eastern coast hardly differs from that used by the (Somali) Africans on the opposite shore…

Fifthly, it is remarkable that where the grammar of the Arabic, now spoken by the ‘pure’ Arabs, differs from that of the north, it approaches to or coincides with the Abyssinian…

Sixthly, the pre-Islamitic institutions of Yemen and its allied provinces-its monarchies, courts, armies, and serfs-bear a marked resemblance to the historical Africao-Egyptian type, even to modern Abyssinian.

Seventhly, the physical conformation of the pure-blooded Arab inhabitants of Yemen, Hadramaut, Oman, and the adjoining districts-the shape and size of head, the slenderness of the lower limbs, the comparative scantiness of hair, and other particulars-point in an African rather than an Asiatic direction.

Eighthly, the general habits of the people,-given to sedentary rather than nomad occupations, fond of village life, of society, of dance and music; good cultivators of the soil, tolerable traders, moderate artisans, but averse to pastoral pursuits-have much more in common with those of the inhabitants of the African than with those of the western Asiatic continent.

Lastly, the extreme facility of marriage which exists in all classes of the southern Arabs with the African races; the fecundity of such unions; and the slightness or even absence of any caste feeling between the dusky ‘pure’ Arab and the still darker native of modern Africa…may be regarded as pointing in the direction of a community of origin.”
(The Encyclopedia Britanica [9th Edition; 1:245-46 s.v. Arabia)


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Wtf are you talking about? This description was solely about the family of the prophet SAW why would we need women? I'm done with you stop xaaring on the thread if you won't bother learning anything from anyone else or reading anything, you came in here acting like a know it all
Because nothing your quoting is reliable. The part I brought up wasn’t even mentioned in the quote, it’s just something the author said without any backing, reliable or not.
There are reliable descriptions of what women around the Prophet looked like and what their backgrounds were, so why only mention his uncles being “black”? The title of the section is “Paternal Blackness”, who’s the author because it’s seriously giving black male fantasy.


Cushite Arab
Because nothing your quoting is reliable. The part I brought up wasn’t even mentioned in the quote, it’s just something the author said without any backing, reliable or not.
There are reliable descriptions of what women around the Prophet looked like and what their backgrounds were, so why only mention his uncles being “black”? The title of the section is “Paternal Blackness”, who’s the author because it’s seriously giving black male fantasy.
Fear Allah why are you speaking about homosexuality and all these degenrate things? This was written by a famous Islamic historian Ibn Jawal, I even sent you poetry of the old Arabs speaking about their black skin tone and how they were proud of it, these are reliable sources, the Prophet SAW married multiple women of different back grounds also the first post shows Arab sources from Arab historians detailing how the first conquests were done by the Cushite dark skinned Arabs

The Andalusians and North African conquerors were all E-M78, the Hashemites in Morroco are E-M78 the Asharafs of Makkah are E-V32 waliba E-Y18629, these are all Cushitic sub clades


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