Somalis are black end of discussion

Somalis are black plz don’t try to claim Arab or Caucasian race 😂 this is embarrassing.
Look at the mirror and tell me you look Arabs but it’s true we have some middle eastern in our dna but the bulk majority is native East African black. Am not an arab nor black Caucasian plz let’s stop these self hate and embrace our blackness.

Fobnimo Till I Dhimo

كَمَا دَخَلُوهُ أَوَّلَ مَرَّةٍۢ🕌☝🏾
milk cow GIF


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
But on a serious not.
Tbh I don't really like the idea of separatating humanity into black white yellow, i see it as just a relics of European colonial mindset.
Our ancestors didn't give two shits about Nigerians, probably didn't even know they existed, yet somehow we are the same people? Bullshit
I prefer to divide the world into cultural zones based on language & genetics.

If someone asked who I am, I just say somali. So I identify with people who are close to somalis aka the Horn of Africa. Its not that hard.

We are a proud people, so why are we so desperate to fit into these Western-made racial groups?

"Uhh BuT aCtuALly oUR SkIN IS bLaCK sO wE aRE aPaRT oF tHE Black RAcE" nigga I know I got lots of melanin, that doesn't mean I have anything in common with some random dude in the Congo, it doesn't take much to realise people of the same colour can be distinct because humanity is fucking diverse.


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
Can we focus on our Somaliness instead of race which is a social construct made by cadaans.
Forget the Jews.
Those Cadaans have infected every population with their psuedo race science its actually amazing.

Inshallah you will have Chinese kids in 2100 talking about which abdi their BingChilling clan descends from


Roots in Somaliland + Somali Region ✝️
Forget the Jews.
Those Cadaans have infected every population with their psuedo race science its actually amazing.

Inshallah you will have Chinese kids in 2100 talking about which abdi their BingChilling clan descends from
I identify as somali only. Why identify with a man made construct that reduces my great people who had sultanates( e.g Awdal Sultanate )and painted laas geel to their skin colour?