Somalis are black end of discussion

Internet Nomad


@Warrior3000 Walal i have nothing you against please dont qashin my post i am only making these memes because this thread topic became a meme atp.

Internet Nomad

So, to add my two cents in, yeah, we are black in a global sense, whether we like it or not, and non-Somalis will regard us as such.
But, we Somalis should not use that title since it is meaningless to us.
Unlike AA, who have been expelled from their African culture, all they have to bond with one another is their blackness.
We Somalis are gifted with a strong sense of identity, thus we should identify ourselves as Muslim and Somali.


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
So, to add my two cents in, yeah, we are black in a global sense, whether we like it or not, and non-Somalis will regard us as such.
But, we Somalis should not use that title since it is meaningless to us.
Unlike AA, who have been expelled from their African culture, all they have to bond with one another is their blackness.
We Somalis are gifted with a strong sense of identity, thus we should identify ourselves as Muslim and Somali.
Facts, I'm only black because western society classifies me as such according to them.
But I am still simply a somali and Muslim, I don't need to cling onto western pseudo race science because I know we are a distinct and proud people.
Somalis are black plz don’t try to claim Arab or Caucasian race 😂 this is embarrassing.
Look at the mirror and tell me you look Arabs but it’s true we have some middle eastern in our dna but the bulk majority is native East African black. Am not an arab nor black Caucasian plz let’s stop these self hate and embrace our blackness.
Do you know arab ain’t technically a “race “
If Somalis was Arab
They would be “black” Arabs
So Arabs are either black or white .

Simple Somalis are darkskin people = black however they’re different type of blacks
The same way of European like white Italian is different to white saudi or Syrian Arab


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
The thing is a Middle Easterners clusters closer to a European than a Somali does from many other African groups. There really is no equivalence.

Black just means dark skinned originally of African origin. Not much else. Not ethnicity

Well I just think they would laugh if you said you’re not black, it’s a strange statement to many people
I didn't say I wasn't black.
If you checked my earlier post, I stated that I am only black according to the western made concept of race.
However, i will not base my identity on the "Black Race" since I think its a stupid made up thing.
I live in the west so I have to abide by its social constructs including its classifications of race.
But hopefully when I made my money and got my education I will return to the homeland and I wouldn't have to deal with this petty shit.