Somalis are not sub-saharan African

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Majority of Hawiye look like average Somalis whether you like it or not, and your video does not prove anything. You claim to be 1/4 Yemeni, call people from Niger-Congo sub-human and ugly when you look like a wholeBantu. Ceeb xishood waryaa.
Stop rambling naaya. Did u listen to the song? If so how was it? :gaasdrink:

Give the video a thumbs up to support your Niger-Congo h.utus. :mjlol:
Olive skin is still white. Most Moroccans, Egyptians etc look similar to Italians and Spaniards. There are some who are dark skinned though, but the majority are olive skinned. White is not just blonde and blue eyed.
They're delusional lmao. Most North Africans are pale/white skinned.


East African pastoralist. Cushite. Samaale.

This man here has no African DNA, not even 1%. He is from the Andaman islands. Is he black?

Ocean Madow

This man here has no African DNA, not even 1%. He is from the Andaman islands. Is he black?
Yes he is. People of the Andaman Islands are literally descendents of some of the first people out of Africa. They are called NEGRITOS.


Seeker of knowledge and truth
Olive skin is still white. Most Moroccans, Egyptians etc look similar to Italians and Spaniards. There are some who are dark skinned though, but the majority are olive skinned. White is not just blonde and blue eyed.
Spaniards and Italian just recently maybe the last 50 years became “white” hence the derogatory terms to describe them wops,guineas ect is George Zimmerman white? you need to study the history of race relations and dynamics to understand the white mans tricks


Yes he is. People of the Andaman Islands are literally descendents of some of the first people out of Africa. They are called NEGRITOS.


What about southern Indians? Are they black?


Are Aboriginals black too?


I'm sorry but skin colour does not determine your race. :draketf:
At the end of the day, we Cushitic people are way more related to Berbers than we are with Negroids. These are simple facts.
At the end of the day they still see us as and are selling us into slavery along with West African “negroids” at this current moment.


At the end of the day they still see us as ******s and are selling us into slavery along with West African “negroids” at this current moment.

1. Nobody cares how white people view us. Stop caring about other people's irrelevant opinions because that just shows your lack of self-esteem.

2. What's going in Libya is not slavery. If you have money, they'll let you pass Europe and if you don't, they'll kill you and rob your organs. The whipping and recording part is for your country or family to pay money, I know how these organizations work.
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What about southern Indians? Are they black?


Are Aboriginals black too?


I'm sorry but skin colour does not determine your race. :draketf:
Southern Indians are not black.
With Aboriginals, its difficult. They fall under a subgroup of the negroid race and they actually consider themselves to be black.
The general consensus is that black = somebody from subsaharan Africa with dark skin. Somalis fall into that category. Identifying as black doesnt take away from identifying as Somali. The whole world sees you as black regardless of what you id as anyway.


Seeker of knowledge and truth
At the end of the day they still see us as ******s and are selling us into slavery along with West African “negroids” at this current moment.
People like you make their job easier when you accept the way they see you Asians fought hard against this they used to be called the yellow man do you fuckin hear whites using that term anymore Asian people fought hard politically and made the term look racist because they respect themselves and their cultures don’t allow yourself to fall under the “black” category African is acceptable funny thing is though that blue eyed blonde hair Berber is African too:chrisfreshhah:


Southern Indians are not black.
With Aboriginals, its difficult. They fall under a subgroup of the negroid race and they actually consider themselves to be black.
The general consensus is that black = somebody from subsaharan Africa with dark skin. Somalis fall into that category. Identifying as black doesnt take away from identifying as Somali. The whole world sees you as black regardless of what you id as anyway.

Southern Indians are dark skin though and some of them are darker than Somalis. You're contradicting yourself and Aboriginals do not view themselves as black. Go to Australia lmao, it doesn't work like that. The black term is only used in the west and we should not follow it. Stop taking names on what people call you.

Did you not read my previous comment on the origin of black identity?

Abaayo, we are not black. We have AA's telling west Africans you don't share the same history meaning the black term was exclusive to slavery and you as a member of a Somali community should be ashamed if you try to label yourself as a slave because historically Somalis were never enslaved.

The black word is a racist terminology created by the Europeans to describe the west African slaves who live in the present-day American continent and Caribbean islands. They forget their identity, origins and had a similar struggle so they united based on skin colour.

So that thread you made was ridiculous and hopefully, you understand what I am trying to tell you.
Southern Indians are dark skin though and some of them are darker than Somalis. You're contradicting yourself and Aboriginals do not view themselves as black. Go to Australia lmao, it doesn't work like that. The black term is only used in the west and we should not follow it. Stop taking names on what people call you.

Did you not read my previous comment on the origin of black identity?
Like I said, Subsaharan with dark skin = black. Also certain features are associated with blackness but are not a requirement. Most Southern Indians are NOT as dark as Somalis btw.
And lol they do consider themselves as black. They literally use the term “black lives matter” to refer to Aboriginals and view themselves as black.
I live in the West so yes I adopt a westernised view of race. I am Somali ethnically and black racially. So are you whether you like it or not. That might not matter to you on a personal basis but your race, or what other people racialise you as has many impacts on your life. Just look at Somalis in the West. We face similar problems as other blacks in the West.


Like I said, Subsaharan with dark skin = black. Also certain features are associated with blackness but are not a requirement. Most Southern Indians are NOT as dark as Somalis btw.
And lol they do consider themselves as black. They literally use the term “black lives matter” to refer to Aboriginals and view themselves as black.
I live in the West so yes I adopt a westernizes view of race. I am Somali ethnically and black racially. So are you whether you like it or not.

We are not black whether you like it or not. Somalis should not use that label due to political correctness and historical reasons.

No, anyone with dark skin = black but in reality the black term is used for history.

Even this African American brother denies a west African being black because they don't share the history of black term. Fix up naaya! The way you accept how other people call you just shows how much of a self-hater you are. Anyways, check this thread out and watch the video.



Seeker of knowledge and truth

Are these two men the same they used to both be called “Yellow” now Whites seperate them they won’t know the exact country but they know they’re not all the same race because that common word yellow has been erased why should you accept being called “Black” and being lumped together like garbage Asians waa dad gob ah oo caqli badan wallahi
I am not black whether you like it or not. Somalis should not use that label due to political correctness and historical reasons.

No, anyone with dark skin = black but in reality the black term is used for history.

Even this African American brother denies a west African being black because they don't share the history of black term. Fix up naaya! The way you accept how other people call you just shows how much of a self-hater you are. Anyways, check this thread out and watch the video.

Lol we are not even Black when it comes to skin tone. We are actually medium to dark brown. :chrisfreshhah:


Like I said, Subsaharan with dark skin = black. Also certain features are associated with blackness but are not a requirement. Most Southern Indians are NOT as dark as Somalis btw.
And lol they do consider themselves as black. They literally use the term “black lives matter” to refer to Aboriginals and view themselves as black.
I live in the West so yes I adopt a westernised view of race. I am Somali ethnically and black racially. So are you whether you like it or not. That might not matter to you on a personal basis but your race, or what other people racialise you as has many impacts on your life. Just look at Somalis in the West. We face similar problems as other blacks in the West.
Fucking we Somalis don’t accept you neither do black people. We all hate you.


Seeker of knowledge and truth
Southern Indians are not black.
With Aboriginals, its difficult. They fall under a subgroup of the negroid race and they actually consider themselves to be black.
The general consensus is that black = somebody from subsaharan Africa with dark skin. Somalis fall into that category. Identifying as black doesnt take away from identifying as Somali. The whole world sees you as black regardless of what you id as anyway.
Your so extremely dumb wallahi why is it socially taboo and racist to call Asian yellow and Native American red and you still identify as Black just because the White man said so :camby:
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