Somalis are not sub-saharan African

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You're right. They weren't Nilotes but something similar (proto Nilotes acc to some on here). These ancestors are extinct.
Nilotes have also changed a lot over time and mixed in with other people. You can't really compare a modern population with an ancient extinct one.


Haplogroups are ancient, proto Nilotes would have had the same signature DNA markers that are currently not found in any Somali populations above noise level. Same goes for Cushites generally.


OMG this is so embarrassing

I’m actually embarrassed to be Somali right now after reading this

“We wuz Caucasian because of our big brain”

God I hope an cadan person never sees this thread.

@Steamdevolopment @Emily


Seeker of knowledge and truth
OMG this is so embarrassing

I’m actually embarrassed to be Somali right now after reading this

“We wuz Caucasian because of our big brain”
View attachment 54983

God I hope an cadan person never sees this thread.

@Steamdevolopment @Emily
Negros all over the web take in our site all the time they all have a negative opinion of us now especially on the net and the feelings are mutual thanks to brave Cush warriors like me and @Kudhufo Kadhaqaq @Factz @World that have slayed countless mindless BLM rats/s like you it burns doesn’t it:trumpsmirk:

Genghis Khan

Abgaal Hiraab Hawiyeh Samaale
She's calling me a Bantu when she literally belongs to a qabil who are known to be on average partially Bantu genetically:drakelaugh:

Lmao she owned you fat f*ck bantu looking piece of shit,she gave facts you are speaking nonsense lmao her qabil has lineage to somalis and its the biggest of all samales pure cushites,one thing about cushites is we dont brag about colour between us only lineage but you arab raped mutts from yemen still hold on to the arab who raped your ancesters and you are confused not being able to relate to any part,not arab enough not cushite enough what a sad story and any consolation you will have talking anywhere is talking about colour of the skin as if cushites are pale people lmao,dont go about yourself cushites we are proud of our features NOT colour of the skin you mutt from yemen go help your big nosed relatives from arabia getting fucked left and right what a muppet,her qabiil is landere samale while yours has lineage to fucking arab semites lmao go help your brother in yemen getting fucked by big nose saudi


Study Sunt Tzu’s, ‘Art of War’.
We are geographically sub saharan african. Genetically tho we’re Eb1b which is not sub saharan african. Also, we are culturally distinct from BOTH bantus and arabs. We are east african cushites and thats it.
The term was introduced after it became politically incorrect to use the term Negroes or Negroid. Politically and racially, it is a nonsensical term because many black Africans live in the Sahara and countries like Mali and several others have populations living below the Sahara and in the Sahara. Overall, I think it is a dumb term.


Seeker of knowledge and truth
The term was introduced after it became politically incorrect to use the term Negroes or Negroid. Politically and racially, it is a nonsensical term because many black Africans live in the Sahara and countries like Mali and several others have populations living below the Sahara and in the Sahara. Overall, I think it is a dumb term.
The black term?


East African pastoralist. Cushite. Samaale.
We are geographically sub saharan african. Genetically tho we’re Eb1b which is not sub saharan african. Also, we are culturally distinct from BOTH bantus and arabs. We are east african cushites and thats it.

How many times does this needed to be repeated. Haplogroups do not determine ancestry.
Lmao she owned you fat f*ck bantu looking piece of shit,she gave facts you are speaking nonsense lmao her qabil has lineage to somalis and its the biggest of all samales pure cushites,one thing about cushites is we dont brag about colour between us only lineage but you arab raped mutts from yemen still hold on to the arab who raped your ancesters and you are confused not being able to relate to any part,not arab enough not cushite enough what a sad story and any consolation you will have talking anywhere is talking about colour of the skin as if cushites are pale people lmao,dont go about yourself cushites we are proud of our features NOT colour of the skin you mutt from yemen go help your big nosed relatives from arabia getting fucked left and right what a muppet,her qabiil is landere samale while yours has lineage to fucking arab semites lmao go help your brother in yemen getting fucked by big nose saudi
And here comes the Abgaal Madow to come and save his kween while he has his cape on :superman:

U Abgaals are literally more mixed with adoons than any other Hawiye sub clan :mjlol:

f*ck outta here khaniiska ku dhalay waas:drakelaugh:


Study Sunt Tzu’s, ‘Art of War’.
How many times does this needed to be repeated. Haplogroups do not determine ancestry.
Still tho somalis are linguistically and culturally distinct from bantus. Yes we are sub saharan native africans (no doubt) but we dont have relations with negroes, niger congos, and other people groups south of somalia. North Africans dont have that much of a connection with us as well. We are unique to the african continent.
Still tho somalis are linguistically and culturally distinct from bantus. Yes we are sub saharan native africans (no doubt) but we dont have relations with negroes, niger congos, and other people groups south of somalia. North Africans dont have that much of a connection with us as well. We are unique to the african continent.

Given that you would think that somalis would stay away from the countries in the south that you describe....but that doesn't seem to be the case. I agree i think you guys are more arab/bengali/madrassi types culturally and physically but the country geographically is sub-saharan....which should not be used to group you with the rest of africa in any way shape or form.
When i think africa i don't think somalis.


Study Sunt Tzu’s, ‘Art of War’.
Given that you would think that somalis would stay away from the countries in the south that you describe....but that doesn't seem to be the case. I agree i think you guys are more arab/bengali/madrassi types culturally and physically but the country geographically is sub-saharan....which should not be used to group you with the rest of africa in any way shape or form.
When i think africa i don't think somalis.
Of course. Geographically sub saharan is the word. Negroe- Congolese have no relation with the typical somali.
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