somalis are pretty racist...

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I wonder why we are so racist. It makes sense that hitler has the e1b1b haplogroup. I kid. However, what is the underlying reason for such distaste towards other races.


Your superior
that is an out right lie. Somalis are not racist, we adopted foreign culture ( from the middle east), somali dumar are famous for marrying reverts, Somalis are full of BLM movement.

Somalis are not racist
that is an out right lie. Somalis are not racist, we adopted foreign culture ( from the middle east), somali dumar are famous for marrying reverts, Somalis are full of BLM movement.

Somalis are not racist
Reverence and inclusivity is not a sign of being anti-racist. There is something scary about men and women marrying reverts because they are "exotic", it must feel objectifying...
I wonder why we are so racist. It makes sense that hitler has the e1b1b haplogroup. I kid. However, what is the underlying reason for such distaste towards other races.

We are not racists, the racists are the animals in southAfrica that killed the innocent traders
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Most Somalis are incredibly bigoted. Who knows why. For all I know, I was missed and someone else doubled up on my share.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
We're nor racist. No more racist than other people.

Personally I'm only racist towards Indians and Arabs. I'm cool with the rest of humanity by and large.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Why Indians?

Vile reprehensible culture. Rape culture. Caste system. They breed like rabbits. They stink like shit. They look down on other immigrants despite them being immigrants. I was in UK a lot around 2004-2006 and saw so many Indians openly say the UK border should be closed because too many Polish people were coming in. Even conserbstive white Brits were flabbergasted at that attitude.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Well I think Somalis arent that racist everyones a bit racist these days Im racist towards Russians and Indians


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
We're nor racist. No more racist than other people.

Personally I'm only racist towards Indians and Arabs. I'm cool with the rest of humanity by and large.

I would never spit on an Indian or Arab if they were on fire.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
In a sense we're not racist, just so inherently cynical we can't be bothered to sugarcoat our words. I mean we hate each other for God's sake
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