Somalis are the same as African Americans

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BLM is an organizations that use data that is exaggerated, because they use small sample sizes. Also, even though Black-Americans commit more violent crimes according to the FBI stats, more whites are shot by police every year.
More whites are shot by the police because whites vastly outnumber the blacks. But just by the virtue of being black, you're more likely to be shot by the police, armed or unarmed. You're also obscenely more likely to be stopped by the police. This is where the real issue lies.


Not your typical Farah
More whites are shot by the police because whites vastly outnumber the blacks. But just by the virtue of being black, you're more likely to be shot by the police, armed or unarmed. You're also obscenely more likely to be stopped by the police. This is where the real issue lies.
No, blacks overall commit more crime for their small population. There is no current federal database on each police-civilian involved shooting, but even though Obama's administration is working on that.

However, the WashingtonPost collect data on 2015 police shooting of 991 incidents.

Before I get to that, let's look at the 2014 FBI crime data. Also, the White race includes Hispanics, Middle Eastern and North African Arabs, so we don't know the exact White European crime data. Same goes for the Black-Americans, Black Africans are included.

White(including Hispanics/Arabs) 77.1% (247,813,910)
Black or African American 13.3% (42,748,703)

Total Crime offenses:
White 6,056,687 - 69.4% of all crime
Black: 2,427,683- 27.8% of all crime

White 46.3% of all murders
Black 51.3% of all murders

White 42.3%
Black 55.9%

Possessing weapon:
White 57.3%
Black 40.7%

As you can see, in murder of course they used a weapon. In a robbery, in most crimes you look at, the robber most of time has a weapon of some sort. In all these cases, they're more likely to have weapon when the police approached them.

Now, with the WashingtonPost. Out of all the 991 people shot by the police according to this data, just 26% or 258/991 were black. Compared to Whites and Hispanics at a combined 67%. Is there a disportion ratio according to these group population? Yes, for Blacks it was 12.7% higher and for Whites and Hispanics combined it was 10.7% lower. Also, most Blacks live in urban areas were they're more likely be approached by police. They also have the highest ratio of living in largest 20 Metropolitan areas. So, the main the problem is black criminality. It's also not fair to whites as Hispanics skew the data for them as they also have higher number of gang violence. If we were able to get the White European raw data, I bet the gap would close or look worse for blacks.


2015 U.S Population:

2014 FBI Crime data by race:

2010 Black population census:

WashingtonPost 2015 Police shootings:


Not your typical Farah
And who said otherwise? You're replying to and quoting stats for something I've neither said nor implied. :faysalwtf:
You implied that since whites are more in population, they're shot more, so you were implying that Blacks shouldn't be shot for being minority.

Then you said:
"But just by the virtue of being black, you're more likely to be shot by the police, armed or unarmed. You're also obscenely more likely to be stopped by the police. This is where the real issue lies."

Which I never seen evidence for. And with that logic, shouldn't the number of black deaths in the hands of police be higher?
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