Somalis dine and dash

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I was at a popular restaurant called heavenly desserts in Birmingham, where six Somali teens ran out after finishing their desserts. The manager was well pissed, our rep is going down south in the uk. Full on ceeb.:damsel: :friendhug:


Bored to death
No moral fibre. Needs discipline, :mjkkk:
There's something so weird how our people behave.

I was in the library yesterday and the Somali guys opposite me were buying codeine for purple drank on a public computer. Then they started to fight each other (crashing into tables).. Then they hacked the pc for unlimited time and when their time was up they told the white guy who was after them that they did him a favour for unlimited PC time... him being a rational normal human being was like ..."-.- No I just need an hour".

I amused me so much.


This remind me of my old man he said when he was younger he would go to random weddings pretend to know who's getting married eat free food and leave:lolbron:
There's something so weird how our people behave.

I was in the library yesterday and the Somali guys opposite me were buying codeine for purple drank on a public computer. Then they started to fight each other (crashing into tables).. Then they hacked the pc for unlimited time and when their time was up they told the white guy who was after them that they did him a favour for unlimited PC time... him being a rational normal human being was like ..."-.- No I just need an hour".

I amused me so much.
Is purple drank lean. Seems popular in chicago.
I was at a popular restaurant called heavenly desserts in Birmingham, where six Somali teens ran out after finishing their desserts. The manager was well pissed, our rep is going down south in the uk. Full on ceeb.:damsel: :friendhug:
If I was in your place, I would pay for them. Just for our reputation sake
Say no for drugs, always think of your parents, long journey, selling their homes, jewellery to give you better future, going to new country learn new language do not waste their efforts in drugs
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