Somalis genetically closer to the Arabs than black.


The most misunderstood man in here.
If you think Maghrebi women are predominantly Arab on a genetic level, then I don't know what to tell you, mate.
Why are you mentioning women? When did I even say women?
Whats Going On What GIF by NEON
Why are you mentioning women? When did I even say women?
Whats Going On What GIF by NEON

Because you have a whole bunch of light-skinned ajanabi women appreciation threads on here, which leads me to believe that your desperate running away from the black identity in favour of the Arab one has more to do with you thinking with your third leg moreso than any real proof of Somalis being Arab-adjacent on a genetic level.

Enough with your repetitive "Are Somalis more black or more Arab?" threads. You've made too many of them. Get new material, sxb.


The most misunderstood man in here.
Because you have a whole bunch of light-skinned ajanabi women appreciation threads on here, which leads me to believe that your desperate running away from the black identity in favour of the Arab one has more to do with you thinking with your third leg moreso than any real proof of Somalis being Arab-adjacent on a genetic level.

Enough with your repetitive "Are Somalis more black or more Arab?" threads. You've made too many of them. Get new material, sxb.
Your weird person Ms @DojaKhat for thinking like that.
I apologize, but I live in an Arab country, and apart from my skin tone, my features are similar to those of the Arabs.

Skintone is a LARGE identifier of race, and yours falls into the 60% DNA Somalis carry on average.

People assume I'm Arab daily, and I'm tired of explaining that I'm not. I also frequently see mixed black Arab and white Arab people who look Somali. We are definitely in denial about our Arab mix. At some point, Arabs came to Somalia, and there was intermixing.

Trading and a few intermarriages here and there, doesn't make us 'mixed' with Arab. At best, we share an ancient forebear with them.

Everything from food to uunsi to dressing is so similar that it would be blind to think we're not somehow linked. Don’t forget love of camels and nomadic Bedouin culture as well. Somalis have an inferiority complex, and saying we're closer to Arabs doesn't take anything away from our Somaliness. In fact, many Arab communities, like those in Mauritania and Morocco, have an Arab identity that is not so dominant but still present. On the other hand, you want to identify with the Bantu, with whom there is no cultural or genetic connection, unlike the connections we have with Arabs.

Cultural similarity, doesn't make us the same as them. We are our own people.

In the Khaleeji country where I live, Somalis integrate so well with the locals that, when they grow up here, you can't tell if they're from this country or if they're foreign. However, if an Indian or even an Egyptian grows up here, it's evident that they're not true locals. For Somalis, the resemblance is uncanny, and I believe this is due to genetic similarities.

Integration, doesn't make us the same people. A camel that grazes with horses, is still not a horse.

We are just two groups of people, who share a common forebear, but are different.

Let's be proud to be Somali- full stop.
Feelings of inadequacy strikes again. I don’t care for race politics, don’t believe in the concept of race and If a Somali doesn’t want to see themselves as β€˜black’ that’s on them but without fail, Somalis that scream publicly about not being β€˜black’ 9/10 times have an inferiority complex. I’ve said this in another thread and I’ll say it again, this is purely about the image of blackness in the world we inhabit. If black people were hailed in high esteem, these unhinged people that yap on about not being black would say they’re black and proudly so. This is about their fragility with regards to the Somali identity. Thats why they go on about being closely related to other groups like NA and Western Asians since in their minds they have a better reputation and are seen as more civilized.

To carry on about their talks of being closely related to non black groups. The same people who have issues with blackness love to illustrate a connection to Arabs and Western Asians despite that only being 40-50% of their DNA whilst at least a whopping 60% of their DNA is SSA and their skin color is very dark like everyone in SSA.

I don’t care for madow unity and see Somalis as distinct from most other madow groups, but I say things how I see them. Many of them say dumb stuff like β€˜our culture is different’. Since when do all of SSA have the same culture? Then they say racist stuff like β€˜We don’t have the cultural disfunctions they have nor as we gaal! !’ Again since when do all black people have single parent homes, Zina, low educational attainment and since when are all madows gaal? At this point I’m going to assume you’re low IQ and many of their takes comes from a place of being incredibly uneducated when it comes to the world around them. You hardly see well adjusted people talking this way, it’s usually the low achieving incels, redpillers and just the overall idiots in our community who feel the need to go public with their ignorance. I’m not saying that you need to think of your self as β€˜black’, I don’t even believe in race theory tbh but I simply accept that in the Western world WE migrated to, blackness is seen as someone of SSA origin whose people have dark skin. Going on about differences in culture makes you look like a fool. A whole continent of dark skin people of SSA origin aren’t obviously going to have the same culture. Black people have never been a monolith or homogeneous and viewing it in that way is deffo a white supremacist world paradigm.
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So what that doesn’t change the reality, we are definitely genetically closer to North Africans and Middle Easterners than madows, this is a fact
Aren’t South Sudanese madow? Or are they no longer madow as it doesn’t fit your agenda? We’re closer to South Sudanese than North Africans so no you’re technically wrong. We’re more related to the blackest people of SSA than we are to a Moroccan. You can cry yourself to sleep.
Aren’t South Sudanese madow?
Yes but they’re mixed, they have a small amount of North African/Eurasian-like ancestry

We’re closer to South Sudanese than North Africans so no you’re technically wrong. We’re more related to the blackest people of SSA than we are to a Moroccan. You can cry yourself to sleep.
Wrong, we are definitely closer to North Africans than to madows.

Fst distance with Bantus in Kenya is 0.058, with Egyptians it’s 0.037, Moroccans it’s 0.031, with South Sudan it’s 0.037

With Nigerians it’s 0.053
middle easterners are langaab lol. They have no dignity. I feel more empathetic to mathows to be honest. Arabta havent done shit for us lol. Just brought us al shabab iyo khawarij
You're talking like an AA. Why do expect Arabs or anyone else to do shit for you? besides that, your lovely madow ppl have killed and robbed more Somalis than Arabs ever did.
The same people who have issues with blackness love to illustrate a connection to Arabs and Western Asians despite that only being 40-50% of their DNA whilst at least a whopping 60% of their DNA is
This also wrong, as usual.

We are, at most 60% SSA-like, most studies put it at 55 but anyway some of that is coming from NORTH AFRICA, so in terms of actual SUB SAHARAN/Nilotic blood it is about 40-45%, we are 55-60% MENA
Yes but they’re mixed, they have a small amount of North African/Eurasian-like ancestry
It’s incredibly tiny and if you’re gong to use mixture as some sort of indication for not really being black then AAs and Caribbeans aren’t proper black then as on average they have 20% European blood.

At this point I’m going to assume you don’t really rationalize your arguments.
Wrong, we are definitely closer to North Africans than to madows.

Fst distance with Bantus in Kenya is 0.058, with Egyptians it’s 0.037, Moroccans it’s 0.031, with South Sudan it’s 0.037

With Nigerians it’s 0.053
Show me actual links and Proofs of us being closer to NA than to Masaii for instance? They’re seen as black by the whole world.

The thing is, a lot of the Bantus of E Africa are mixed with Cushitic hence things are never going to clear cut. At this point, no one is black if you’re going to disqualify those that are mixed with Europeans like the AAs who are the poster child of blackness and Kenyan Bantus who are mixed with Cushitic who are seen as black.
This also wrong, as usual.

We are, at most 60% SSA-like, most studies put it at 55 but anyway some of that is coming from NORTH AFRICA, so in terms of actual SUB SAHARAN/Nilotic blood it is about 40-45%, we are 55-60% MENA
What is a definition of being black?

Being situated in SSA
Having significant SSA blood
Being black of color.

By all parameters, you’re seen as black. Whether you accept it or not it’s your business.

Even the Prophet S.A.W referred to Ethiopians as black despite having even more W.Asian blood.

Your whole argument is fruitless. Blackness has always been associated with very dark skin and inhabiting Africa. No one cares if you’re 5% more SSA or less.
You're talking like an AA. Why do expect Arabs or anyone else to do shit for you? besides that, your lovely madow ppl have killed and robbed more Somalis than Arabs ever did.
More Somalis have been killed by other Somalis than any other groups? So what now? How about we stop pointing the finger at Arabs and other black people like Langaabs and not base what we are based on who we feel treats us well.

We’re Somali first and foremost and are seen as black by the wider world. You can accept it if you want or not accept it but jumping on social media like a nacas screaming you’re not black is silly.
It’s clear we are arabs, the only ones denying it is the ones with inferiority complex. The arabs themselves views us arabs.
Arabs see Sudanese who speak Arabic btw as a first language who also have more Arab DNA as black as well. Sudanese are Afro-Arabs a group who are seen as both black and Arab.

Don’t embarrass yourself. You haven’t a clue what an actual Arab sees you as.
Arabs see Sudanese who speak Arabic btw as a first language who also have more Arab DNA as black as well. Sudanese are Afro-Arabs a group who are seen as both black and Arab.

Don’t embarrass yourself. You haven’t a clue what an actual Arab sees you as.
Me a Daarood carab have no clue but Angelina caqliloow knows :drakekidding:


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