Somalis in shewa back in 13th century

It really doesn't matter what they think, what i value the most is their findings more so than their conclusions. Many westerners don't favour somalis and i've come across some writings that detaches somalis from the history of both adal and ifat.

The reason we know that the walashama were somalis is primarily due to their lineage. The manuscript of ba'lawi writing in the 16th century clearly points out the ancestry of the walashama. They're descendent from aw barkhadle who is an ethnic somali and acknowledged as such even by the hararis.

aw barkhadle. Haters claim that he is not Somali

Garaad diinle

 
aw barkhadle. Haters claim that he is not Somali
His name barkhadle which is a somali name was pronounced as such in the 16th century.


Furthermore in fatah madinat harar, a book writing by a harari said the following.


This refers back to the time of the arrival of abaadir to harar. It's said that he found clans with no leaders so he asked them to chose a representative among themselves.

The text said.

In the day of jum'a after the asar salah, all the clans arrived and they chose. The clan of nole chose sheikh uthman and aw waafle and the clan of somali chose muhye al-din yusuf al-akwaan and the sheikh jabarti isma'il and aw barre.
By the way. I was once playing with maps and writing various somali clan name thinking i might discover some hidden history or a territory that use to be inhabited by somalis a long time ago. One interesting name that came up when i was searching for hawiya is bet hawiya or house of hawiya.


I initially found it absurd and improbable that this could be about a somali clan i mean think about it, how can a somali clan be living deep in ethio-semetic land close to historical sites such as axum and adwa? Then while also looking at something else i came across this source about tall people named bin hawiya or children of hawiya.


By the way tolha and shenke is close to the historic settlement of ifat. I still think that there is no solid prove that they're talking about a somali clan here but it sure is a good thought that these people attribute yodit/gudit to a people group that were known for their height and named bin hawiya who also destroyed the axumites. The map that said bet hawiya is in the tigray region while the bin hawiya people is in the southern part of the amhara region.
It's not bint hawiya in the text written by the axumite king , it's banu hamwiya and there is a record of a pagan queen that survives in harari tradition, specifically in the chronicle of shewa(dhikr Al tawarikh), the queen was called badit bint Maya and she is similarly discribed as a very destructive person but she was a harla harari.
But I personally think she was from the pagan shay culture that stretched from parts of northern Amhara into shewa(similar in ways to pre Christian axumite religious sites)

Emir of Zayla

𝕹𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝖔𝖋 𝕻𝖔𝖊𝖙𝖘
She was harla, she has whole of abtiris and her name "arawello" has Judaism background as it's not her real name but nickname given to her as she stated to defend the Jews from Christians in wello, "ar"wello"
Harla were Somali speaking people that traced their ancestry back to the Jeberti
His name barkhadle which is a somali name was pronounced as such in the 16th century.


Furthermore in fatah madinat harar, a book writing by a harari said the following.


This refers back to the time of the arrival of abaadir to harar. It's said that he found clans with no leaders so he asked them to chose a representative among themselves.

The text said.
What is the source of the second text, brother?
It's from a book named fatah madinat harar. Here is a link.
Is this a primary source ? he is talking about events before the coming of Imam Ahmed and after his death, events that span more than 200 years, and it is impossible for someone to live this long .. Add, to that he is stu,|pid and his book have many contradictions

For example,

he once said that Amiir Noor ibn mujahid tribe is unknown, and maybe its most likely he is Geri

After pages, u see him say he is Argoba ⁉️

Garaad diinle

 
Is this a primary source ? he is talking about events before the coming of Imam Ahmed and after his death, events that span more than 200 years, and it is impossible for someone to live this long .. Add, to that he is stu,|pid and his book have many contradictions
The book is mysterious to say the least and is said to have two copies, one from the 19th century perhaps the original one and another from the 20th century likely the one ewald wagner used in his book.


The book is most likely a compilation of various oral tradition and stories in regard to the history of harar and the region as a whole and is writing by hararis. As to it's accuracy some of it's content is debatable while others are inline with other oral stories and some as you pointed out are contradictory.
الكتاب غامض على أقل تقدير ويقال إنه يحتوي على نسختين، إحداهما من القرن التاسع عشر (ربما تكون الأصلية) والأخرى من القرن العشرين على الأرجح هي النسخة التي استخدمها إيوالد فاغنر في كتابه.


من المرجح أن يكون الكتاب عبارة عن مجموعة من التقاليد الشفهية والقصص المختلفة المتعلقة بتاريخ هرر والمنطقة ككل وهو من تأليف الهراريين. فيما يتعلق بدقتها، فإن بعض محتوياتها قابلة للنقاش بينما البعض الآخر كذلك

The book is mysterious to say the least and is said to have two copies, one from the 19th century perhaps the original one and another from the 20th century likely the one ewald wagner used in his book.


The book is most likely a compilation of various oral tradition and stories in regard to the history of harar and the region as a whole and is writing by hararis. As to it's accuracy some of it's content is debatable while others are inline with other oral stories and some as you pointed out are contradictory.
Anyways ...
Sxb we as Somalis must not promot to this fasid book, as it contains many contradictions and errors in dates + the writer deliberately Argobizes Somali characters like imam Ahmed


Everything unuka leh
The book is mysterious to say the least and is said to have two copies, one from the 19th century perhaps the original one and another from the 20th century likely the one ewald wagner used in his book.


The book is most likely a compilation of various oral tradition and stories in regard to the history of harar and the region as a whole and is writing by hararis. As to it's accuracy some of it's content is debatable while others are inline with other oral stories and some as you pointed out are contradictory.
Are they 2 different books? The author is known his name is Ba calawi al ashanbali

Garaad diinle

 
Are they 2 different books? The author is known his name is Ba calawi al ashanbali
Yeah. Fath madinat harar is writing by a man called yahya nasrallah while the other book is writing by a man named abu bakar ibn muhammed ibn hussain ibn muhammad ba-alawi a-shambali a contemporary of nur ibn mujahid.
الكتاب غامض على أقل تقدير ويقال إنه يحتوي على نسختين، إحداهما من القرن التاسع عشر (ربما تكون الأصلية) والأخرى من القرن العشرين على الأرجح هي النسخة التي استخدمها إيوالد فاغنر في كتابه.


من المرجح أن يكون الكتاب عبارة عن مجموعة من التقاليد الشفهية والقصص المختلفة المتعلقة بتاريخ هرر والمنطقة ككل وهو من تأليف الهراريين. أما بالنسبة لدقتها، فإن بعض محتوياتها قابلة للنقاش والبعض الآخر يتماشى مع قصص شفهية أخرى وبعضها متناقض كما أشرت.
Garaad Do you know where this came from?
It mentions Imam lineange Ahmed bin Ibrahim bin Omar bin Ahmed

Garaad diinle

 
Garaad Do you know where this came from?
It mentions Imam lineange Ahmed bin Ibrahim bin Omar bin Ahmed
View attachment 296118
It's from a book writing in the 16th century by a man called ba alawi.

Send the other book link if u have it (not the one u already sent). Thank you. I really benefit from your knowledge 💯
I'm looking for it there was someone else that also asked for the book. I'll tag you when i find it.


Everything unuka leh
Yeah. Fath madinat harar is writing by a man called yahya nasrallah while the other book is writing by a man named abu bakar ibn muhammed ibn hussain ibn muhammad ba-alawi a-shambali a contemporary of nur ibn mujahid.
Futuh madinat harar is the suugo science one then?
What was the name of al ashanbali book

