Somalis in yemen

If you're descended from reer Aden you'd know they used to call them yaa somaal as a slur before the arrival of Southern refugees but you are a poser.

The Southern Arabs would come to the city and complain about our and the Indians but Somalis got it worst. We built Aden and not langaab Southern Arab tribes
Regardless it's their country. Who told Somalis to build another people's land?
If you're descended from reer Aden you'd know they used to call them yaa somaal as a slur before the arrival of Southern refugees but you are a poser.

The Southern Arabs would come to the city and complain about our and the Indians but Somalis got it worst. We built Aden and not langaab Southern Arab tribes
All they gave us was khat
my grandads and greatgrandads from both sides of my family lived their while they were young before moving back to Somalia to raise their kids

Garaad Awal

Former African
If you're descended from reer Aden you'd know they used to call them yaa somaal as a slur before the arrival of Southern refugees but you are a poser.
Ya Somaal? Nigga you clearly don’t speak Arabic. Stop larping as you know anything. My grandfather was born & raised in Sheikh Othman.
The Southern Arabs would come to the city and complain about our and the Indians but Somalis got it worst. We built Aden and not langaab Southern Arab tribes
You didn’t build anything. We know who was the majority and it wasn’t you. Shouldn’t your kind be larping as Omanis or something?

