#Brexit is the first step.
Not the last
Europeans are very genocidal. Doesn't mean anything that they let you in. They wont hesitate to make another Holocaust. Leave before you they put you there.
The British fought the Nazis tooth and nail. They were never conquered by them.
And that's rich coming from a North American living on land conquered through biological warfare against Native Americans.
I must pack your bags. I insist. Free. I'll be in a baati too to shove my beliefs down your throat before you head home.
I have to respect @AbdiJohnson dedication to troll 24/7. Pure unadulterated trolling at all times. I've never seen him make a serious comment.
I'm a provocateur. Not a troll. But true. I dont take anyone serious here.
Not everyday winding people up. Sometimes it's okay to have a serious discussion and share honest opinions.
yeah who are you for real, fam?
i mean you can't keep this up forever
We've had this convo already. Trans people need therapy and rehabilitation, not wholesale enabling of their delusion by way of "bathroom rights", although, that whole scenario could easily be solved by offering the option of single-user bathrooms in every public place.