Somalis should be most sympathetic to the transgender

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Europeans are very genocidal. Doesn't mean anything that they let you in. They wont hesitate to make another Holocaust. Leave before you they put you there.


Europeans are very genocidal. Doesn't mean anything that they let you in. They wont hesitate to make another Holocaust. Leave before you they put you there.

The British fought the Nazis tooth and nail. They were never conquered by them.

And that's rich coming from a North American living on land conquered through biological warfare against Native Americans.
The British fought the Nazis tooth and nail. They were never conquered by them.

And that's rich coming from a North American living on land conquered through biological warfare against Native Americans.

Europeans colonialists did that. This is in their nature.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
AJ the second you see one of us clamouring to Arab lineage over our Cushitic heritage, imma buy into what you're serving. But I have yet to run into a Somali that would rather be called Arab than African. Like those niggas are only in the UK and ummah. We ain't repping those xiyawaans.


We've had this convo already. Trans people need therapy and rehabilitation, not wholesale enabling of their delusion by way of "bathroom rights", although, that whole scenario could easily be solved by offering the option of single-user bathrooms in every public place.
We've had this convo already. Trans people need therapy and rehabilitation, not wholesale enabling of their delusion by way of "bathroom rights", although, that whole scenario could easily be solved by offering the option of single-user bathrooms in every public place.

You're anti trans


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ

Queertionary 2.0

Ace: (orientation) shortened version of and slang term for Asexual, and slang term for Aromantic.

Agender: (gender) see Genderqueer, a- meaning non; being of no gender.

Ally: a person who is not queer/LGBTQ but supports and promotes rights and equality for queer/LGBTQ people.

Androgynous: (gender) the presentation of ambiguous gender, one who presents in such a way.

Aromantic: (orientation) a- meaning non; the lack of romantic attraction, and one identifying with this orientation.

Asexual: (orientation) a- meaning non; the lack of sexual attraction, and one identifying with this orientation.

Bi: (orientation) shortened version of and slang term for Bisexual/Biromantic.

Bigender: (gender) see Genderqueer, bi- meaning two; being of two genders, typically masculine and feminine, but not necessarily.

Biromantic: (orientation) bi- meaning two; the romantic attraction to both male/men and female/women, and one identifying with this orientation.

Bisexual: (orientation) bi- meaning two; the sexual attraction to both male/men and female/women, and one identifying with this orientation.

Cisgender: (gender) cis- meaning on the near side, and opposed to trans-; when the sex of the body matches the gender of the mind, and one identifying with this.

Cissex/Cissexual: (sex) cis- meaning on the near side, as opposed to trans-; having been born in the correct sex body, and one identifying with this.

Cross Dressing: (gender) see also Drag; the practice or act of dressing as the other gender.

Demisexual: (orientation) demi- meaning half; the sexual attraction between sexual and asexual.

Drag King: (gender) see also Transvestite or Drag Queen; a female/woman who dresses as a male/man, typically as a performance.

Drag Queen: (gender) see also Transvestite or Drag King; a male/man who dresses as a female/woman, typically as a performance.

Drag: (gender) see also Cross Dressing; the practice or act of dressing as the other gender, typically as a performance.

Dyadic: (sex) see Sex Binary; not being Intersex, mostly used by people who are Intersex.

E/Em: (pronoun) see Ey/Em; referring to one who is of undisclosed or non-binary gender.

Ey/Em: (pronoun) see E/Em; referring to one who is of undisclosed or non-binary gender.

Female: (sex) being of the female sex.

FTM: (sex) Female to Male; of Transsex/Transsexual people, the Transition from Female to Male, and one pre, mid or post said Transition identifying with this.

Gay: (orientation) slang term for Homosexual.

Gender Binary: (gender) binary meaning of two parts; the concept that gender is a binary, comprised of masculine/men and feminine/women.

Genderqueer: (gender) see Agender and Bigender; being of neither, both and/or other gender in regards to the masculine/feminine gender binary.

He/Him: (pronoun) referring to one who is of masculine gender.

Heteroromantic: (orientation) hetero- meaning other; a romantic attraction to the other sex/gender, and one identifying with this orientation. Typically female/women attracted to male/men, and vice versa.

Heterosexual: (orientation) hetero- meaning other; a sexual attraction to the other sex/gender, and one identifying with this orientation. Typically female/women attracted to male/men, and vice versa.

Homoromantic: (orientation) homo- meaning same; the romantic attraction to the same sex/gender, and one identifying with this orientation. Female/women romantically attracted to female/women, and male/men romantically attracted to male/men.

Homosexual: (orientation) homo- meaning same; the sexual attraction to the same sex/gender, and one identifying with this orientation. Female/women sexually attracted to female/women, and male/men sexually attracted to male/men.

Intersex: (sex) being born of ambiguous or indeterminate sex.

Lesbian: (orientation) of female/women, the sexual attraction to female/women, and one identifying with this orientation.

LGBT: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender; the original acronym, when it was realised there were other identities than gay and lesbian.

LGBTQ: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer; the more inclusive acronym, adding queer to acknowledge the existence of other identities without turning the acronym into alphabet soup.

Male: (sex) being of the male sex.

Man: (gender) being of the masculine gender.

MTF: (sex) Male to Female; of Transsex/Transsexual people, the Transition from Male to Female, and one pre, mid or post said Transition identifying with this.

Pan: (orientation) shortened version of and slang term for Pansexual/Panromantic.

Panromantic: (orientation) pan- meaning all; the romantic attraction to all sexes/genders, and one identifying with this orientation.

Pansexual: (orientation) pan- meaning all; the sexual attraction to all sexes/genders, and one identifying with this orientation.

Polyamorous: (orientation) poly meaning many; the desire or need to have multiple relationships or multiple people in a relationship.

Polyromantic: (orientation) poly-meaning many; see also Spectraromantic; the sexual attraction to various sexes/genders, and one identifying with this orientation.

Polysexual: (orientation) poly- meaning many; see also Spectrasexual; the sexual attraction to various sexes/genders, and one identifying with this orientation.

Queer: catch-all term for non-cis/heteronormative identities, or non-specific non-cis/heteronormative identity.

Sex Binary: (sex) binary meaning of two parts; the concept that sex is a binary, comprised of male and female.

Sexual: (orientation) as opposed to Asexual; having sexual attraction, one who has sexual attraction.

She/Her: (pronoun) referring to one who is of feminine gender.

Spectraromantic: (orientation) spectra- from spectrum; see also Polyromantic; the romantic attraction to a spectrum of sexes/genders, and one identifying with this orientation.

Spectrasexual: (orientation) spectra- from spectrum; see also Polysexual; the sexual attraction to a spectrum of sexes/genders, and one identifying with this orientation.

SRS: (sex) Sex Reassignment Surgery; see Transition; surgery on genitalia, to change the sex of a person.

Straight: (orientation) slang term for Heterosexual/Heteroromantic.

They/Them: (pronoun) referring to one who is of undisclosed gender, or in the generic.

Trans: (sex/gender) shortened version of and slang term for Transsex/Transsexual, Transgender or Transvestite, and slang term which can be used to mean all or any identities of non-binary sex/gender, except Intersex.

Transgender: (gender) trans- meaning cross; when the sex of the body does not match the gender of the mind, and one identifying with this.

Transition: (sex) see SRS; the entire process of changing sex, including hormones and surgery.

Transsex/Transsexual: (sex) trans- meaning cross; having been born in the wrong sex body, often having treatment to change the sex of the body, and one identifying with this.

Transvestite: (gender) trans- meaning cross; see also Drag King or Drag Queen; somebody who practices Drag / Cross Dressing.

Woman: (gender) being of the feminine gender.

Ze/Hir: (pronoun) referring to one who is of undisclosed or non-binary gender.
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