Somalis were Sufi and Shafi’i for over 700 years, how did Wahhabism/Salafism wipe it out in 2 generations?


Forza Somalia!
what? anti shirkism and anti herecy was recorded from the days of sayidka. qadiriyya heretics who were docile to colonialism used to call him wahabi. uways al barawi who is one of the guys sufis give divine attributes callid sayidka wahabi fought sayidka and was killed.
Sufism has not shirk in it, these who do shirk and herecies aren't true sufis


A lot of aspects of the Sufism that Somalis followed was filled with bid'aa (innovation). Historically, our ancestors weren't able to read and they might have had a few wondering sheikhs to teach them about the basics of the deen. Hence why, you'd find that lack of hijab, cultural superstitions, bid'aa and even minor shirk and sometimes even major ect was common. Now, we have greater access to knowledge.

We also, need to stop calling everything Wahabi.
We’ve clearly got one here. Nothing wrong with calling them wahhabi. That’s what they are. Killed so many muslims across arabia and called them kaafirs, killed sheikhs, the list is endless. Now we have imported their cancerous ideology leading to al ictisam, al shabab etc terrorising somalia for generations to come.
1. Suffism entered somalia in the year 1799.
2. Wahhabism preceded sufism in somalia.
3. Somali salafis are shaficiyo.
@bidenkulaha this is the result of him following this cancerous ideology:

DNA is gaalo yuhuud shit abayo, our ancestors were proud to be Somali and acknowledged their Arab heritage.
Sufi = Religion + Somali culture
Wahabi = Religion + Arabic culture

we need to seperate culture and religion, easier said than done though, as Somalis religion is engrained in our culture.

I like some Sh who look Wahabi but are honest and say, this is from Somali culture, this is from Arabic culture, and this is Islam.
You don't even know what Sufism is. You find Sufism or some element of it in most Muslim societies. Sufism has nothing to do with just Somali culture.

We’ve clearly got one here. Nothing wrong with calling them wahhabi. That’s what they are. Killed so many muslims across arabia and called them kaafirs, killed sheikhs, the list is endless. Now we have imported their cancerous ideology leading to al ictisam, al shabab etc terrorising somalia for generations to come.

@bidenkulaha this is the result of him following this cancerous ideology:
I'm confused, most Salafi scholars and even non Sufi mainstream Sunni scholars are of the view that people must obey their ruler and are against any groups that terrorise people. Yet, they take from Abdul Wahab in terms of his works with regards to Aqeedah.

Say, what you want to say. But worshipping graves, asking dead people to make dua for you, engaging in Zaar rituals and even some parts drinking blood is strictly forbidden. Yet that used to happen before the civil war, especially in the meey.

I hate Khawarijis and those that make Takfiir on fellow Muslims which is what Al-Shaaytan group are.


You don't even know what Sufism is. You find Sufism or some element of it in most Muslim societies. Sufism has nothing to do with just Somali culture.

I'm confused, most Salafi scholars and even non Sufi mainstream Sunni scholars are of the view that people must obey their ruler and are against any groups that terrorise people. Yet, they take from Abdul Wahab in terms of his works with regards to Aqeedah.

Say, what you want to say. But worshipping graves, asking dead people to make dua for you, engaging in Zaar rituals and even some parts drinking blood is strictly forbidden. Yet that used to happen before the civil war, especially in the meey.

I hate Khawarijis and those that make Takfiir on fellow Muslims which is what Al-Shaaytan group are.
The Ottomans were the rightful rulers and they called them kaafir and rebelled against them, killed them, they invaded many Muslim lands and killed the people. They are not any different to al shabab who kill our government and anyone who work for them. Wahhabis are khawarij. The reason why some salafi sheikhs say don’t rebel is because they’ve been domesticated by saudis. What you need to understand about them is that they used the Wahhabis as a way to gain power and control, they were a langaab tribe with no influence beforehand. For them, wahhabis are just a way to maintain control. They exported the true wahhabi/salafi ideology into somalia.
The Ottomans were the rightful rulers and they called them kaafir and rebelled against them, killed them, they invaded many Muslim lands and killed the people. They are not any different to al shabab who kill our government and anyone who work for them. Wahhabis are khawarij. The reason why some salafi sheikhs say don’t rebel is because they’ve been domesticated by saudis. What you need to understand about them is that they used the Wahhabis as a way to gain power and control, they were a langaab tribe with no influence beforehand. For them, wahhabis are just a way to maintain control. They exported the true wahhabi/salafi ideology into somalia.
Saudi scholars as well as mainstream non Sufi ones will literally say that rebelling is haram due to actual sahih hadiths. They were also against the Arab spring and in particular Syria. So clearly it isn't just about fearing the Saudi government. They would also issue Fatwas against rebelling for any Muslim nation, Somalis included.

With regards to Abdul Wahah i'm simply talking about his views on aqeedah regardless as to how unsavory his actions were, is more in line with the deen than the type of Sufism mixed with old superstitions that Somalis used to follow. You can see that right? People who read his books and modern scholars simply believe that his books are no nonsense when it comes to being against bid'aa and shirk..

No decent Scholar, Salafi or not will support Alshaytaan and other devils in Iraq. Most wrote fatwas being against them, so it isn't fair for you to say that they support this. Majority of well know Scholars that people might regard as Salafi argue that Takfir is a major sin, and that is the bread and butter of Al-Shaytan.


Saudi scholars as well as mainstream non Sufi ones will literally say that rebelling is haram due to actual sahih hadiths. They were also against the Arab spring and in particular Syria. So clearly it isn't just about fearing the Saudi government. They would also issue Fatwas against rebelling for any Muslim nation, Somalis included.

With regards to Abdul Wahah i'm simply talking about his views on aqeedah regardless as to how unsavory his actions were, is more in line with the deen than the type of Sufism mixed with old superstitions that Somalis used to follow. You can see that right? People who read his books and modern scholars simply believe that his books are no nonsense when it comes to being against bid'aa and shirk..

No decent Scholar, Salafi or not will support Alshaytaan and other devils in Iraq. Most wrote fatwas being against them, so it isn't fair for you to say that they support this. Majority of well know Scholars that people might regard as Salafi argue that Takfir is a major sin, and that is the bread and butter of Al-Shaytan.
Lmao, funny girl. Wahhabi actions are bad, but let’s teach their books. Hilarious. The guy who thinks makkah and madinah were all kaafir is the one whose ideology was right and should be spread, whilst all the Muslim scholars from all madhabs who condemned him and called him khawarij, are wrong. Al Shabab are directly inspired from the original Wahhabi movement, they are not wrong in this regard. Saudi scholars are controlled by the government, they do what they say. If they’re against Arab spring, that’s because the Saudi government was against it.
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There was no institution of authorised scholarship on a state level or a grand imam of the whole country and there never was a United somali country until post colonisation. So basically anyone could come to the layman and say he was learned and give motivational speeches to the people creating chaos and confusion.

Plus salafis aren't only present in the somali Community it's affected everyone and its been pushed through sponsorship of Saudi oil. Sufis and salafis are both extremist we should be taking the moderate approach in between.

In sufi schools you literally learn how to do black magic most of the sihr you hear about is because of sufi mystic teachings.


The history of Islamic militancy in Somalia, its a long read but as you can see they are all inspired by wahhabis/salafis and what they have in common is attacking other Muslims and declaring them kuffar. Al Shabab is not the anomaly, but the standard. They’re following authentic Wahhabism/Salafism.

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You can be shaafici and salafi at the same time.
I don’t necessarily agree.

im shafi and follow the Quran and Sunnah but wouldn’t classify myself as Salafi because it’s a very strict way of life. For example, I don’t wear niqab because I don’t believe it’s compulsory but a lot of salafi ladies do. 🤷🏽‍♀️
Many have severe misconceptions about Sufism. They’re quick to call it innovation and shirk. If anything we are in dire need of Sufism today due to how materialistic society has become. I’d advise every Muslim to study aqeeda from reputable sources. There are still many Somali scholars that are not Salafis but they aren’t as popular as the Salafi ones.
I don’t necessarily agree.

im shafi and follow the Quran and Sunnah but wouldn’t classify myself as Salafi because it’s a very strict way of life. For example, I don’t wear niqab because I don’t believe it’s compulsory but a lot of salafi ladies do. 🤷🏽‍♀️
Have you studied aqeeda? The main difference between Salafis and other Sunni Muslims is the aqeeda.
I don’t necessarily agree.

im shafi and follow the Quran and Sunnah but wouldn’t classify myself as Salafi because it’s a very strict way of life. For example, I don’t wear niqab because I don’t believe it’s compulsory but a lot of salafi ladies do. 🤷🏽‍♀️
I follow the shaafici madhab in fiqh and salafi/athari caqiida. Imaam Shafiici himself was from the salaf and he was upon the salafi/athari caqiida and not the ashcari caqiida like many of the modern shaaficis and sufis. There are scholars from the Shaafici madhab who believe that covering the face is waajib, and there are salafis who don't follow madhaahib like Sheekh Al-Albaani who don't consider it to be waajib.
I don’t wear niqab because I don’t believe it’s compulsory but a lot of salafi ladies do. 🤷🏽‍♀️
Niqaab has nothing to do with "salafi"
If you are shafi then u should be wearing niqab.
Ofc u would have to ask ur own shafi teacher for his opinion on if it is obligatory or not as there is varying opinions within the madhab.
Also in the madhab even if it is not obligatory it is still mustahabb
"The exegetical understanding that believing women should cover their faces in public is reflected in the rulings of most jurists adhering to the Shafi’i and Hanbali juridical schools."
According to the Shafi’i School, it is obligatory for women to cover all of their bodies when they go out, including the face and hands. Most Hanafi scholars concur.
Many have severe misconceptions about Sufism. They’re quick to call it innovation and shirk. If anything we are in dire need of Sufism today due to how materialistic society has become. I’d advise every Muslim to study aqeeda from reputable sources. There are still many Somali scholars that are not Salafis but they aren’t as popular as the Salafi ones.
being salafi is being an ascetic.
One of my favourite salaf is hasan albasri, and suufis usually follow him in his ways of asceticism, but in actuality if u follow him and all the salaf who were ascetics(which all of them were) u are basically a salafi, idk why u guys think it is mutually exclusive
I’m bewildered how our nation of 25 million from NFD to Djibouti went from Sufi/Shafi’i to Salafi/Wahhabi between 1990 to 2010, when we have been Sufi/Shafi’i for at least 700 years(Ibn Battuta journey from Zeila to Mogadishu)?

How is this even possible? What happened to Sufi/Shafi’i Sheikhs that existed before 1990? How did they get replaced? How much money did Saudi Arabia pump into spreading their ideology? An ideological change this large in such a short time span across a whole nation is almost unheard of. Now our country will have problems for next 50 years due to this violent ideology.
With AK-47s and a lawless environment.


The history of Islamic militancy in Somalia, its a long read but as you can see they are all inspired by wahhabis/salafis and what they have in common is attacking other Muslims and declaring them kuffar. Al Shabab is not the anomaly, but the standard. They’re following authentic Wahhabism/Salafism.

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1. Bardheere was a Sufi Jamaca, how can you blame their actions on wahabbis.
2. Sayid maxamed cabdille xassan was sufi of the salahiya Tariqa.


I follow the shaafici madhab in fiqh and salafi/athari caqiida. Imaam Shafiici himself was from the salaf and he was upon the salafi/athari caqiida and not the ashcari caqiida like many of the modern shaaficis and sufis. There are scholars from the Shaafici madhab who believe that covering the face is waajib, and there are salafis who don't follow madhaahib like Sheekh Al-Albaani who don't consider it to be waajib.
Salafi and athari are two completely different things.

Salafis are followers of ibn taymiyyah, and muhammad ibn abdul wahabb.

Likewise, salafis don’t believe in following a madhab. They believe in following the “Quran and sunnah” only (as if madhabs don’t either).

Ibn taymiyyah and muhammad ibn abdul wahabb, and anyone inspired by their teachings should be banned across somalia from preaching.
Salafi and athari are two completely different things.

Salafis are followers of ibn taymiyyah, and muhammad ibn abdul wahabb.

Likewise, salafis don’t believe in following a madhab. They believe in following the “Quran and sunnah” only (as if madhabs don’t either).

Ibn taymiyyah and muhammad ibn abdul wahabb, and anyone inspired by their teachings should be banned across somalia from preaching.
Lets not spread misinformation please. Sh. Ibn Uthaymeen is seen as one of the biggest and most reputable amongst Salafis and he followed the Hanbali school of thought. Madhabs are followed but not staunchy. That is all.

Salafi and Athari might be different, but most Salafis or Salafi leanings tend to be Athari. Most people that follow Athari in Aqeedah agree with the views of Sh. Abdul Wahab in terms of aqeedah, but would differ is their views on his methods and the way he behaved ect.
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