Somalis were Sufi and Shafi’i for over 700 years, how did Wahhabism/Salafism wipe it out in 2 generations?


Most people that follow Athari in Aqeedah agree with the views of Sh. Abdul Wahab, but would differ is his methods and the way he behaved ect.
It’s clear you have no idea what you’re talking about. Every leading Hanbali and Athari scholar called him khawarij. He killed many Hanbali and Athari scholars, because they did not declare takfir on Muslims. The fact you think it was a small “dispute” highlights your ignorance. They all viewed him as worse than Al Shabab. His own brother that was an Athari Hanbali scholar was his biggest opponent.
Niqaab has nothing to do with "salafi"
If you are shafi then u should be wearing niqab.
Ofc u would have to ask ur own shafi teacher for his opinion on if it is obligatory or not as there is varying opinions within the madhab.
Also in the madhab even if it is not obligatory it is still mustahabb
"The exegetical understanding that believing women should cover their faces in public is reflected in the rulings of most jurists adhering to the Shafi’i and Hanbali juridical schools."
According to the Shafi’i School, it is obligatory for women to cover all of their bodies when they go out, including the face and hands. Most Hanafi scholars concur.
Honestly, its frustrating. Most of the people here know nothing but Salafi, Sufi or how madhabs work. Everything is just jumbled up and a lot of misinformation is being spread.

Since when is Niqab associated with Salafis? Salafi scholars like Albani believed it was not wajib ect.
It’s clear you have no idea what you’re talking about. Every leading Hanbali and Athari scholar called him khawarij. He killed many Hanbali and Athari scholars, because they did not declare takfir on Muslims. The fact you think it was a small “dispute” highlights your ignorance. They all viewed him as worse than Al Shabab.
You're the one that actually said that Salafis don't believe in Madhabs. You're the one that clearly doesn't know what you're talking about.

I'm talking about his views on the oneness of Allah and his actual books. I'm NOT talking about his actions.

Apart from his mass takfir, do you actually know what his views on Aqeeda were??!
Salafi and athari are two completely different things.

Salafis are followers of ibn taymiyyah, and muhammad ibn abdul wahabb.

Likewise, salafis don’t believe in following a madhab. They believe in following the “Quran and sunnah” only (as if madhabs don’t either).

Ibn taymiyyah and muhammad ibn abdul wahabb, and anyone inspired by their teachings should be banned across somalia from preaching.
I agree that many salafis go into extremes when it comes to madhabs and I don't necessarily agree with that. There are some that are against madhabs completely like Sheekh Al-Albaani, and there are less extreme ones that still study and follow madhabs but are very open to picking different opinions that they think are closer to the truth, which can sometimes be a bad thing too especially when teaching or answering questions.

As for your other points, I will not adress them because they are stupid.


You're the one that actually said that Salafis don't believe in Madhabs. You're the one that clearly doesn't know what you're talking about.

I'm talking about his views on the oneness of Allah and his actual books. I'm NOT talking about his actions.

Apart from his mass takfir, do you actually know what his views on Aqeeda were??!
His books are evil and should be burned. If you want to follow Athari aqeedah, then it has existed since the time of the salaf. Go and learn from Sheikh Ahmed ibn hanbal(AUN) and other great Athari scholars. Not a khawarij.

Salafis claim to follow a madhab, but it’s half heartedly. They’re quick to disregard madhabs and pick and choose, based on their understanding of the Quran and sunnah.
Honestly, its frustrating. Most of the people here know nothing but Salafi, Sufi or how madhabs work. Everything is just jumbled up and a lot of misinformation is being spread.

Since when is Niqab associated with Salafis? Salafi scholars like Albani believed it was not wajib ect.
also the scholars who were suufi were also salafi idk if these guys understand what suufi even means.
If being an ascetic and concentrating on spirituality is what suufism is then I dont see any difference between that and salfism
the problem is these groups started to make their own definitions of these things and went off and did their own thing
His books are evil and should be burned. If you want to follow Athari aqeedah, then it has existed since the time of the salaf. Go and learn from Sheikh Ahmed ibn hanbal(AUN) and other great Athari scholars. Not a khawarij.

Salafis claim to follow a madhab, but it’s half heartedly. They’re quick to disregard madhabs and pick and choose, based on their understanding of the Quran and sunnah.
the thing is a madhab opinion is not evidence in of itself so following a madhabs opinion even when it is clearly wrong is against Quran and sunnah that is the whole point
His books are evil and should be burned. If you want to follow Athari aqeedah, then it has existed since the time of the salaf. Go and learn from Sheikh Ahmed ibn hanbal(AUN) and other great Athari scholars. Not a khawarij.

Salafis claim to follow a madhab, but it’s half heartedly. They’re quick to disregard madhabs and pick and choose, based on their understanding of the Quran and sunnah.
Why would it be an issue for a learned scholar to follow an opinion he deems stronger? Obviously for us laymen it is a completely different ball game and we should follow either a madhab or our local scholar who is reputable and reliable.

Example, in the Hanafi school of thought, a girl can marry without a Wali, yet there are also clear cut hadiths that say such a marriage is invalid. I'm sure Abu Hanifa and other great Hanafi scholars have their own reasonings also looking at Quraan and Sunnah, I think i could be wrong, their view is that in Islam, if a woman has full rights to her wealth and therefore she is Rashida then she has rights to marriage without a Wali, although a Wali would be better. They also argue that their is evidence from the Quran as well. But my question is World, Why would it be wrong for a learned scholar from the Hanafi Madhab to believe otherwise and come to the conclusion that marrying without a Wali is indeed invalid if he feels that other Madhabs have a stronger case?

Where does it say, in our religion that a learned scholar must staunchly follow a Madhab? Bare in mind, that many Scholars like Ibn Uthaymeen were Hanbali, but were simply not staunch.
Btw noone follows a madhab who is a laymen, only students of knowledge follow madhaahib, laymen follow their teacher and their teacher deciphers their madhab and gives the student their own opinion, since their are varying opinions even within a madhab
u cant follow a madhab if u cant even read arabic or read books of fiqh under a teacher
It’s clear you have no idea what you’re talking about. Every leading Hanbali and Athari scholar called him khawarij. He killed many Hanbali and Athari scholars, because they did not declare takfir on Muslims. The fact you think it was a small “dispute” highlights your ignorance. They all viewed him as worse than Al Shabab. His own brother that was an Athari Hanbali scholar was his biggest opponent.
He’s the same one that uttered “no one before me knew la ilaha ila Allah”. The arrogance says it all


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Lack of state control on religious institutions and an influx of Wahabbi Saudi oil money have lead to this predicament. We must wipe out this cancerous idealogy.
Btw noone follows a madhab who is a laymen, only students of knowledge follow madhaahib, laymen follow their teacher and their teacher deciphers their madhab and gives the student their own opinion, since their are varying opinions even within a madhab
u cant follow a madhab if u cant even read arabic or read books of fiqh under a teacher
That is the funny part of it all. Most people follow their local scholar or read books by certain scholars. Historically, if your local scholar was Shafii you'd be that and if he was Hanbali, you'd be that and if he didn't staunchly follow a Madhab, you'd follow his views.

Simple as that.


Lack of state control on religious institutions and an influx of Wahabbi Saudi oil money have lead to this predicament. We must wipe out this cancerous idealogy.
The Saudi Prince will wipe out Wahhabism from Saudi Arabia. All Muslim countries must do the same. All the teachings of Muhammad ibn Abdul wahabb, salafis, ibn taymiyyah must all be banned from somalia,
That is the funny part of it all. Most people follow their local scholar or read books by certain scholars. Historically, if your local scholar was Shafii you'd be that and if he was Hanbali, you'd be that and if he didn't staunchly follow a Madhab, you'd follow his views.

Simple as that.
And theres nothing wrong with that.
Whether u are "suufi" or "salafi" ur gonna have to just follow ur teacher unless u become an Aalim after 20 years of studying
The Saudi Prince will wipe out Wahhabism from Saudi Arabia. All Muslim countries must do the same. All the teachings of Muhammad ibn Abdul wahabb, salafis, ibn taymiyyah must all be banned from somalia,
isnt it irnic he is wiping out wahabism and replacing it with complete haram things
surely if he was riding the country of something good he would replace it with a better following of Islam


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