Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Abdulwahhab literally rampaged across Arabia and killed women, men and children whom he deemed “mushrikeen”, “grave worshippers” etc. He destroyed mosques, levelled graves that even Asxaaba left sacred. These people idealogy stems from his book “Kitaabu Tawxiid” which teaches people that the Madhabs are not viable and that we must directly interpret hadith and Quran with no respect for scholars.Lmao, funny girl. Wahhabi actions are bad, but let’s teach their books. Hilarious. The guy who thinks makkah and madinah were all kaafir is the one whose ideology was right and should be spread, whilst all the Muslim scholars from all madhabs who condemned him and called him khawarij, are wrong. Al Shabab are directly inspired from the original Wahhabi movement, they are not wrong in this regard. Saudi scholars are controlled by the government, they do what they say. If they’re against Arab spring, that’s because the Saudi government was against it.
Heck even Mawliir which has been approved by major scholars like Imam Nawaawi was attacked. Whoever defends this wicked idealogy must be punished.
AUN Siad Barre he would lock up these Saudi brainwashed wadaads.