Somaliweyn is necessary for Somalis to actually develop


Exclduing city states or oil economies, All successful development stories have 3 things in common;

low fertility (so local savings)
electricity (so it can have manufacturing)
literacy (so can industrialise)

Countries where half the population are children, grow at about 1% per capita (like the UK in its sluggish industrial Revolution).
Countries where fertility rates drop from 3-5 to 2-3, and get a ratio of 2.5 adults per kid, grow at 3-5% per capita

A large reason Somalis can't afford to reduce fertility is due to fear of Ethiopia and the population disparity, which is justified. Somaliweyn is the only way a Somali state will get the economies of scale (32m) and feels secure enough to reduce fertility, which is what will kickstart actual national development. The two are intertwined.
Somaliweyn is never happening! That ship has long sailed!
Somali weyn is not you said that ??? coming as if isaaq can dcide kkk u are langaab fawqul laangaab. Nope body wil even consult u about this isue stay within your triangle sandwich . U are irelavant clan dhulbahante alone whoped u ass to the point u changed u lineage to oromo kkk.
Sxb just give it up. Us Somalis we preform better when we are separated.
Walhi the only pple who panick when somaliweyn is mention and throw tantrum is u isaaq kkkk u know why is becos u are laangaab.
Imagine somali weyn one nation is isaaq will be 0 .5 i swear u cant compete with us hawiye and our felow darood in that regard kk that is why u throw tantrum as said u stay within u triangle sandwich teritory.
If Hawiye and darood are united than somaliweyn wil hapen no force can stop it.
Look at the map below now i see why isaaq cry about somali weyn kkk u be f**cking langaab .irelavant clan.


The Gulf of Berbera
Walhi the only pple who panick when somaliweyn is mention and throw tantrum is u isaaq kkkk u know why is becos u are laangaab.
Imagine somali weyn one nation is isaaq will be 0 .5 i swear u cant compete with us hawiye and our felow darood in that regard kk that is why u throw tantrum as said u stay within u triangle sandwich teritory.
If Hawiye and darood are united than somaliweyn wil hapen no force can stop it.
Look at the map below now i see why isaaq cry about somali weyn kkk u be f**cking langaab .irelavant clan.View attachment 312685

Lol which one of us is throwing tantrums now. You said if hawyie and darood are united this would happen… both of you guys firmly believe in somaliwayne then why hasnt it happen till now? Lol if Isaaq were that laangaab you adeer wouldn’t be jumping from a country to another saying “ albaab kasta waynu qaracay doona” 😂.

lastly Isaaq did believe in somaliwayne and brought the whole north to you guys in 60s. It was only when SNM met with Aideed and the rest of USC that we decided we cant share a country. It aint hate sxb wish you guys nothing but the best and prosperity👍
Never existed, doesn't exist, never will

Practically all African countries exist because of Colonialism, Kenya or Nigeria never existed, neither did current day 'Ethiopia', which was a small Habesha nation in the highlands called Abbysinia.

It CAN exist, and that's what has everyone so worked up.


If you feel so strongly about Somalis like that, then I suggest going back to Pakistan or Yemen.
Lol which one of us is throwing tantrums now. You said if hawyie and darood are united this would happen… both of you guys firmly believe in somaliwayne then why hasnt it happen till now? Lol if Isaaq were that laangaab you adeer wouldn’t be jumping from a country to another saying “ albaab kasta waynu qaracay doona” 😂.

lastly Isaaq did believe in somaliwayne and brought the whole north to you guys in 60s. It was only when SNM met with Aideed and the rest of USC that we decided we cant share a country. It aint hate sxb wish you guys nothing but the best and prosperity👍
Hsm is low iq man i dont suport him wah i suport strong hawiye leadership to garbaash u snmsee hsm didnt even miiltrysupirt ssc yet they whooped u as if hsm wil have used that opurtnity to arm awdal forces today lughaya isue wont be even be on the table blame the stupidty of weak leadership of hsm. That is why snm is there imo not be becos u are strong if u were how comes ssc whooped u ass to the point u became traumatised and ran to oromos kkkk walahi .
I wish we had strong hawiye leadership walhi u isaaq wont survive somali politcs anymore u be 0.5
Exclduing city states or oil economies, All successful development stories have 3 things in common;

low fertility (so local savings)
electricity (so it can have manufacturing)
literacy (so can industrialise)

Countries where half the population are children, grow at about 1% per capita (like the UK in its sluggish industrial Revolution).
Countries where fertility rates drop from 3-5 to 2-3, and get a ratio of 2.5 adults per kid, grow at 3-5% per capita
View attachment 312679

A large reason Somalis can't afford to reduce fertility is due to fear of Ethiopia and the population disparity, which is justified. Somaliweyn is the only way a Somali state will get the economies of scale (32m) and feels secure enough to reduce fertility, which is what will kickstart actual national development. The two are intertwined.
An actual Somaliweyn would pretty much be an existential crisis to Ethiopia and Kenya. They already hate the idea of Somalis having a functional strong government since it would never align with their interests but a strong Somalia would cause the regions they own with Somalis like Galbeed and NFD to want to join with their kin. Somalis in Ethiopia and Kenya are thus a 5th column ready to act when the time comes.
Practically all African countries exist because of Colonialism, Kenya or Nigeria never existed, neither did current day 'Ethiopia', which was a small Habesha nation in the highlands called Abbysinia.

It CAN exist, and that's what has everyone so worked up.

View attachment 312686

If you feel so strongly about Somalis like that, then I suggest going back to Pakistan or Yemen.

A Somaliweyn state would have existed today if the colonialists didn’t give Ogaden and NFD Kenya away and the Somalis were able to defend themselves against Menelik in the frontier.

The primitive Somali sub clan infighting is also a detriment to unity.

Djibouti would have followed if those two regions were given to Somalis.Somaliweyn is actually one of the most natural arguments to make for a modern state.

Interesting fact a number of Rendilles were said to have wanted to join Somaliweyn instead of Kenya in the 1960s.

Harar would have naturally been a city inside Somaliweyn:

Author : Cedric Barnes

Year : July 2007

In 1946 Makhtal established the SYC in Harar with himself as President. It is noteworthy that such an anti-British figure should head an important branch of what had been a very pro-British nationalist organisation. Indeed it seems Makhtal's initial presence in Harar was to complain against the British Military Administration and its continuing disarmament campaign in the Ogaden.38 Harar was an important spiritual and political centre for the Ogaadeen Somalis, and it was logical that the Somali political club should have a branch there. When Makhtal first arrived in Harar he was well received by the Ethiopian government, which saw him as an important historical ally in the Ogaden against British and Italian colonialism. Furthermore, in 1946 the SYC still appeared to an ally of Ethiopia, and the Ethiopian government saw that it could even be used to support claims for a greater Ethiopia, including not only the Ogaden but also ex-Italian Somaliland, or at the very least to prevent the restoration of the Italians to their former colonies. British sources report that while he was in Harar the Ethiopian government paid him a healthy monthly allowance.39

However, once in Harar Makhtal's politics began to change. Harar had been under full Ethiopian control since 1942 and like many areas of Muslim Ethiopia the local population did not wholly welcome restored Ethiopian government. Harari townsmen had been given a certain amount of privilege and promotion during the Italian occupation, resulting in a social and economic revival directly linked with the demotion of 'Amhara Christian' political dominance. But three years after the restoration of Harar to Ethiopia, Harari townsmen once again found themselves under the dominance of Ethiopian Christian outsiders, and had lost what social and economic gains they had made under the Italian regime. As a result of these grievances an ethnic Harari association was founded sometime in 1945 or 1946, which is remembered today with two Arabic titles, the jam'iya al-wataniya or jam'iya hurriya al harariya, translated respectively as 'the nationalist society' or 'the society for Harari freedom'.40 However when Makhtal Daahir established the SYC in Harar, the smaller Harari society allied itself and merged with the club, presumably to achieve more political influence. After exposure to the restored Ethiopian government in Harar and the local resentment it had engendered, Makhtal began to see the Ethiopian government as just as detrimental to Ogaadeen and Somali aspirations as he considered the British to be. British sources record that Makhtal's nationalism was further spurred by being kept waiting in Addis Ababa for an audience with the Emperor where he met several Eritrean Muslims who influenced his attitude to the restoration of Ethiopian rule.41
By early September 1947 Makhtal left Harar and returned to the safety of Ogaden, still under British Military Administration where the Ethiopian police had no jurisdiction. However, BMA jurisdiction did not deter the Ethiopian government from flexing its muscles in Jigjiga in the RA where Ethiopian police attempted to arrest the vice-President of the Harar branch of the SYL, Haji Kalile Ahmed, but where large numbers of SYL members prevented him being taken to Harar.45 In another symbolic act signalling the Ethiopian sovereignty of the Ogaden, the Ethiopian government granted a concession to the American Sinclair Oil Company to prospect for oil in the Ogaden still under the BMA.46 This was a clear sign that the Ethiopian government would now push for the return of the RA and Ogaden. Furthermore, in the face of an increasingly belligerent SYL and in anticipation of regaining control of the RA, the Ethiopians appointed a more vigorous Ethiopian representative in Jigjiga whom the British officials described as 'a senior official of strong anti-British persuasion to check the growth of the SYL in Jigjiga'.47 The Ethiopian government, not without foundation, strongly suspected that the British were fostering the growth of the SYL.48
Lol which one of us is throwing tantrums now. You said if hawyie and darood are united this would happen… both of you guys firmly believe in somaliwayne then why hasnt it happen till now? Lol if Isaaq were that laangaab you adeer wouldn’t be jumping from a country to another saying “ albaab kasta waynu qaracay doona” 😂.

lastly Isaaq did believe in somaliwayne and brought the whole north to you guys in 60s. It was only when SNM met with Aideed and the rest of USC that we decided we cant share a country. It aint hate sxb wish you guys nothing but the best and prosperity👍
Alright move on however awdal will join us if you try anything military action will be taken against isaaqland won’t be necessary since darood teens with aks beat your military and captured your top generals


Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
All anti natalist discussions are absolutely negated by looking at the populations of ethiopia and Kenya


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