Someone who lives well below their means

They're generous with friends or family but just not themselves. You would think they're poor if you saw how they lived and dressed when in reality they might be the most well off person you know. Are they depressed or just don't care about materialism? Why work so hard for years to live like you're on welfare?
I don’t know if it’s a Somali thing but people who got some money get judged so hard for not spoiling with materialistic things to the point if it feels like they’re calling you cheap asf. I never understood. They should be applauded for not burning their money on superficials.

Hodan from HR

Be Kind Online.
Staff Member
They're generous with friends or family but just not themselves. You would think they're poor if you saw how they lived and dressed when in reality they might be the most well off person you know. Are they depressed or just don't care about materialism? Why work so hard for years to live like you're on welfare?

I'm not rich but an environmentalist against consumerism culture. I live below my "means" when it comes to what I wear and electronics. Some of my clothes and shoes I've own them for more than a decade. They were good quality brands to begin with so they still work, albeit look old and worn out from all the washing over the years. I've owned my phone for 8 years now and my laptop is 11 years old.

I simply refuse to replace my stuff until they stop working :)