Sometimes I watch interviews on the Breakfast Club YouTube channel and

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Don't know about college enrollment but, as far as graduates..........



African-American(US born black) bachelor degree holders- %16.3

Somali-American bachelor degree holders- %12.5

16.3% is not something to be proud off. 12.5% however is impressive, Somalis weren't in the US for more than 30 years.
@Canuck Interesting, but not what I requested.

Still, if you want to get into the history of strongest, proudest, warriors of Africa then we have to talk about Ethiopians, Mandingo, Ashantis, Zulus, Kongolese, and Angolans, before we talk about Somalis. Those people fought off European slave traders and colonist the hardest.

100 years war between Ajuran empire(Somalia) and Portugues and we won on them never able to invade us

@Canuck Interesting, but not what I requested.

Still, if you want to get into the history of strongest, proudest, warriors of Africa then we have to talk about Ethiopians, Mandingo, Ashantis, Zulus, Kongolese, and Angolans, before we talk about Somalis. Those people fought off European slave traders and colonist the hardest.

The European Age of discovery brought Europe's then superpower the Portuguese empire to the coast of East Africa, which at the time enjoyed a flourishing trade with foreign nations. The wealthy southeastern city-states of Kilwa, Mombasa, Malindi, Pate and Lamu were all systematically sacked and plundered by the Portuguese. Tristão da Cunha then set his eyes on Ajuran territory, where the battle of Barawa was fought. After a long period of engagement, fierce resistance by the local population and soldiers resulted in the failure of the Portuguese to permanently occupy the city, and the inhabitants who had fled to the interior would eventually return and rebuild the city. After Barawa, Tristão would set sail for Mogadishu, which was the richest city on the East African coast. But word had spread of what had happened in Barawa, and a large troop mobilization had taken place. Many horsemen, soldiers and battleships in defense positions were now guarding the city. Nevertheless, Tristão still opted to storm and attempt to conquer the city, although every officer and soldier in his army opposed this, fearing certain defeat if they were to engage their opponents in battle. Tristão heeded their advice and sailed for Socotra instead.[42] After the battle the city of Barawa quickly recovered from the attack.[43]

In 1660, the Portuguese in Mombasa surrendered to a joint Somali-Omani force.[44]
Over the next several decades Somali-Portuguese tensions would remain high and the increased contact between Somali sailors and Ottoman corsairs worried the Portuguese who sent a punitive expedition against Mogadishu under João de Sepúlveda, which was unsuccessful.[45] Ottoman-Somali cooperation against the Portuguese in the Indian Ocean reached a high point in the 1580s when Ajuran clients of the Somali coastal cities began to sympathize with the Arabs and Swahilisunder Portuguese rule and sent an envoy to the Turkish corsair Mir Ali Bey for a joint expedition against the Portuguese. He agreed and was joined by a Somali fleet, which began attacking Portuguese colonies in Southeast Africa.[46]

The Somali-Ottoman offensive managed to drive out the Portuguese from several important cities such as Pate, Mombasa and Kilwa. However, the Portuguese governor sent envoys to Portuguese India requesting a large Portuguese fleet. This request was answered and it reversed the previous offensive of the Muslims into one of defense. The Portuguese armada managed to re-take most of the lost cities and began punishing their leaders, but they refrained from attacking Mogadishu, securing the city's autonomy in the Indian Ocean.[18][47]Ajuran's Somali forces would eventually militarily defeat the Portuguese. The Ottoman Empire would also remain an economic partner of the Somalis.[6] Throughout the 16th and 17th centuries successive Somali Sultans defied the Portuguese economic monopoly in the Indian Ocean by employing a new coinage which followed the Ottoman pattern, thus proclaiming an attitude of economic independence in regard to the Portuguese.[48]
@Canuck Interesting, but not what I requested.

Still, if you want to get into the history of strongest, proudest, warriors of Africa then we have to talk about Ethiopians, Mandingo, Ashantis, Zulus, Kongolese, and Angolans, before we talk about Somalis. Those people fought off European slave traders and colonist the hardest.

As an hydraulic empire, the Ajuran monopolized the water resources of the Shebelle and Jubba rivers. Through hydraulic engineering, it also constructed many of the limestonewells and cisterns of the state that are still operative and in use today. The rulers developed new systems for agriculture and taxation, which continued to be used in parts of the Horn of Africa as late as the 19th century.[1] T
@Canuck Interesting, but not what I requested.

Still, if you want to get into the history of strongest, proudest, warriors of Africa then we have to talk about Ethiopians, Mandingo, Ashantis, Zulus, Kongolese, and Angolans, before we talk about Somalis. Those people fought off European slave traders and colonist the hardest.

16th century, Adal Empire Somali in 1527 under the charismatic leadership of Imam Ahmad ibn Ibrahim al-Ghazi (Gurey in Somali, Gragn in Amharic, both meaning "left-handed"), Adal invaded Abyssinia. Adalite armies with Ottoman support and arms marched into Ethiopia and caused considerable damage on the highland state. Many historic churches, manuscripts and settlements were looted and burned during the campaigns.[44] Adal's use of firearms, still only rarely used in Ethiopia, allowed the conquest of well over half of Ethiopia, reaching as far north as Tigray. The complete conquest of Ethiopia was averted by the timely arrival of a Portuguese expedition led by Cristóvão da Gama, son of the famed navigator Vasco da Gama.[45] The Portuguese had been in the area earlier in early 16th centuries (in search of the legendary priest-king Prester John), and although a diplomatic mission from Portugal, led by Rodrigo de Lima, had failed to improve relations between the countries, they responded to the Ethiopian pleas for help and sent a military expedition to their fellow Christians. A Portuguese fleet under the command of Estêvão da Gama was sent from Portuguese India and arrived at Massawa in February 1541. Here he received an ambassador from the Emperor beseeching him to send help against the Muslims, and in July following a force of 400 musketeers, under the command of Cristóvão da Gama, younger brother of Estêvão, marched into the interior, and being joined by Ethiopian troops they were at first successful against the Muslims but they were subsequently defeated at the Battle of Wofla (28 August 1542), and their commander captured and executed. On 21 February 1543, however, a joint Portuguese-Ethiopian force defeated the Muslim army at the Battle of Wayna Daga, in which Ahmed Gurey was killed and the war won. Ahmed Gurey's widow married his nephew Nur ibn Mujahid, in return for his promise to avenge Ahmed's death, who succeeded Ahmed Gurey, and continued hostilities against his northern adversaries until he killed the Ethiopian Emperor in his second invasion of Ethiopia.
16.3% is not something to be proud off. 12.5% however is impressive, Somalis weren't in the US for more than 30 years.

It's no secret that historically oppressed /marginalized populations tend to perform poorly in academia and in other areas of life than others, in just about every developed country you can think of(Check the statistics of First Nations, Aboriginals, and Maoris in Canada, Australia, & New Zealand).

For instance the percent of Native Americans in the US that hold bachelors degrees or higher is even lower than that of African-Americans, at %13, which is still higher than the rate for somalis.

Are you going to go to extraordinary lengths, with post after post, thread after thread, to criticize & bash Native Americans for their underachievement despite being in these lands longer than any other group, bar none, like you people jump at any and every opportunity to do with African-Americans? I doubt it, seeing as your obsessive jealousy-fueled malice is almost exclusively directed at Afr'Ams, whereas you guys could careless about a group like Native Americans(you might even feint sympathy for them).

Futhermore immigrants, including most refugee populations tend to perform better than natives across the board. Why do somalis in America perform worse than refugees from the Former Soviet Union, Vietnam, Former Yugoslavia, Iraq, Myanmar despite having less of a refugee intake than all of those groups. Why isn't the current Syrian refugee population having issues progressing in America like Somalis?
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As an hydraulic empire, the Ajuran monopolized the water resources of the Shebelle and Jubba rivers. Through hydraulic engineering, it also constructed many of the limestonewells and cisterns of the state that are still operative and in use today. The rulers developed new systems for agriculture and taxation, which continued to be used in parts of the Horn of Africa as late as the 19th century.[1] T

You might actually be on to something with this. Still I would like some specific names of people and the engineering concepts as well as evidence that these concepts were originally developed by somalis.
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You might actually be on to something with this. Still like would like some specific names of people and the engineering concepts and evidence that these concepts were originally developed by somalis.
Pick a book about Ajuran empire
American Slang and hip hop that's something to be proud of? You are Americans for f*ck sake go create a car or a new improved computer. No yall rather sing about coke and killing niggaz because these niggaz wore blue and I wear red. Bompton brrp brrrp.

Excuse me i thought the discussion was about language..dialect...slang...speech....if you want to open it up we can....and i can show you blacks who design cars as well as computers.


Suicidal men adore me.
Excuse me i thought the discussion was about language..dialect...slang...speech....if you want to open it up we can....and i can show you blacks who design cars as well as computers.

Well I showed you an example of slang didn't I?
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