Sool iyo Sanaag

How do you know if this @Malsi character is not an Isaq agent covertly trying to divide up Harti into sub tribes? You gonna let some shekaato do divided and conquer on you?

Divide and conquer? Funny how I ask valid questions and the first thing you jump on sheegato.

If I tell you my qabiil to my laf, is it going to change your view on what I am saying?

If you can't answer any of the questions, I think your one of those people that is innately against Puntlands progress.
dhowrjeer buu ku yiri "adeer" iyo "majeerteen first" markaasey iska aamineen๐Ÿ˜….
Oo kaale maxaan ku dhihi lahaay? Waryaa? Subhanallah.

Majeerteen first, second, third ilaa yawmil qiyaama.

Mr Dhulbahante adiga you sit in your chair and let us sort this out.
Your people make threads every day about different Isaaq inner beefs. Stop wailing. Either discuss or ignore his post little nigga
Eeg adeer. This kids who are replying back to you are probably who you are talking about. I don't mind them. See how I replied back to them with kindness?

The point is, I don't care for Isaaq internal affairs. I ain't Isaaq and as for your politics, I see ya'll as another country like Southern Somalia.

Whats the point of I discussed your politics? NOTHING to gain.


A Laandheere always pays his debts
SSC will never happen as long as SL & Isaaqs exist. This is a terrorist idea which has caused Dhulo terrorists to be sent to the jahannam by SSB HJ forces in Buhoodle district of Togdheer (aka as Cayn to the terrorists).
Honestly genuinely can Idoors not see how they speak & think so identical to Zionists? Calling Hamas (SSC) a terrorist group (which is clear they aren't, they are rebels against a cause), while the founding of Zionism (SNM) is terrorism, just like the yahuuds - hypocrisy and shamelessness is a constant. Zionism (SNM) pick when they are victims (Faqash wiped us out they are too powerful we have secede) and when they are the powerful aggressors (SSB will demolish SSC and anyone who protests from Awdal to Laascaanood - it is ours, even though we own three cities Hargeisa, Burco, Berbera).

You yahuuds have no shame
Eeg adeer. This kids who are replying back to you are probably who you are talking about. I don't mind them. See how I replied back to them with kindness?

The point is, I don't care for Isaaq internal affairs. I ain't Isaaq and as for your politics, I see ya'll as another country like Southern Somalia.

Whats the point of I discussed your politics? NOTHING to gain.
You ain't fooling no one bro.. I'm 100% sure you're an idoor seccesionist.. Kulaha I see SL as an independent country.. You couldn't even hold the mask for a moment :deadmanny:
Is that your lowkey way of saying iga khalee? ๐Ÿคฃ ๐Ÿคฃ
No. There's no point in discussing anything with you. What does Cumar Maxamuud going to the front have anything to do with Puntland as a viable and progressive government?

I bet you don't understand Politics 101. Your just wasting my time adeer. That's why I said your boring.

Far waaweyn baan kugu qorey weedhaan. I hope you understand.
Adeer boring baad tahay. Illaahey haku fududeeyo whatever your aiming for. I can't baby sit someone for that long.

Raggi maxaa ku dhacay? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

@DR OSMAN who always wants Puntland progress.

What about @Libaax-Joore who always embarrasses my cousins Muuse Sultan.

Ya'll are quite?

What about Mudug boys @Thegoodshepherd

You trying to gather some followers..

wgn-tv chicago GIF by WGN Morning News
No. There's no point in discussing anything with you. What does Cumar Maxamuud going to the front have anything to do with Puntland as a viable and progressive government?

I bet you don't understand Politics 101. Your just wasting my time adeer. That's why I said your boring.

Far waaweyn baan kugu qorey weedhaan. I hope you understand.
But you weren't discussing politics, you was just trying to stir up shit and divide Harti into mini sub clans, equating PL only as an MJ state, while claiming SL is a country.. Do you think we are gullible slow idiots? You was just using PL as a way to hide your true intentions which is to divide Harti.. Who would fall for your bullshit? ๐Ÿคฃ

Beside the Cumar maxamuud boys along side their harti brethren were the ones who disarmed your little triangle to the point you had to cry lafti nagaa :mjlol:

That must hurt dumb langaab.
But you weren't discussing politics, you was just trying to stir up shit and divide Harti into mini sub clans, equating PL only as an MJ state, while claiming SL is a country.. Do you think we are gullible slow idiots? You was just using PL as a way to hide your true intentions which is to divide Harti.. Who would fall for your bullshit? ๐Ÿคฃ

Beside the Cumar maxamuud boys along side their harti brethren were the ones who disarmed your little triangle to the point you had to cry lafti nagaa :mjlol:

That must hurt dumb langaab.
Adeer I am on my phone. I ain't got time to type a whole paragraph. If you can't discuss my topic. I suggest you to wait at the end of the line.

Wakhti Kuma hayo. I ain't going to insult you. Waaba ku dhali Kara unless you are in your 40s.

Stick to the topic.