South Africa confirms they will be taking their land back

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It’s about to go down, even if they are sanctioned it’s still worth it.
It’s like my baby daddy Killmonger said “it’s better to die a free man than live in bondage”

@Kingjames youre our only representive from the white community, care to give a statement on behalf of team cracker?
I really dislike this militant negro Julius Malema

That said, I wonder how much land they'll seize, and whether they're actually going through with the no compensation claim
South Africa will become (if it hasn't already) another African shithole.

The whites are skilled workers. Blacks cannot run a government successfully.

Look at Zimbabwe
They will bootyclap for their white overlords soon after their economy hits rock bottom
south african.gif
Ufffff! The responses here make me sick!

I’m sure it would be a different story if Somalia did this.

DO you want us to clap for them? They routinely vandalize Somali shops in South Africa. Get your Pan African BS out of here:camby:
Ufffff! The responses here make me sick!

I’m sure it would be a different story if Somalia did this.

Since your stupid BLM black shitty mind cannot comprehend anything about how the South African economy works. The whites that possess the lands grow the foods that end up in the shelf of those Bantu anarchists. If they repratiate the land, millions of the same low IQ blacks that your crying for will end up dying of hunger, disease and starvation simply because they do not have the skills required to efficiently run that amount of resources. Let that sink in dumb .

If you are pro black the last thing you should want is blacks to take over


Ashy Abdi Representative
They kill somalis after we helped them defeat apartheid.
Idc about these useless stupid named guys:farole:

It’s about to go down, even if they are sanctioned it’s still worth it.
It’s like my baby daddy Killmonger said “it’s better to die a free man than live in bondage”

@Kingjames youre our only representive from the white community, care to give a statement on behalf of team cracker?
Nation before race!
I could careless what happens to white people in South Africa, doesn’t concern me at all.

But if it was Sweden :gunsmiley::gunsmiley::gunsmiley:

It’s about to go down, even if they are sanctioned it’s still worth it.
It’s like my baby daddy Killmonger said “it’s better to die a free man than live in bondage”

@Kingjames youre our only representive from the white community, care to give a statement on behalf of team cracker?
I'm so proud of my south african brothers. Even tho i hate them for killing somali business men i hate cadaan shayateen even more and don't believe in diversity or white privilege in other ppl's countries. May god turn his eyes away from them and allow them to be slaughtered like they did to countless others.



It’s about to go down, even if they are sanctioned it’s still worth it.
It’s like my baby daddy Killmonger said “it’s better to die a free man than live in bondage”

@Kingjames youre our only representive from the white community, care to give a statement on behalf of team cracker?
Racist bastard, even during ramadan. Youre more racist than these alt right qashin we have here. Disgusting.
I'm so proud of my south african brothers. Even tho i hate them for killing somali business men i hate cadaan shayateen even more and don't believe in diversity or white privilege in other ppl's countries. May god turn his eyes away from them and allow them to be slaughtered like they did to countless others.

funny thing is, when the dust settles. they will be at each others throats for the more lucrative farm lands.


I'm so proud of my south african brothers. Even tho i hate them for killing somali business men i hate cadaan shayateen even more and don't believe in diversity or white privilege in other ppl's countries. May god turn his eyes away from them and allow them to be slaughtered like they did to countless others.
No. Theyre only going after the innocent farm workers rather than anything else. Second zimbabwe coming.
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