South Africa confirms they will be taking their land back

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It's a superficial post that lacks critical thinking tbh. Shaun King is always after emotion.


Racist bastard, even during ramadan. Youre more racist than these alt right qashin we have here. Disgusting.

You stupid ugly bastard.

I’m racist because I want an african nation to own the majority of their own land?

South Africans own less than 2 percent of their farm land and they equate to 80% of the population. They should of addressed this much earlier and only made this stupid deal to appease the white man who was standing on their necks during apartheid!

The reason why zimbabwe failed is because they were heavily sanctioned and other countries were banned from selling them farming equipment. Even if the same thing happens to South Africa it is better to own your own country than be subordinates to minority whites.

Typical coon always willing to booty clap and cry for the white man who has stolen peoples land and wealth and depict Africans as barbarians for wanting sovereignty over their own land. You make me sick!


You stupid ugly bastard.

I’m racist because I want an african nation to own the majority of their own land?

South Africans own less than 2 percent of their farm land and they equate to 80% of the population. They should of addressed this much earlier and only made this stupid deal to appease the white man who was standing on their necks during apartheid!

The reason why zimbabwe failed is because they were heavily sanctioned and other countries were banned from selling them farming equipment. Even if the same thing happens to South Africa it is better to own your own country than be subordinates to minority whites.

Typical coon always willing to booty clap and cry for the white man who has stolen peoples land and wealth and depict Africans as barbarians for wanting sovereignty over their own land. You make me sick!
Hopefully they get sanctioned too.

So white south africans are not south africans anymore? These farm owners have honestly worked for the good of the population and here you are trying to make them lose their land, which they've worked generations? Why should the workers take over, do they even know WHO owned the farm land before colonialism? They clearly don't. This is simply theft. You're stealing someones property and giving it someone who's family didn't own it before colonialism.

Zimbabwe failed cause what they did was unethical and unlawful. Keep booty clapping for the scumbags burning your kin alive. You're the most disgusting person I've seen on this site.

This is not america, you're shitty reasons won't work in the real world.


You stupid ugly bastard.

I’m racist because I want an african nation to own the majority of their own land?

South Africans own less than 2 percent of their farm land and they equate to 80% of the population. They should of addressed this much earlier and only made this stupid deal to appease the white man who was standing on their necks during apartheid!

The reason why zimbabwe failed is because they were heavily sanctioned and other countries were banned from selling them farming equipment. Even if the same thing happens to South Africa it is better to own your own country than be subordinates to minority whites.

Typical coon always willing to booty clap and cry for the white man who has stolen peoples land and wealth and depict Africans as barbarians for wanting sovereignty over their own land. You make me sick!
Don't be so trusting of identity politics that you don't ask the pertinent questions.

Who is the land given to when it's seized by the SA govt from its owners?


Hopefully they get sanctioned too.

So white south africans are not south africans anymore? These farm owners have honestly worked for the good of the population and here you are trying to make them lose their land, which they've worked generations? Why should the workers take over, do they even know WHO owned the farm land before colonialism? They clearly don't. This is simply theft. You're stealing someones property and giving it someone who's family didn't own it before colonialism.

Zimbabwe failed cause what they did was unethical and unlawful. Keep booty clapping for the scumbags burning your kin alive. You're the most disgusting person I've seen on this site.

This is not america, you're shitty reasons won't work in the real world.

You are a fucking idiot wallahi. My last post to you as I do not waste time educating imbeciles.

If Somalis owned less than 2% of the farmland in Somalia and Somali Bantus owned the other share- I am sure you would change your tune

You are forgetting South African aparthied was recent history! No, white South Africans should not keep land stolen during colonialism and apartheid. The land was not purchased it was stolen initially! Why don’t you understand this? They are taking back land that was stolen from them. Go and listen to the speech I posted, they are planning to train people and use the land! Even other whites are supportive of this. It’s just rednecks and s who are crying for these thieves.

Also, whitey lived off stolen land for decades! I’m sure they will be fine, so spare me the white victimhood card.


Don't be so trusting of identity politics that you don't ask the pertinent questions.

Who is the land given to when it's seized by the SA govt from its owners?

That’s upto the government of South Africa to decide. There is nothing more important than your country having sovereignty over their own land. I wouldn’t expect s to understand since they are selling their ports to the highest bidder.


You are a fucking idiot wallahi. My last post to you as I do not waste time educating imbeciles.

If Somalis owned less than 2% of the farmland in Somalia and Somali Bantus owned the other share- I am sure you would change your tune

You are forgetting South African aparthied was recent history! No South African whites should not keep land stolen during colonialism and apartheid. The land was not purchased it was stolen initially! Why don’t you understand this? They are taking back land that was stolen from them. Go and listen to the speech I posted, they are planning to train people and use the land! Even other whites are supportive of this. It’s just rednecks and s who are crying for these thieves.

Also, whitey lived off stolen good for decades! I’m sure they will be fine, so spare me the white victimhood card.
Stolen from them? Like they stole the land from the natives? Like they butchered the natives? Get off your high horse. You clearly don't know jack about South Africa, you only know about this cause you hate every white person. They're stealing land from people who stole land. It's fucking dumb. They're not giving it back to former owners, they're only taking it away cause of revenge and pettiness.

All this is gonna do is make it lawful for the south african government to take white owned farm land without compensation, has nothing to do with whether it's stolen or not. They're not giving any compensation for MODERN farm owners. Did these guys steal the land? No, you're needlessly blaming innocent people for something they did not do.

Take your racist rhetoric out of here. If you're against people hating on the bantus, then you should be against discrimination against innocent people.

"Whitey lived off stolen good for decades, bla bla bla." Spare me your bullshit, it's clearly open theft.

These are the scumbags murdering innocent somalis after we helped end the apartheid. Black south africans are more racist against other african immigrants rather than the whites themselves. You're basically supporting a bunch of open racists. This is my last post to you, I don't deal with scumbags.


That’s upto the government of South Africa to decide. There is nothing more important than your country having sovereignty over their own land. I wouldn’t expect s to understand since they are selling their ports to the highest bidder.
But that's false equivalency.

If one thing if one sells their possessions, that is at least a fair transaction that can be recognized by all.

Harkening back to colonialism as a reason for seizing property rights of farm owners of today on the basis of their background is anything but that. If a Govt truly wants a healthy upkick in skilled Black South African land ownership whilst keeping the economy stable, and decreasing the rising unrest over there, dressing up as some sort of whack institutional Robin Hood is the LAST thing you want to do.

The only thing the two scenarios have in common is horrible advising.


I’m trying to reason with s
If the so-called 1.2% SA Black farmers are smart, they'll immediately recognize this dangerous precedent of a government that isn't just taxing land owners for their property rights, but actively seizing owned land on the basis of race alone.

You have to pave the way for opportunities and empower civilians to earn their way.


Wallahi billahi if this was happening to africans by white people people would be outraged. Hypocrites.

Nah if i stole 90% of land from whites and they let me live off it for decades.I’d be chilled when they asked for it back. Especially if they weren’t going to arrest of fine me.
Ufffff! The responses here make me sick!

I’m sure it would be a different story if Somalia did this.

It’s an interesting gesture but the country’s future now looks bleaker for it. Justice is always bittersweet, the longer it takes to achieve the less it seems to matter. People get comfortable in their realities and big sentiments like justice patriotism and freedom become obstacles as opposed to blessings.
White supremacy coming to a lovely end in SA. The white settlers are free to stay but hell to the anjero no will they own stolen land in 2018.

Good luck to South Africans. All you uncle toms criticizing SA dont you see how eager Aussies, Kiwi's and other cadaans are in supporting Afrikaners with residencies, homes and jobs in their countries.

We Somalis will bring them adoons to justice 4 murdering innocent faraxs but we will show Solidarity when the time comes and the cadaans start ganging up on them.
Nah if i stole 90% of land from whites and they let me live off it for decades.I’d be chilled when they asked for it back. Especially if they weren’t going to arrest of fine me.
The land was cultivated by whites the blacks didn't farm the land it's not the same at all:bell: but I wouldn't expect you to understand.


With blood and Iron will we reach the fatherland
They kill Whites farms and foreigner Africans that shelve the food,:damnmusic:
I feel this xenophobia is going to turn it into a genocide


@government @GAHVSvs @NotAjnabi @VixR
You know what guys, you’ve changed my mind, you are absolutely right! I don’t know what I was thinking

It’s better for whitey to have 90% of your land! And they are imbeciles for taking it back.
So when are we going to invite Italy back?
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