South Africa confirms they will be taking their land back

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Stop trolling

Only half-way. I'm serious, he's a corrupt and hateful commie populist. He's not even intelligent or charismatic. There's absolutely nothing admirable about him, but black people will blindly support anyone militant. His base is always calaacaling about the injustices that were carried out by the whites as if they're not violent invaders too. Meanwhile the Khoisan are labelled as fucking coloreds in their own land and barely get any recognition. But the moment that is brought up they'll accuse them of tribal politics. Fukk 'em

#culturalgenocide #bantuexpantionism #notyourland


Nah if i stole 90% of land from whites and they let me live off it for decades.I’d be chilled when they asked for it back. Especially if they weren’t going to arrest of fine me.
What about the natives then? They got colonised by the bantus.
easier said than done to take land back. 4M whites in s Africa while it was only 200,000 in Zimbabwe. even if that's possible theres no justice inherent in Africans, bigger tribes and those in power will benefit that will create yet anotha chaos,then you will see some Africans and whites on the same side battling the benefactors.
sometimes wonder why any African care much when they slaughtering otha African immigrants in broad daylight and also when theres so much corruption and tribalism in any given African country ,that that's your only upward ticket to a better and more dignified life.
how blacks treat the coloreds too??,.actually worse than whites did.
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