delete your previous comment what on earth is wrong with you? she's SIXTEEN fear Allah and delete your comment about rape. Or should I get the admin involved since we are asking you to delete your comment?Palestinians are not native. They are Arabs who came with Islam 1400 years ago. Meanwhile, we Jews have been in Eretz Israel for 3,000 years.
Why do Israelis say this? They say it to disposes the Palestinians of their motherland and allow for Polish foreigners to settle in Palestine.
Hawiye propoganda that Banadiris are not native because they came from Arabia and Iran is meant to disposes the Banadiris and allow for the settlement of Habar Gidir colonists from Dhusamareeb and Guriceel.
Cid runta kuu sheegta ayaad weyday. I will not sugarcoat the implications of your argument.