South Somalia turn to sawahli state


Palestinians are not native. They are Arabs who came with Islam 1400 years ago. Meanwhile, we Jews have been in Eretz Israel for 3,000 years.

Why do Israelis say this? They say it to disposes the Palestinians of their motherland and allow for Polish foreigners to settle in Palestine.

Hawiye propoganda that Banadiris are not native because they came from Arabia and Iran is meant to disposes the Banadiris and allow for the settlement of Habar Gidir colonists from Dhusamareeb and Guriceel.

Cid runta kuu sheegta ayaad weyday. I will not sugarcoat the implications of your argument.
delete your previous comment what on earth is wrong with you? she's SIXTEEN fear Allah and delete your comment about rape. Or should I get the admin involved since we are asking you to delete your comment?
Barawanis have been in Barawa longer than Daarod have been in Kismayo. Are Darod not native to Kismayo or Afmadow?

“Banadiri are not native” is Hawiye speak for “I want to kill them, rape their women and rob them of their property”.
They're not native to Kismayo or any Somali territories as they are not indigenous Somali cushitic. Their DNA is merchant hybrid settlers. However we welcomed them as guests in our lands similar to bantus.


Palestinians are not native. They are Arabs who came with Islam 1400 years ago. Meanwhile, we Jews have been in Eretz Israel for 3,000 years.

Why do Israelis say this? They say it to disposes the Palestinians of their motherland and allow for Polish foreigners to settle in Palestine.

Hawiye propoganda that Banadiris are not native because they came from Arabia and Iran is meant to disposes the Banadiris and allow for the settlement of Habar Gidir colonists from Dhusamareeb and Guriceel.

Cid runta kuu sheegta ayaad weyday. I will not sugarcoat the implications of your argument.
I’m not even HG.I never mentioned Banadiris as a whole I was talking about barawanis.You should stop talking about Hawiye it’s getting weird nobody mentioned clan until you came along plus .I’m Abgaal and why are you talking about Palestine??Leave them out of this Rafah is currently getting bombed.There was a horrific massacre at the tents not that long ago.How dare you use them as a little “gotcha” moment not cool.You seriously need to leave me alone goodbye.I think the crimes that were committed by members of my clan quite frankly are disgusting and immoral.I am against dispossession of the land that belongs to them as well however you can’t just directly quote my post like that

.I’m literally child you don’t speak to someone like that you are too grown to be behaving like this.

@Step a side come speak to this guy. :camby:
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