SSC recognition news


Quotes and GIFs only
Walking In Woody Harrelson GIF by Zombieland


Fran Healy Reaction GIF by Travis

Letter Eminem GIF
So that you can take their PL seats :ulyin:. Reer Maakhir have invested so much in PL and they only way they can leave is if they have their own Maamul.
Idc about that tbh

I’m just saying if they come together they’ll be stronger with more land and population but it’s up to them at the end of the day if they both wanna do their own thing
Idc about that tbh

I’m just saying if they come together they’ll be stronger with more land and population but it’s up to them at the end of the day if they both wanna do their own thing
Why would they build someone’s else state when they can have their own Maamuul or continue being part of the Maamul they have more stake in. Misaajid ka ciyaarta ka da sxb.
Reer SSC are true patriots and they’ve gotten their shit in order quicker than a lot of other states. The FGS should support them financially while also making it clear that the eventual goal is to get the rest of their territories under control. One of the reasons I dislike this tribe-based federal system is that it more likely than not results in a race to the bottom. The goal should be to create the largest viable blocks as states. Not allow every tribe their own fiefdom. Despite that, unity and wadaaninimo come first and that should be rewarded. Guul SSC 🫑🫑🫑🫑
So SSC no longer exists because the mayor of Mogadishu said so? :lol:
> Screaming for a year and threatening to invade ssc
> It didn't happen
> Thinking of another argument or excuse
> Sucking the dick helplessly for a government and a president who can't rule outside the capital
:silanyolaugh: :mjkkk:
Why would they build someone’s else state when they can have their own Maamuul or continue being part of the Maamul they have more stake in. Misaajid ka ciyaarta ka da sxb.
Honest question. How would Warsangeli lose out if some of their deegaans joined SSC? They’ll play a much more important role in SSC than they do in Puntland. Whatever investments they’ve made in PL will still continue to return for them as well; it’s not as if they’re abandoning their stake in PL as well. Numerous tribes in the south have their lands split between different states. Why can’t Warsangeli be the same?
Honest question. How would Warsangeli lose out if some of their deegaans joined SSC? They’ll play a much more important role in SSC than they do in Puntland. Whatever investments they’ve made in PL will still continue to return for them as well; it’s not as if they’re abandoning their stake in PL as well. Numerous tribes in the south have their lands split between different states. Why can’t Warsangeli be the same?
True, and I don’t think most of us have thought about it that way.
Warsangeli are moving independent of their brothers here. Darood division holding them back once again. Hassan himself is a jeegan loving incompetent president, so this was as expected.


I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong
What did bootyclapping for HSM ever achieved for rer SSC?! look how he sneers at their request for statehood.