Sspot member you want to fight in real life


I don't fight, I usually shake hands firmly and embrace people with hugs (now on hold due to covid) but I will gladly give u an air wave (6 feet apart of course) :)
What have I done.. Lool.

You can't accept some women are going to have different views to you. Anything that you don't like is emotional.

You also seem to think any fair criticism women make is a direct attack on you and every Farax, despite the fact that I make sure to use 'some'.


There is a lot to unpack with you. In fact, I would love to psychoanalysize you, instead of fight you. So I take the 'fight' comment back.

You can't accept some women are going to have different views to you. Anything that you don't like is emotional.

You also seem to think any fair criticism women make is a direct attack on you and every Farax, despite the fact that I make sure to use 'some'.


There is a lot to unpack with you. In fact, I would love to psychoanalysize you, instead of fight you. So I take the 'fight' comment back.
Lool.. You are welcome to do psychological analysis on me.. After you're done on me we should switch seats and let me analyze you.. You are an interesting character too.

Why have you such a pessimistic outlook on marriage and the relationship between male and female?

No i do not. Mentioning issues is not pessimistic. Many of the boys do here and I don't see anyone calling them pessimistic? You seem to have an obsession with getting women to lower their standards. You don't see me calling you emotional or pessimistic?
No i do not. Mentioning issues is not pessimistic. Many of the boys do here and I don't see anyone calling them pessimistic? You seem to have an obsession with getting women to lower their standards. You don't see me calling you emotional or pessimistic?
How I'm I making women lower their standards :farmajoyaab:
It's kinda like having gay sex. Same with white woman.

Now Xalimos and Arabs :lawd:
Those are real women