State your height

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Queen Carawelo

I'm the shortest female in my family. My granny is 6'0. :damn:

Idol, I think you're the same height as bandit.
Daaaamn your granny is tall masha'Allah.

The women in my family are either short or normal height. I'm taller than my older sister she's 5'2, while my younger sister is the same height as me, I think she taller than me half an inch. I'm 5'6 and she's 5'6 1/2 but she claims 5'7 lol. My other sister is 5'7, my mom is 5'5, granny is 5'4 I think. We are all short with the exception of my 5'7 sister. :drakelaugh:

My brothers are tall, the shortest one is 6'0 and they clown on him smh. lol


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I have a question for guys. Do you guys like tall, average, or short girls?
And state why?

Tall girls. Because they are more aesthetically pleasing IMO, and plus I am tall myself and I look better with a tall girl on my arm than a short one.
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