Stepdad realizes he’s just an ATM

Somali Saayid

Frm President of Somalia, MP for Life, Cheese Love
I would never want to compete to be the father of my (step) child especially if I sunk thousands of dollars, time and effort into that relationship and I have to compete with the sperm donor who didn't contribute.
I would never want to compete to be the father of my (step) child especially if I sunk thousands of dollars, time and effort into that relationship and I have to compete with the sperm donor who didn't contribute.
Yup he put all that time and money in only for the biological father to be given more respect sad situation best to remove yourself from that type of situation he did the right thing
Women will never respect if you wear a hat in the house. It reeks of insecurity. The reason why he was taken advantage of is because of his clingy desire to buy respect and love. I clicked on this video and turned it off after 3 seconds due to the fact he is wearing a hat indoors and also his moany, high-pitch kumbaya plantation voice.
I’m reminded of that random Twitter quote:

‘People love those that hate them, but hate those that love them.’

I think that quote is incredibly applicable to children who shun their single mother and make excuses for their father who was never around and in this case, the step father. I think it’s even more frustrating for that man since he has no biological ties, hence whatever he did came from a place of true kindness or it seems he truly loved her mother.


Have no sympathy for the dude, you shouldnt be learning this when you're 40+. If isnt your kid or your agoon nephew/neice dont play aabo.
Women at any time have a life different from the one you are sharing with them it is called insurance³. Always stay attuned to that life, it will save you a lot of heart break .
Have no sympathy for the dude, you shouldnt be learning this when you're 40+. If isnt your kid or your agoon nephew/neice dont play aabo.
And he never wifed her. He’s just been hitting it out of wedlock. Probably been having her use birth control for like ten years too.
this is fake, his reading reddit story, some of you guys will believe anything.
Yeah, but I’m sure such an incident isn’t something that goes against the realm of possibilities since even biological parents deal with ingratitude however, there seems to be a huge backlash against single mothers and men marrying them so such a story will make the rounds among men who detest women with children and will play into the narrative that these women and their offspring don’t deserve good men.

It’s a shame really since it’s counterproductive for society. The easier it is for single mothers to marry, the lower % of children raised without male role models which will reduce childhood poverty, lower educational achievements and the list continues.

The true reasoning is that single mothers are hated simply because if they have options, it’s easier for married women to leave bad relationships and I do think a lot of men feel they loose out if women have the abilities to start over again. Ultimately, for all of their statistics about the evils of single mother households it has nothing to do with benefit of society or the well-being of children, it’s about male mate guarding and continued access.
Yeah, but I’m sure such an incident isn’t something that goes against the realm of possibilities since even biological parents deal with ingratitude however, there seems to be a huge backlash against single mothers and men marrying them so such a story will make the rounds among men who detest women with children and will play into the narrative that these women and their offspring don’t deserve good men.

It’s a shame really since it’s counterproductive for society. The easier it is for single mothers to marry, the lower % of children raised without male role models which will reduce childhood poverty, lower educational achievements and the list continues.

The true reasoning is that single mothers are hated simply because if they have options, it’s easier for married women to leave bad relationships and I do think a lot of men feel they loose out if women have the abilities to start over again. Ultimately, for all of their statistics about the evils of single mother households it has nothing to do with benefit of society or the well-being of children, it’s about male mate guarding and continued access.
Kevin Samuel’s and redpill movement is one of the reason for the backlash against single mothers he was before Andrew Tate and others I don’t agree with the demonizing either everybody has a choice tbh you live your life how you want
Kevin Samuel’s and redpill movement is one of the reason for the backlash against single mothers he was before Andrew Tate and others I don’t agree with the demonizing either everybody has a choice tbh you live your life how you want
The thing is, I don’t blame young never married men not wanting anything to do with single mothers. On average young unmarried women do not like single fathers too and would prefer a man that has no ties. However, the backlash to single mothers has reached the point that single fathers with hordes of children now feel they deserve a never married woman and they too look down on single mothers despite their own children being the children of a single mother.

Statistically, kids being raised by single fathers whilst a tiny % actually fare better with regards to poverty levels and having a role model. Why? Because single fathers have higher rates of re-marriage and since the father has time to work and now has a free nanny essentially (the new wife), kids are able to have a more stable home life.

Yet, most fathers aren’t going to want custody over kids especially before they’re able to secure a woman that does more of the raising and when kids are under 7, it causes huge trauma to be away from their biological mothers since only a mother can give a certain level of maternal nurturing, hence when society creates an environment in which single mothers are stigmatized instead of giving them the ability to remarry, they’re funnily enough contributing to all the social decay they complain about.


Scientologist | Against Trudeau's antiBlack racism
Staff Member
People really underestimate how crazy, manipulative, and opportunistic many Black women can be. They will take advantage of a good Black man and not reciprocate in the slightest. Just like how good Black women should be careful around Black men, good Black men should do the same. The bad Blacks deserve each other, dont let them be near you. On the other hand, this story may be fake and Black people lie all the time but Black women behaving in this manner is very common.
People really underestimate how crazy, manipulative, and opportunistic many Black women can be. They will take advantage of a good Black man and not reciprocate in the slightest. Just like how good Black women should be careful around the many terrible Black men out there, good Black men should be the same. On the other hand, this story may be fake and Black people lie all the time but Black women behaving in this manner is very common.
It’s a fake Reddit story but the first thing you do is insult black people en masses. Tbh I don’t live in America and don’t know how AA people are really like, but your takes come across as something a KKK member will say. It’s devoid of any moderation or understanding and sounds like it’s filled some malice and prejudice. I can’t imagine speaking about any group in this way. I think you’ll find being manipulative and opportunistic in every group, especially when you’re from a deprived background which has been devoid of mercy and opportunity.


Scientologist | Against Trudeau's antiBlack racism
Staff Member
It’s a fake Reddit story but the first thing you do is insult black people en masses. Tbh I don’t live in America and don’t know how AA people are really like, but your takes come across as something a KKK member will say. It’s devoid of any moderation or understanding and sounds like it’s filled some malice and prejudice. I can’t imagine speaking about any group in this way. I think you’ll find being manipulative and opportunistic in every group, especially when you’re from a deprived background which has been devoid of mercy and opportunity.

I said it may be fake in my post. I include all Black people, just not AAs. I actually respect AAs the most out of all other Blacks. I like to speak directly and truthfully.


People really underestimate how crazy, manipulative, and opportunistic many Black women can be. They will take advantage of a good Black man and not reciprocate in the slightest. Just like how good Black women should be careful around Black men, good Black men should do the same. The bad Blacks deserve each other, dont let them be near you. On the other hand, this story may be fake and Black people lie all the time but Black women behaving in this manner is very common.
Now, let's be honest :fantasia2:Good madow men barely exist. This situation is not the norm in their community :mybusiness:
I said it may be fake in my post. I include all Black people, just not AAs. I actually respect AAs the most out of all other Blacks. I like to speak directly and truthfully.
Nigerians in the UK and other Africans for the most part are from two parent households well the older generation who are deeply Christian. Funnily enough it’s the younger Western who are influenced by urban culture that have the whole baby mama thing.

Hence saying it’s a black thing is wrong and doesn’t look at the whole picture.


Scientologist | Against Trudeau's antiBlack racism
Staff Member
@Angelina, I know it's difficult to accept. It took me a long time to accept it too. I promised myself that I will no longer sit back and watch Black people normalize wrong and that I would speak up.

Now, let's be honest :fantasia2:Good madow men barely exist. This situation is not the norm in their community :mybusiness:

From my experience, I would say only about 1/4 or 1/3 of Black women/Black men are decent people. The best woman of any race I knew was a late 30s or 40s Jamaican woman I worked with when I was 22. She had so much akhlaq. She really was a gift to Black people.
@Angelina, I know it's difficult to accept. It took me a long time to accept it too. I promised myself that I will no longer sit back and watch Black people normalize wrong and that I would speak up.

From my experience, I would say only about 1/4 or 1/3 of Black women/Black men are decent people. The best woman of any race I knew was a late 30s or 40s Jamaican woman I worked with when I was 22. She had so much akhlaq. She really was a gift to Black people.
If you say so. Seems like you have a hatred for all things black. You remind me of an older conservative white Southern man in America who has been led by false notions of the America dream and rampant victim blaming devoid of historical context and how such a thing became that way.

I know that there is a whole lot wrong with the madow community, but I think you kinda take it to the extreme really and don’t understand the diversity of black people. Take for example the Igbo of the US, they’re incredibly wealthy and educated, yet they’re black African. Have you asked yourself why their trajectory seems different?


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