Steroids for them a e s t h e t i c s gains


Bishop of the order of Gacanta Furan ✋
Walle you are doqon ..protein shakes killed yourbrain cells..i aint gonna compete with you with pictures.. and dont ask me for my pictures ..posted my pics here and there in this site go search it..

6'2 athletic is common in Somalia ..

first sentence in your sorry insecure thread said "Most of us Somalis are kind of unfortunate in the aesthetics department"

Where you get this info from? From your Somali family friends and your self...please stfu
Once again post physique or gtfo; prolly posted a picture you found on the internet which you can't find anymore. Bout search it.

Also in regards to my comment, most horners look like shit, this includes Ethiopians and Eritreans. To expand on my comment, this includes niggas back home and niggas in Europe. Even the 2nd gen somalis born in the west. You're talking to a grown ass man who's talking about his experience naagta tahay was'e, talk to me like a man instead of attacking me and maybe I'll talk to you with the dignity which you probably don't have or deserve.

Edit: Also you aint gonna compete because you can't compete and your ugly looking ass knows this.
Once again post physique or gtfo; prolly posted a picture you found on the internet which you can't find anymore. Bout search it.

Also in regards to my comment, most horners look like shit, this includes Ethiopians and Eritreans. To expand on my comment, this includes niggas back home and niggas in Europe. Even the 2nd gen somalis born in the west. You're talking to a grown ass man who's talking about his experience naagta tahay was'e, talk to me like a man instead of attacking me and maybe I'll talk to you with the dignity which you probably don't have or deserve.

Naag khaniiis bay ka posted half naked picture asking me to match you.. you self hating fagggit ..and its good you admitted that you think most east africans look like shit...

Because you are ugly and you have to be in constant war with your inferior genes...

Nacalaa khaniiska tahay wase..
Appreciate the comment bro, its always good to have people with a cycle under their belt to chime in. I'm gonna run HCG in between tbh, I know the lack of exogenous hormone in your system that body got used to is gonna make your mood low for a short period.

So wait, you only did a 3 week cycle? Why didn't you just continue it for 9 more weeks considering you've already bit the bullet.
I would run the HCG during the cycle, your LH stays high and your natural test levels don't get nuked as bad, if at all. However you'll have more problems with shit like gyno due to the extra test production and it being converted to estrogen. So I'd probably increase what ever aromatize inhibitor you're gna take by a little to counteract this. This is broscience speculation from my older gym bros and forums,misc and /fit/ f-ggots, so take it with a grain of salt lol.

Tbh I saw how addictive and appealing being on cycle was. I knew that If i dove in with both feet and finished the cycle, I'd defo run more in the future and it'd be the new norm for me.
Think about building muscle on steroids like buying shit on a credit card. At the end of the day, it isn't really yours. No amount of PCT and fighting shut-down will allow you to keep the gains once you're beyond what your body's naturally capable of building/maintaining. Now you can make an argument about steroids getting you to your genetic limit quicker, but the inevitable crash after every cycle makes that impossible.
I'll just wait till I'm in my 40s and my natural levels start to decline and just go on TRT sxb, by that point I should have children inshallah so the shut-down wouldn't be as big of an issue.


Bishop of the order of Gacanta Furan ✋
Naag khaniiis bay ka posted half naked picture asking me to match you.. you self hating ***ggit ..and its good you admitted that you think most east africans look like shit...

Because you are ugly and you have to be in constant war with your inferior genes...

Nacalaa khaniiska tahay wase..
Maanta sida u socotay maxaad ii keentay naag nin khaniis ee ka fiicantahay? :ftw9nwa:
Calling me khaniis because I told you to match up? Rag nimadada hadii aa ku kalsooni qabin, ragga aa la hadlin you cuck.

Walle illahay aa u maqan. Also I won't be at war with my supposedly inferior genes, I'm hopping on a steroid cycle to leave niggas like you behind. I already look better than you without steroids, imagine how im gonna look after a cycle?



Bishop of the order of Gacanta Furan ✋
I would run the HCG during the cycle, your LH stays high and your natural test levels don't get nuked as bad, if at all. However you'll have more problems with shit like gyno due to the extra test production and it being converted to estrogen. So I'd probably increase what ever aromatize inhibitor you're gna take by a little to counteract this. This is broscience speculation from my older gym bros and forums,misc and /fit/ f-ggots, so take it with a grain of salt lol.

Tbh I saw how addictive and appealing being on cycle was. I knew that If i dove in with both feet and finished the cycle, I'd defo run more in the future and it'd be the new norm for me.
Think about building muscle on steroids like buying shit on a credit card. At the end of the day, it isn't really yours. No amount of PCT and fighting shut-down will allow you to keep the gains once you're beyond what your body's naturally capable of building/maintaining. Now you can make an argument about steroids getting you to your genetic limit quicker, but the inevitable crash after every cycle makes that impossible.
I'll just wait till I'm in my 40s and my natural levels start to decline and just go on TRT sxb, by that point I should have children inshallah so the shut-down wouldn't be as big of an issue.
To be honest you make a lot of sense, going on TRT at 40 seems like the smarter thing to do. It does get to you though when you see niggas that haven't been training for as long as you have hop on steroids and literally get swoller than you in such a short period.

Quick question, did you keep any strength gains from the cycle?
Naag khaniiis bay ka posted half naked picture asking me to match you.. you self hating ***ggit ..and its good you admitted that you think most east africans look like shit...

Because you are ugly and you have to be in constant war with your inferior genes...

Nacalaa khaniiska tahay wase..
Sxb just stop, you're clutching at straws now wallahi. Wanting to get jacked unlike most east Africans isn't "self-hate". There were genetic advantages to our body-type back in our nomadic past, but the western diet and general lack of exercise makes us look like shit compared to other groups of people who are genetically predisposed to building and maintain muscle mass easier.

The OP's not wrong for pointing this out, don't take offense over such trivial shit, you're a grown man.
Sxb just stop, you're clutching at straws now wallahi. Wanting to get jacked unlike most east Africans isn't "self-hate". There were genetic advantages to our body-type back in our nomadic past, but the western diet and general lack of exercise makes us look like shit compared to other groups of people who are genetically predisposed to building and maintain muscle mass easier.

The OP's not wrong for pointing this out, don't take offense over such trivial shit, you're a grown man.

Sorry if you feel that your family look like shit compared to other families :francis:
To be honest you make a lot of sense, going on TRT at 40 seems like the smarter thing to do. It does get to you though when you see niggas that haven't been training for as long as you have hop on steroids and literally get swoller than you in such a short period.

Quick question, did you keep any strength gains from the cycle?
100% sxb, all of my PT friends would get their ch*nk students clients on gear and they'd look better than most gym-rats in 6months. But there's no merit to it. The moment they came off, the ugly trust was revealed. They have no idea how to diet, train properly and were injury prone due to their muscles growing and strengthening quicker than tendons. In the long term you win. I personally got past it by starting muay-thai, something about being able to sleep most juice-heads while looking like shit just made the whole thing seem trivial wallahi.

To answer your question, absolutely fucking not. If anything I was in a worse place than before I'd started. The workouts weren't as fun anymore and I wasn't getting crazy pumps from just doing warmup sets. It has a psychological effect on you, the weight just seem heavier and it actually required real disciple and grit because the compound you're running aren't doing the heavy lifting for you anymore.
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Sorry if you feel that your family look like shit compared to other families :francis:
Why bring my family into it? Warya I haven't trained properly for a year and I bet I still look better than you. OP was right, post your pics or stfu. Arguing with +20% bodyfat, twig armed f-ggots like you is pointless :camby:


Bishop of the order of Gacanta Furan ✋
100% sxb, all of my PT friends would get their ch*nk students clients on gear and they'd look better than most gym-rats in 6months. But there's no merit to it. The moment they came off, the ugly trust was revealed. They have no idea how to diet, train properly and were injury prone due to their muscles growing and strengthening quicker than tendons. In the long term you win. I personally got past it by starting muay-thai, something about being able to sleep most juice-heads just made the whole thing seem trivial wallahi.

To answer your question, absolutely fucking not. If anything I was in a worse place than before I'd started. The workouts weren't as fun anymore and I wasn't getting crazy pumps from just doing warmup sets. It has a psychological effect on you, the weight just seem heavier and it actually required real disciple and grit because the compound you're running aren't doing the heavy lifting for you anymore.

>Training Muay Thai
Mah nigga

Been training BJJ for almost 6 years now, about to get my brown belt. You're absolutely right, there's something satisfying about being able to f*ck up most guys who f*ck with you. Would you recommend Muay Thai as a second art? And how well would I cope considering I've got a background in BJJ?

Honestly, you might have single handedly convinced me to not run a cycle anytime soon. Whats your take on peptides and GH secretagogues in terms helping with recovery? Also any supplements you'd recommend with training besides the good old caffeine hit from Pre-Workouts?
Why bring my family into it? Warya I haven't trained properly for a year and I bet I still look better than you. OP was right, post your pics or stfu. Arguing with +20% bodyfat, twig armed f-ggots like you is pointless :camby:

:russ: you said
"but the western diet and general lack of exercise makes us look like shit compared to other groups of people"

Us? Just tell us do your family fall in that streaotype skinny and your women got fat azz with skinny legs

Whats more weird you said " OP was right, post your pics or stfu. Arguing with +20% bodyfat, twig armed f-ggots like you "

Why you want to see you have a girl for me related or unrelated? Because .. nevermind:pachah1:

Nothing more cringy than
shirtless oiled dudes showing off on social media like this fagget OP ..why since you admire him dont do the same?

f*ck outta here with your self hating inferior post.
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Bantu Liberation Movement
:mjlol:You look like fucking spider big head and upper body with skinny legs..gym addict

we Somali people if we live in healthy enviroment with abundance of peace and food..we are the most attractive race on earth ...

nacalaaa insecureka tahay wase tufffuuu
Get the f*ck outta here ugly ***** :camby:
I would love to see your picture.
>Training Muay Thai
Mah nigga

Been training BJJ for almost 6 years now, about to get my brown belt. You're absolutely right, there's something satisfying about being able to f*ck up most guys who f*ck with you. Would you recommend Muay Thai as a second art? And how well would I cope considering I've got a background in BJJ?

Honestly, you might have single handedly convinced me to not run a cycle anytime soon. Whats your take on peptides and GH secretagogues in terms helping with recovery? Also any supplements you'd recommend with training besides the good old caffeine hit from Pre-Workouts?
Finally, another Somali on sspot who actually trained:kendrickcry::friendhug:
Brown belts is no joke wallahi, have you competed in any BJJ tournaments?

I'd go down the MMA route, the bastardize form of boxing/kicki-boxing/MT they teach is really effective. There's a weird orthodoxy in Muay Thai gyms, where shit like "proper MT form/stance" is more emphasized than head movement, if any is emphasized at all.

They can be the fucking weeaboos for that traditional "I hit you, you hit me, who's got the most heart" style of MT. Apart from the clinch/knees/elbows, I'd say the striking taught at MMA gyms is better. With your background in BJJ, you'll probably adapt to clinching way quicker than the striking itself. It's similar in the sense that leverage plays a huge role, you can wreck guys twice your size easily after a while.

Wallahi I'm glad sxb. I've never looked into that side of things. For the most part unless you're pushing to failure during each set and taxing the fucking out of your central nervous system, recovery shouldn't be an issue. If you're consuming adequate cals/protein for protein synthesis and getting solid sleep while sticking to a decent training program, I think you're gucci. I personally just use some beta alanine, citrulline and creatine as a pre-workout. It's must cheaper just mixing it yourself and you can adjust the ratios yourself.
:russ: you said
"but the western diet and general lack of exercise makes us look like shit compared to other groups of people"

Us? Just tell us do your family fall in that streaotype skinny and your women got fat azz with skinny legs

Whats more weird you said " OP was right, post your pics or stfu. Arguing with +20% bodyfat, twig armed f-ggots like you "

Why you want to see you have a girl for me related or unrelated? Because .. nevermind:pachah1:

Nothing more cringy than
shirtless oiled dudes showing off on social media like this ***get OP ..why since you admire him dont do the same?

f*ck outta here with your self hating inferior post.
Why do guys who can't even bench their own body weight have the most to say?:farmajoyaab:


Bishop of the order of Gacanta Furan ✋
Dont take steroids bro...its for weak men
Makes you push ups and pull ups ..dont listen to them spiders
How is a DYEL like yourself even think he's qualified to dish out advice :draketf:
I won't even ask you to post pic at this stage, you've had more than
enough time to google shit. So... GTFO.

I would love to see your picture.
Exactly, nothing to show bro :ftw9nwa:

Finally, another Somali on sspot who actually trained:kendrickcry::friendhug:
Brown belts is no joke wallahi, have you competed in any BJJ tournaments?

I'd go down the MMA route, the bastardize form of boxing/kicki-boxing/MT they teach is really effective. There's a weird orthodoxy in Muay Thai gyms, where shit like "proper MT form/stance" is more emphasized than head movement, if any is emphasized at all.

They can be the fucking weeaboos for that traditional "I hit you, you hit me, who's got the most heart" style of MT. Apart from the clinch/knees/elbows, I'd say the striking taught at MMA gyms is better. With your background in BJJ, you'll probably adapt to clinching way quicker than the striking itself. It's similar in the sense that leverage plays a huge role, you can wreck guys twice your size easily after a while.

Wallahi I'm glad sxb. I've never looked into that side of things. For the most part unless you're pushing to failure during each set and taxing the fucking out of your central nervous system, recovery shouldn't be an issue. If you're consuming adequate cals/protein for protein synthesis and getting solid sleep while sticking to a decent training program, I think you're gucci. I personally just use some beta alanine, citrulline and creatine as a pre-workout. It's must cheaper just mixing it yourself and you can adjust the ratios yourself.
I do weight training 6 times a week and BJJ 3 times a week, starting to feel like im getting adrenal fatigue tbh, im always tired and cranked out these days. The quarantine is helping me recover though. Also out of the supplements you mentioned, creatine is the only one I realised has actually helped me. I take other things like Ashwaganda and Zinc to help with hormones.

Why do guys who can't even bench their own body weight have the most to say?:farmajoyaab:
Its always these kind of niggas bro lol :pachah1:


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Breh I have been skinny fat my whole life, can you teach me how to become swole at home


Bishop of the order of Gacanta Furan ✋
Breh I have been skinny fat my whole life, can you teach me how to become swole at home
Bought the Athlean Xero bodyweight program for about 80 quid, the gains have been absolutely phenomenal. They're difficult though bare in mind. It came with videos and PDFs, its about 2gb. Cba uploading the whole thing but I can upload the PDFs for you if you want, just want my fellow somalis to get swole.

Edit: f*ck it, uploaded the PDFs; feel free to download if you're interested.


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