The Prodigy
Canjeero is Somali. Our Canjeero isn't sour nor as spongy as your Injera, don't try to claim our food.![]()
Don't feed the raw meat trolls sister.
Canjeero is Somali. Our Canjeero isn't sour nor as spongy as your Injera, don't try to claim our food.![]()
Canjeero is Somali. Our Canjeero isn't sour nor as spongy as your Injera, don't try to claim our food.![]()
NopeThe sad thing is, is that your probably some coon somali pretending to be ethiopian.
Your a a coon, confirmed!
Mookhbassa, and makhbuz/khabiz the arabic word for baked, is pronounced completely differently, plus originally this food is supposed to be roasted outside on the beach on an open flame pit, not in an oven nacala
Also I concur with the OP of this thread that is indeed called Kaluun Zayla'i as well,
The food is not Yemeni at all, stop shucking and jiving for your arab masters you poor geeljire, stop asking me for money everytime your animals die![]()
This reminds me of a lot of threads in the history section.
We suffer from inferiority complex and before the world acknowledges our stupidity by claiming Mercedes Benz is originally Somali, is there a remedy?
I have not seen one. The falsehoods on the Somali Wikipedia pages seem even to be growing. There are whole new independent volumes of it out there. And they pass it around, reinforcing each other.
@AussieHustler Ahmed gurey wasn't arab and its pathetic that you bring all of your cooning talking points in a thread about the somali infleunce on Yemeni cuisine, which Yemenis themselves admit.
The Wikipedia stuff is from clannists trying to portray their clans as indestructible and exemplary among the Somali clans. The bloated Somali history and the revisionism is based on their respective clans to be the guides and leaders of Somalis. Why? The clan history wars are still raging between Somalilanders and Hawiye intellectuals on one side and the Darods on the other side. The former group make a compelling argument that the Kacaanka (Barre’s era) written history is purely fictional and is biased because it is based on the glorification of Darod history and is silent of or says very little about the contributions made by the other clans towards Somali history. But their mistake is, they went overboard with their revisionism and portrayed “their Somalis” as a unique and perfect civilisation that fought all kinds of armies and visited everywhere with little or no documentation. They challenged and even sugarcoated recent Somali history that has been well documented. A Somali will think that his sub-sub-sub clan to be superior than any other clan or even a superpower. Ask them which Somali clan was Ahmed Gurey/Gran? Even this Arab sheikh’s identity is hotly contested because he will elevate the clan’s status real or imagined. The clan conversation (fadhi ku dirrir) of Somali history continues...
Have you read “Futu7a Al-7abash” and how he addressed the Somalis? If he’s Somali, what clan was he? My clan Shaley ayaan is-ursaney claim Khalid Al-Walid to be one of us, are there any other Somali claiming him?
I've already exposed the Futuh Al Habash as a fraud in the tribal section, its the most replied to thread as of yet. Go ahead and see it.
@Whimsical fanatic
Thanks Sxb, that’s the history wars I’m talking about, I’ve read few pages and it made me want to puke. Nin weeyn baa wuxuu la soo shirtegay a saudi writer called aljezani says, Ahmed Gran was from my clan. This very same guy is now claiming on this thread that Yemeni dishes to be originally Somali dishes (his clan areas). Before he claims Singapore on behalf on his clan, meesha aan isaga carraro.