Stop looking at arabs as "brothers"


Plotting world domination
I’m not that well versed on geopolitics so not sure why you don’t trust them

Kenya killed thousands of our people.

Ethiopia has pretty much been our mortal enemy for centuries.

West Africans are islamophobic and are only experience with them back home is with AMISON. A "peacekeeping" force filled with bantus from west and east Africa. They have killed innocent somalis and raped local women.

South Africans hate us even though we helped them with apartheid. They are very xenophobic people and have killed Somali business men.

Pan Africans in general don't like somalis because most of our people are Muslim and don't want to intermarry with other Africans.


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
I’m not that well versed on geopolitics so not sure why you don’t trust them
They back stabbed Somalia pretty hard in the MOU agreement Somaliland signed with Ethiopia. In stead of coming to Somalia's defense they released a statement telling both sides to calm down like Somalia was in the wrong for not getting a say in their internationally recognized coast being leased


Kenya killed thousands of our people.

Ethiopia has pretty much been our mortal enemy for centuries.

West Africans are islamophobic and are only experience with them back home is with AMISON. A "peacekeeping" force filled with bantus from west and east Africa. They have killed innocent somalis and raped local women.

South Africans hate us even though we helped them with apartheid. They are very xenophobic people and have killed Somali business men.

Pan Africans in general don't like somalis because most of our people are Muslim and don't want to intermarry with other Africans.
There was also a massacre in Garissa as well


that wasn't me who commented that 🤔I do support israel's right to defend themselves tho!
I’m talking about the guy in the comment section not you.Plus what has this got to do with Israel’s right to themselves there are ppl planning to move back to Gaza .
Do not lie on me you dog. I will embarrass you in this forum in English from now on😂
احسن كذا يا قحبة، عشان العجم يفهمو

You come from two of the most subhuman groups in the world. aydookra tahay was 🐕


Kenya killed thousands of our people.

Ethiopia has pretty much been our mortal enemy for centuries.

West Africans are islamophobic and are only experience with them back home is with AMISON. A "peacekeeping" force filled with bantus from west and east Africa. They have killed innocent somalis and raped local women.

South Africans hate us even though we helped them with apartheid. They are very xenophobic people and have killed Somali business men.

Pan Africans in general don't like somalis because most of our people are Muslim and don't want to intermarry with other Africans.
I’ve seen ppl say Somalis should be thankful to Kenyans cause they hosted us or something here guys watch this:


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
Kenya killed thousands of our people.

Ethiopia has pretty much been our mortal enemy for centuries.

West Africans are islamophobic and are only experience with them back home is with AMISON. A "peacekeeping" force filled with bantus from west and east Africa. They have killed innocent somalis and raped local women.

South Africans hate us even though we helped them with apartheid. They are very xenophobic people and have killed Somali business men.

Pan Africans in general don't like somalis because most of our people are Muslim and don't want to intermarry with other Africans.
Reer Hutu in Rwanda and Burundi use Somali as a insult towards their Tutsi minority. Haven't heard anything else bad coming from central africa though
Do not listen to these radical Arabphobes brother wallah it is mostly liberal woman who push this belief
Idk where the Arab hate comes from. They meet one racist Arab working at a halal meat store, and now they hate an entire group 😂

Aside from the Somali refuges who were treated poorly in Sana’a, I’ve rarely heard of Somalis feeling unwelcome in Arab countries. I know some Egyptians were kinda racists but when you’re population is that big you’re bound to have a few bad apples 🤷🏾‍♂️
Say word 💀💀 like what?
Here are a few gems
Zeila was historically an Arab city until the 19th century. But previous Muslim kingdoms in Zeila were tributaries of Abyssinia. The Muslim rulers gave gifts to maintain friendly relations and to avoid the anger of the Christian kings..
Lewis is right when he states that Mogadishu was founded and established by Arab traders. The first tribes of Mogadishu were the Banu Qahtaan. Overwhelming evidence, such as manuscripts, ruined neighborhoods, structures, and archeological evidence of grave sites with foreign names, demonstrates that Mogadishu was founded by Arabs.
You are a troll, and you keep embarrassing yourself. The fact that you don't even know Umar Ibn Dunya was an Arab shows you are not worthy of a futile discussion. You are not being serious for the most part.
Idk where the Arab hate comes from. They meet one racist Arab working at a halal meat store, and now they hate an entire group 😂

Aside from the Somali refuges who were treated poorly in Sana’a, I’ve rarely heard of Somalis feeling unwelcome in Arab countries. I know some Egyptians were kinda racists but when you’re population is that big you’re bound to have a few bad apples 🤷🏾‍♂️
back in the 80s many Somali women were abducted, raped & dismembered in Saudi


I had an argument with a Kenyan once on Twitter that told me all NFD Somalis should go home. That was the closest day I came to being a Soomaaliweynist the audacity ffs 💀
Kenyans should stfu respectfully they speak as if horrible crimes weren’t done against Somalis annoying ass ppl
He claims to be a pious religious brother btw 😂

back in the 80s many Somali women were abducted, raped & dismembered in Saudi
Were they targeting Somali women specifically, or did this equally happen to women of all different types of nationalities? Also in which part of KSA did this happen?

