Stop looking at arabs as "brothers"


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
I dont think your a somali since in almost every other thread you praise everything ethiopian, you shit on your countrymen and you spew hate on people considered as allies and yk there are many ajnabis (the ones that are our allies) that lurk this site and they probably getting a bad image of us cause of you spew this bullcrap but whatever you do you just save us the trouble and get together with a ethiopian and rid yourself of our gene pool please.
Bro not every Somali has to think alike.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Bro not every Somali has to think alike.
nah I tolerate many things but praising and showering the enemy with affection is something that I personally have zero tolerance for and it also heavily determines my view of a fellow somali, those that bootyclap for ethiopians should immediately just leave the genepool so as to not pass this phile fever onto their children better to be a raw meat eater than a raw meat lover.
We arent slaves and were never slaves in history so I dont see how that links to us.
True, but if I may add something...
I think that entirely depends on whether the person using to describe us is a native Arab or a western-born Arab. A western-born Arab will absorb US racial dynamics of black vs white and since we Somalis fall under the black label in the Anglosphere, the cunsuuri Arab-Australians here are more likely to use abeed towards you with the intention of dissing you. The emphasis is on intention.

A native Arab from the Khaleej is almost unlikely to utter that word with racist disrespect towards us Somalis because like people here have already said, we were never victims of mass slavery AND there's a good bunch of Somali communities in the MENA region who are generally respected enough to duck the hate black Africans of other ethnicities would receive.

I don't like looking at things too literally - sometimes its what the other person means to say even if it literally makes no sense since we weren't one of the abeed.
I dont think your a somali since in almost every other thread you praise everything ethiopian, you shit on your countrymen and you spew hate on people considered as allies and yk there are many ajnabis (the ones that are our allies) that lurk this site and they probably getting a bad image of us cause of you spew this bullcrap but whatever you do you just save us the trouble and get together with a ethiopian and rid yourself of our gene pool please.
:chrisfreshhah:New Ethiopian accusation dropped 🚶🏾‍♀️ lmao. You guys care about saving waji, I don’t tbh I’d rather share the hardships the people I know went through to keep a balanced perspective to those who’ve never lived in the Middle East. I legit shared an image of a Somali maid on a kafala app & they still denied her ethnicity.. you guys only care about reputation smh


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
:chrisfreshhah:New Ethiopian accusation dropped 🚶🏾‍♀️ lmao. You guys care about saving waji, I don’t tbh I’d rather share the hardships the people I know went through to keep a balanced perspective to those who’ve never lived in the Middle East.
I hope you leave the gene pool or miraculously run out of eggs so you can be deemed infertile and not have to give birth to children cursed to lick the toes of ethiopians.
I hope you leave the gene pool or miraculously run out of eggs so you can be deemed infertile and not have to give birth to children cursed to lick the toes of ethiopians.
Just out spite I’ll marry somali. I’m not fond of Ethiopians they literally occupy our land.. I said their food is yummy and challenge misogynists & spazed out earlier which I apologize for.. and all of a sudden im a non Somali with an agenda 🚶🏾‍♀️:stressed:
nah I tolerate many things but praising and showering the enemy with affection is something that I personally have zero tolerance for and it also heavily determines my view of a fellow somali, those that bootyclap for ethiopians should immediately just leave the genepool so as to not pass this phile fever onto their children better to be a raw meat eater than a raw meat lover.
Proof of me pandering to Ethiopians 🤔 are you this mad about me saying their food is nutritious


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Just out spite I’ll marry somali. I’m not fond of Ethiopians they literally occupy our land.. I said their food is yummy and challenge misogynists & spazed out earlier which I apologize for.. and all of a sudden im a non Somali with an agenda 🚶🏾‍♀️:stressed:


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Proof of me pandering to Ethiopians 🤔 are you this mad about me saying their food is nutritious
Right now. and dont call that slop nutritious that is food poisoning right there.


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
Just out spite I’ll marry somali. I’m not fond of Ethiopians they literally occupy our land.. I said their food is yummy and challenge misogynists & spazed out earlier which I apologize for.. and all of a sudden im a non Somali with an agenda 🚶🏾‍♀️:stressed:
I'm near waterloo UwU 😳👉 👈
Why are some of you guys acting like it is impossible for a Somali woman living in the Gulf to have ever been a maid? I'm not saying any of you are wrong, I'm not well versed in the topic so it's not like I'm qualified to say so.
It's just your line of reasoning that's a bit weird.

Because most Horn African maids came in with Ethiopian passports, they were all Habesh, Oromo, etc. Ethiopian ethnicities. None of them could have been Somali-Ethiopian from Jigjiga or something? No odd case of a Somali sister from mainland Somalia getting into the maid industry?

Please enlighten me with statistics and not ramblings about how I'm an Arab-hating liberal with gaal tendencies.
It is not impossible, and I know that their financial situation is bad. A small number of Somali women used to go to work there as maids, but the question is: Were there Somali maids in the Gulf in the eighties? Did the government at that time do that? No, for me, and that is why I said that the first term of President Hassan Sheikh is the first time that Somali women have been allowed to work there as maids, but I completely reject the idea of normalizing this idea as if it were a natural matter. Something for us like other communities, because I know that as a tribal community we will not allow our women to go to work. There are no guarantees what will happen to her. The other point is that I don't like the "victim" mentality and the portrayal of Somalis as oppressed and the generalization based on a few of them. Speaking of workers, there was a period when Ethiopians were the most dangerous nationalities in terms of crimes in Saudi Arabia, and this led to the Saudis themselves refusing to bring in Ethiopian maids, and this actually led to a decline in their acceptance and thus there were no jobs. What did they do? They were impersonating Somali nationality at that time, and indeed many of them were accepted to work there. Also, forgery of passports was widespread in Somalia at one time because we were without a government, and for this reason I believe that most of the “Somali” maids are in fact of other nationalities

It is not impossible, and I know that their financial situation is bad. A small number of Somali women used to go to work there as maids, but the question is: Were there Somali maids in the Gulf in the eighties? Did the government at that time do that? No, for me, and that is why I said that the first term of President Hassan Sheikh is the first time that Somali women have been allowed to work there as maids, but I completely reject the idea of normalizing this idea as if it were a natural matter. Something for us like other communities, because I know that as a tribal community we will not allow our women to go to work. There are no guarantees what will happen to her. The other point is that I don't like the "victim" mentality and the portrayal of Somalis as oppressed and the generalization based on a few of them. Speaking of workers, there was a period when Ethiopians were the most dangerous nationalities in terms of crimes in Saudi Arabia, and this led to the Saudis themselves refusing to bring in Ethiopian maids, and this actually led to a decline in their acceptance and thus there were no jobs. What did they do? They were impersonating Somali nationality at that time, and indeed many of them were accepted to work there. Also, forgery of passports was widespread in Somalia at one time because we were without a government, and for this reason I believe that most of the “Somali” maids are in fact of other nationalities

Thank you for taking the time to write this down for me, walaal.
as a non religious ana carab we don't claim that nigga respectfully. We pass him on to the shias
Why are you claiming Arab if you’re not even religious? I thought the whole point of claiming to be Arab was to pretend as if you were closer to the Prophet.

But anyway, this is a good example of a Kaafir that knows his place. OP, you should take some notes.


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