Straight Women Are Marrying Each Other in Tanzania

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marrying a man and marrying a dog isn't much of a difference tbh. both are xoolo but obedient when you train them right.
So you think i am a xoolo ?
You broke my heart. :mjcry:
But men being obedient ? I thought it was the other way round. :francis:
( I am just joking . I respect females. I believe all men and women equal.)


@EternalLightX First of all this isn't about me nor do you know me, so don't get comfortable. Deal with the facts, I didn't
make Bantu women masculine. I am not gay so why would I be into masculine woman (which is like being with a man)?
that defeats the whole purpose of being a woman. Don't catch feelings now.



you aren't telling me anything new bud. address your femininity naayaa

Go suck some ceeb somewhere else naayahe. I don't want to get STD from you.
I am very selective on the woman I engage with. What femininity? Are you mistaking
me for your male family members? Qaxbaxadyahay qudhuntay. :lol:
You have strong oder as well and lack masculinity as stated by @Knowthyself23, to me they are buetiful women, buety is a subjective term, what exactly is beuty ? Sadly people like you abuse this term in order to justify hate against these women or bantu in general.
don't bother arguing with him intelligent arguments fly over his head. xoolo like him don't deserve a well thought response. let him rot in his ignorance.


Queen of the light
@EternalLightX First of all this isn't about me nor do you know me, so don't get comfortable. Deal with the facts, I didn't
make Bantu women masculine. I am not gay so why would I be into masculine woman (which is like being with a man)?
that defeats the whole purpose of being a woman. Don't catch feelings now.

Haha you must be very feminine to handle any women your ego is deflated my dear these strong women are too much for your little feminine frame. I suggest you give up seeking women it's not good for you


I know what is for me and very confident in my sexuality, unfortunately I can't say the
same for you. So I suggest you book a ticket and seek a female mate in Tanzania, carpet
muncher. It is funny when angry lesbians are trying to push their lifestyle on others.

Go suck some ceeb somewhere else naayahe. I don't want to get STD from you.
I am very selective on the woman I engage with. What femininity? Are you mistaking
me for your male family members? Qaxbaxadyahay qudhuntahay. :lol:
tbh you being selective and you being racist are too very different things. look how shook you got when i called you a feminine naag with a loose and diseased vagina, but you have no problem calling these poor women and their entire race masculine. war go transition into a woman, we all know it is your calling.


@Knowthyself23 You are a airhead full stop. I don't have intelligent convos with crackheads. It is like that street corner crack- that
stops you and expects you to talk to her. I am not that desperate nayaahe, close your rusty legs now.
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Queen of the light
I know what is for me and very confident in my sexuality, unfortunately I can't say the
same for you. So I guess you book a ticket and seek a female mate in Tanzania, carpet
muncher. It is funny when angry lesbians are trying to push their lifestyle on others.

You steer the conversation into sexuality if men like you were of an abundance I would gladly go to other the side atleast they are not as patronised by their own egos. Your a joke sir the fact that you fear when we question your masculinity suggest to me you suffer from innate problems which lay dormant within. Sort yourself out then come back to us. You have no right to comment on anyone's physical trait. Until you sort out your psychological issues which breeds the hate you currently have.


kkkk psychological issues? Says the person who was abandoned by her daddy and all
male relatives in her life. Don't get mouthy with me nor comfortable. It ain't my
fault the men in your life let you down. You don't need any help from me to be a Lesbian
because.... you already hate men in your own words.

Cry me a river. :birdman:

I just don't believe in marriage I've been hurt to many times by vindictive men they deserve nothing but brutal pain and suffering.I cannot stand them any longer they are curse on this planet
@Knowthyself23 You are a airhead full stop. I don't have intelligent convos with crackheads. It is like that street corner crack- that
stops you and expects you to talk to her. I am not that desperate nayaahe, close your rusty legs now.

"rusty legs" is english your first language?



Queen of the light
kkkk psychological issues? Says the person who was abandoned by her daddy and all
male relatives in her life. Don't get mouthy with me nor comfortable. It ain't my
fault the men in your life let you down. You don't need any help from me to be a Lesbian
because.... you already hate men in your own words.

Cry me a river. :birdman:
You've resorted to solidifying my sexuality and claiming I'm a lesbians with no evidence whatsoever. And then you scorne my supposed past life which you've suddenly created out of thin air. Are you a stalker ? Anyway you've been defeated please step away, and go back to your cave. Men such as yourself deserve to be hidden away from the public. Your an absolute embarassment.


@EternalLightX You are the one who tried to get personal and project your own issues to others you don't know. With so many problems in your life, a stranger in a forum should be the least of your worries. kkk now she is claiming I am a stalker, dummy you are the one who posted that in the public forum for everyone to see your calaacal. Anyway good on the men in your life for hurting you, because now I know why you have a stinky attitude that needs to be slapped down. You can remain forever single and hate men, I couldn't give a toss.



Queen of the light
@EternalLightX You are the one who tried to get personal and project your own issues to others you don't know. With so many problems in your life, a stranger in a forum should be the least of your worries. kkk now she is claiming I am a stalker, dummy you are the one who posted that in the public forum for everyone to see your calaacal. Anyway good on the men in your life for hurting you, because now I know why you have a stinky attitude that needs to be slapped down. You can remain forever single and hate men, I couldn't give a toss.

Haha please as if your comment strikes fear in me, good day sir
@EternalLightX You are naive, nothing discrimination about it. I have been around black women and they do have strong
man odor.
Black women are built like men. It's hella weird. Look at Serena Williams then at every other white female tennis player. Serena is a fucking bull compared to the white women.

And even strong (gymnast type) white women are still feminine. Shit one if the black gymnasts at the Olympics had legs that were bigger than my waist :damn:
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