Sudan autosomal study

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Lol, Pyramids aren't even advanced structures. It's basically classical mechanics/statics. Any empire with enough manpower could've done it. Chinese gunpowder and the Indian Zero were game-changers, meanwhile the pyramids are nothing but quaint monuments to Pharoanic vanity.
The reason why they are so obsessed with Ancient Egypt is because it’s wide spread and accepted in white culture & media. Else they would have claimed China.
What do you guys know about the Ethio-Somali gene?

"According to an autosomal DNA study by Hodgson et al. (2014), the Afro-Asiatic languages were likely spread across Africa and the Near East by an ancestral population(s) carrying a newly identified non-African genetic component, which the researchers dub the "Ethio-Somali". This Ethio-Somali component is today most common among Afro-Asiatic-speaking populations in the Horn of Africa. It reaches a frequency peak among ethnic Somalis, representing the majority of their ancestry. The Ethio-Somali component is most closely related to the Maghrebi non-African genetic component, and is believed to have diverged from all other non-African ancestries at least 23,000 years ago. On this basis, the researchers suggest that the original Ethio-Somali carrying population(s) probably arrived in the pre-agricultural period from the Near East, having crossed over into northeastern Africa via the Sinai Peninsula. The population then likely split into two branches, with one group heading westward toward the Maghreb and the other moving south into the Horn.[182] Ancient DNA analysis indicates that this foundational ancestry in the Horn region is akin to that of the Neolithic farmers of the southern Levant.[183]"

Egypt is not the Sudan, and the Nubians are not Nuba. Neither is the non-African component recent, nor does it center on Egypt.

"The iHS scan performed on the Semitic-Cushitic populations (considered as a whole) confirmed that SLC24A5 was within the top 5% of selection signals, whereas the gene was not detected as an outlier in the other groups of Ethiopians. The unusual history of this gene was further supported by the presence of the derived A allele of the SNP rs1834640, associated with the light skin pigmentation of Europeans and western Asians,47 at higher frequencies in Semitic-Cushitic groups compared with Omotic, Nilotic, or Nigerian-Congolese groups (0.55 versus 0.23, 0.07, and 0.04, respectively). To further investigate the effect of admixture on the genetic landscape of skin pigmentation in Ethiopia, we also looked at other genes associated with pigmentation in Europe;46 however, none were found in our outlier regions.

Source of the Major Out-of-Africa Migration

Consistent with previous studies' reports of a steady decline in genetic similarity among non-African populations as a function of geographical traveling distance from East Africa, we found that the FST values estimated between either Ethiopian or North African populations and non-African populations followed the same pattern (Figure 2, Table S2). This steady decline has been argued27 to be compatible with a single exit followed by isolation-by-distance, rather than with two distinct African sources contributing to the non-African diversity. Neither including nor excluding the Ethiopian data altered the pattern. To follow the thread left by this dispersal in more detail, we used the genome partitioning performed earlier to calculate the minimum pairwise difference between the African component of the Egyptian and Ethiopian populations and the equivalent genomic segment in non-Africans. The partitioning would remove noise, caused by recent backflows into Africa, which might otherwise mask the original out-of-Africa signal. If the mouth of the Red Sea had been a major migration route out of Africa, we might observe a closer affinity of Ethiopians, rather than Egyptians, with non-Africans.

As a proof of principle, we first applied the approach to a genetic system with a well-understood phylogeographic structure: mtDNA. Virtually all indigenous sub-Saharan African mtDNA lineages belong to L haplogroups, whereas the presence of haplogroups M and N in North and East Africa has been interpreted as a signal of gene flow back to Africa.48,49 With the full set of 18 mtDNA SNPs used in our genome-wide data set, Egyptians and Moroccans proved to be the closest African population to any non-African population examined (Table 2A). However, when we first partitioned the mtDNA lineages into African and non-African (i.e., L and non-L) and considered only the L component, a different pattern emerged: Ethiopians were the closest population to the non-Africans (Table 2B), consistent with inferences drawn from more detailed mtDNA analyses.50"

Referring back to the original topic for this thread, both the Beja and Nubians are Cushitic, but the Beja have an ancient history as nomads in the north of the Sudan (the Blemmyes) and the Nubians were both settled kingdoms/empires and nomadic pastoralists in the center and south (Kush). The E1b1b (E-M-215/ E-V-32) Somali component is from this latter group.
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