Sudan Conflict Updates: Army vs RSF

M16 has many advantages including accuracy.

Yes, it's lighter and more accurate than the AK-47, however, that advantage is largely non-existent when compared to the AK-74; and the AK platform is easier to remediate in the field.

Most firefights take place within 80m and even the AK-47 will reach out and touch an enemy combatant at 300m.

Having a hodgepodge of different guns (for the same role) complicates logistics and just seems silly.
How do RSF generate revenue?

This article was from 3 years ago. they are rich asf now.


This article was from 3 years ago. they are rich asf now.

They were richer 3 years ago.
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Yes, it's lighter and more accurate than the AK-47, however, that advantage is largely non-existent when compared to the AK-74; and the AK platform is easier to remediate in the field.

Most firefights take place within 80m and even the AK-47 will reach out and touch an enemy combatant at 300m.

Having a hodgepodge of different guns (for the same role) complicates logistics and just seems silly.
Well they'll be holding different positions in different neighborhoods with different layouts + density. And it's not like the RSF don't have an even more random assortment.
RSF making check points to loot ppl's properties. These are literally tribal mooryaans.

The RSF/Janjaweed did far worse in Darfur and Kordofan; and their precursors (Murahaleen) were used by Khartoum to create artificial famines in the South during the North-South war -- and this resulted in hundreds of thousands of casualties (quarter of a million) in one region alone in 1988.


Many in Khartoum-Omdurman and other Riverine areas of the North comforted themselves with callous, revolting lies about the war; they desperately wanted to believe that Southerners that had already lost 2 million people to slave raids to Sudanese Arab, Turkish and Egyptian slave raids in the 19th Century just mutinied in 1955 for no good reason...

..These people ignored the fact that their 'Government' literally massacred protesting Southern workers in 1955, which was the trigger for the 1955 mutiny; they also ignored that large scale annexations (land-theft) triggered the 1st Sudanese civil war in the 60s.

Arab tribes chimping out is not new, but this is the first time that the people of Khartoum-Omdurman have felt the consequences of their own handiwork. He who feels it, knows it; and may they learn.


Apparently there will be decisive developments in the next 72 hours. Either a permanent ceasefire or a breakthrough. SAF & RSF are in KSA currently negotiating, so let's see how it develops.
Number of internally displaced rises to more than 700,000

UN says More than 700,000 displaced in past week

Good coverage in Peace for Sudan, Nuqdat Hiwar programme.

Backdrop: Actors behind the conflict

Al Burhan

Rather provocative, and not reconciliatory, is it?

It is not like he has access, or the influence to freeze accounts in foreign accounts, or does he?
Yup, he also retired 4 RSF generals (one of them negotiating in Jeddah).

The sacked central bank governor had ties to RSF, so now with a loyal replacement they have access to both their domestic and international accounts.
Yup, he also retired 4 RSF generals (one of them negotiating in Jeddah).

The sacked central bank governor had ties to RSF, so now with a loyal replacement they have access to both their domestic and international accounts.
What is the rationale for doing so whilst negotiations are still ongoing?

Would you say Burhani's moves are likely to further hinder negotiations than help?
Neither side will give up fighting, but by cutting off their finances many RSF fighters will surrender and join the military.
On balance, of the two sides, whom would you say is on a stronger ground, as it stands at the moment ? And whose hand is further strenghtened the longer the conflict drags on, and vice versa?

