It's fakeSaw this document floating around online not sure how accurate. It’s a lot of manpower for Somalia offensive
View attachment 352399
It's fakeSaw this document floating around online not sure how accurate. It’s a lot of manpower for Somalia offensive
View attachment 352399
Aduunka waa majority iyo minority niyow, Out of the Harti in Sanaag majority waa warsangeli, that’s your land buddy, Adaa ka masuul ah.Sanaag is dhul MJ too, they forgot Ceerigaabo means Lasa Surad, Siwaaqroon from as far as Ras Casayr are in Ceerigaabo district alongside Dhulbhante Naalaye Axmed and Warsangeli militias right now.
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I guess we Somalis in forum think differently, we have some sense of unity, if your brother is getting dulm and injustice, we feel it is our duty to help him. Waa dhulkiina ani wax ma'igagelin is not the norm here.Aduunka waa majority iyo minority niyow, Out of the Harti in Sanaag majority waa warsangeli, that’s your land buddy, Adaa ka masuul ah.
Aduunka waa majority iyo minority niyow, Out of the Harti in Sanaag majority waa warsangeli, that’s your land buddy, Adaa ka masuul ah.
Fake Bah Ogayslabe alone put 400 bodies in the 90s and why would we ask Cabbas Muse to fight they're barely 4 people
Where did I spew cuqdad, if you read through my posts i even mentioned that you guys are Landheere.Warsangeli are the closest harti to me, cismaan maxamuud baan ahay we’re literally deris, cid inaga dhow majidho. I’m conisstent, cumar ciidan should leave PL and join Maakhir ama wixii aad isku heshiisaan, in my view puntland Consists of Bari, Nugaal and North Mudug, the warsans who live within those borders are Puntlanders,those that hail from the other regions are apart of the maamul oo meesha xukun doonta. You’re maakhir through and through, you even have the flag as your dp. Waxaan nacayb ha uu arkin, all I’m saying is puntland is not obligated to assist and should not assist as those lands are not our jurisdiction.Landheere baa tihiin orod ceerigaabo xoraysta, wa billahi tawfiiq.Youre not fighting shit buddy I know I'm a majority in Sanaag but my ciidan (cumar) are also in Bari
If we go by your logic my ciidan should leave because they don't live there, Warsangeli will bleed for Sanaag that's a 100% guarantee and we're buying arms this month.
You don't have a gatekeep on Puntland and if I wave Maakhir don't mean I got cuqdad like you do first thing you come here is spew cuqdad on Warsangeli for defending their land.
NA(Dhulbahante) started it for sure and I thank them for it.
From Lasa Suraad to Ceelaayo
From Ceerigaabo to Cawsane
Difaac is muqadas
You are contradicting yourself eedo, I don’t hit the drums and call for Somali on Somali killingHe sure does! I called him a sheegato ages ago and he got upset.
This was him today (see below)
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No one in Somalia has twenty one guns I think the total number in the country as of current is somewhere in the 20-35 range. More accurately would be a 4 gun salute.and send them off with a 21 gun salute, illahi difaac uma bahno your ancestors tho do 🫡
You are contradicting yourself eedo, I don’t hit the drums and call for Somali on Somali killing
Anyone with previous SL ties are given back seats beside most of our sarkaals left SL from the 2010s.Did u make sure the recruits were vetted, given morale their freeing Erigavo from SL terrorists, when they know their on a freedom mission they fight harder then if u tell them we r going to harm people.
Did u guys select the deadweights among u and preferably has had kids, as this mission will help him make a name where as in life he couldn't.
PPL will talk about Goojacade and possibly Erigavo for decades to come and their kids will be seen as sons of Heros depending on performance and outcomes like they do my 2nd grandfather wars which we leeched on. Ideally we don't want no deaths but hey you gotta be realistic in the event it happens u wanna lose the educated or deadweights.
mj wuu jabay, ma nin gurigiisa baa ugu hormaraynaa, end of the day these are our isins i'll take any decision they come to laakin aragtidayda hadaan qiimeeyo sidaan waalaga fcn yahay.
Im well aware that we control haylan and some sanaag areas, deni was even there in Badhan knocking doors asking people to vote for kaah in the previous election. I know my state ina adeer, despite all this id rather let go of all lands that arent Bari/Nugaal and North mudug, intaas baa noogu filan.These people shout for Maakhir/khaatumo laakin when push comes to shove they want to rely on Puntland, their representation in PL should be limited in 2029 the only thing we should be willing to help them with is building a viable state run by themselves in that region. We can be cordial neighbours, what im against is dhul balaarsi, and leef leef of a people who fundamentally dont want to be under your rule.
See now shaki baa iga ka soo galey. Adeer @Puntite Queen, inankaan inaga soo baar bal. Dhulbalaaris? Warsangeli is reer Puntland. The day they exit Puntland like Dhulbahante does, then you have an argument. Until then, Suldaan Siciid reaffirmed his position with his current visit to Bandar Qaasim.
Another thing, what do you mean by under your rule? Who is your? If you mean by MJ, then take it from one of the elite families who ruled Mijirtinia for 300 years. We see that Warsangeli, Majeerteen, Surre (Dir), Mareexaan (Wagardhac), Leelkase, Ogaden, Gabooye and many others that I didn't mention can rule the country. And no one is being ruled by another.
Lacag uun baa ka xigta adeer.
I agree everyone can have their own opinion. Heck I am a proud Puntlander who is a separatists. I believe in the core value of being independent from Somalia for a list of reasons, but at the same time I know the vast majority of Puntlanders are pro unity with restrictions (Federalism, or Confideral for some). All I can do on my end is in aan dadka wacigeliyo and convince them of the viability that Independence has for Puntland.His pretty uninformed or compromised or has a hard time separating his personal n regional well being. He can have his opinion tho but it's definitely not the overwhelming majority.
According to walasheen @𐒁𐒚𐒒𐒂𐒘𐒂𐒗 𐒎𐒚𐒗𐒗𐒒 im a sheegato, laakin waa caadi she can have her opinion,myself and all of my direct male descendants will be Mj until yawmul qiyahma.See now shaki baa iga ka soo galey. Adeer @Puntite Queen, inankaan inaga soo baar bal. Dhulbalaaris? Warsangeli is reer Puntland. The day they exit Puntland like Dhulbahante does, then you have an argument. Until then, Suldaan Siciid reaffirmed his position with his current visit to Bandar Qaasim.
Another thing, what do you mean by under your rule? Who is your? If you mean by MJ, then take it from one of the elite families who ruled Mijirtinia for 300 years. We see that Warsangeli, Majeerteen, Surre (Dir), Mareexaan (Wagardhac), Leelkase, Ogaden, Gabooye and many others that I didn't mention can rule the country. And no one is being ruled by another.
Lacag uun baa ka xigta adeer.
Stop fighting another mans War Dr, this is NA and WR business let them harti waqooy boys get their lick back.His pretty uninformed or compromised or has a hard time separating his personal n regional well being. He can have his opinion tho but it's definitely not the overwhelming majority.
According to walasheen @𐒁𐒚𐒒𐒂𐒘𐒂𐒗 𐒎𐒚𐒗𐒗𐒒 im a sheegato, laakin waa caadi she can have her opinion,myself and all of my direct male descendants will be Mj until yawmul qiyahma.
Now to your point, yes Sanaag/Hayland is apart of Puntland currently however i believe that they want out, just speak to the warsangeli users on this forum who have Makhir flags on the display picture. Puntland waxay uu furantahay dadka raba, once Warsangeli waqooyi make that decision waala fasaxayaa and i would fully support that decision.
What i view as dhul balaarsi is imposing rule upon a people oo doonaya maamul kale.The warsangeli within the other regions of PL are then free to become president and lead, meesha dhaxal maha and i personally want to see Non-MS rule of PL despite being MS myself.Harti Waqooyi dhulkaaga sii noqon maayo, nimankaan wey tashteen, ka samar dhulkooda.
Bari Nugaal iyo North Mudug inaga badan