Sultaanka Harti and Gudida Difaaca Sanaag meet up with President Siciid Cabdullahi Deni


Come'on adeer.

Come On Now Elijah Cummings GIF

I am giving you chance after chance adeer. Fun fact, a lot of Isaaqs use that word and some Hartis.

That word "Harti Waqooyi" received severe impact in 2023. You sure you want to use it here in this context?
Harti Waqooyi is a factual statement, they live in Waqooyi and they are harti, even gahayle are Harti waqooyi. Tol waa la yahay yes buts lets not have recency bias, we were alive before 2023.

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

Majeertentitis Research Institute
Where did I spew cuqdad, if you read through my posts i even mentioned that you guys are Landheere.Warsangeli are the closest harti to me, cismaan maxamuud baan ahay we’re literally deris, cid inaga dhow majidho. I’m conisstent, cumar ciidan should leave PL and join Maakhir ama wixii aad isku heshiisaan, in my view puntland Consists of Bari, Nugaal and North Mudug, the warsans who live within those borders are Puntlanders,those that hail from the other regions are apart of the maamul oo meesha xukun doonta. You’re maakhir through and through, you even have the flag as your dp. Waxaan nacayb ha uu arkin, all I’m saying is puntland is not obligated to assist and should not assist as those lands are not our jurisdiction.Landheere baa tihiin orod ceerigaabo xoraysta, wa billahi tawfiiq.
Idoor clans everywhere are united today in their war against Harti. Waa muqadas in times of conflict to back each other. Everything else is put on a side.

:tocry: Boowe I want to xasuuq idoor.
According to walasheen @𐒁𐒚𐒒𐒂𐒘𐒂𐒗 𐒎𐒚𐒗𐒗𐒒 im a sheegato, laakin waa caadi she can have her opinion,myself and all of my direct male descendants will be Mj until yawmul qiyahma.

Now to your point, yes Sanaag/Hayland is apart of Puntland currently however i believe that they want out, just speak to the warsangeli users on this forum who have Makhir flags on the display picture. Puntland waxay uu furantahay dadka raba, once Warsangeli waqooyi make that decision waala fasaxayaa and i would fully support that decision.

What i view as dhul balaarsi is imposing rule upon a people oo doonaya maamul kale.The warsangeli within the other regions of PL are then free to become president and lead, meesha dhaxal maha and i personally want to see Non-MS rule of PL despite being MS myself.Harti Waqooyi dhulkaaga sii noqon maayo, nimankaan wey tashteen, ka samar dhulkooda.

Bari Nugaal iyo North Mudug inaga badan
She calls anyone who disagrees with her sheegato
According to walasheen @𐒁𐒚𐒒𐒂𐒘𐒂𐒗 𐒎𐒚𐒗𐒗𐒒 im a sheegato, laakin waa caadi she can have her opinion,myself and all of my direct male descendants will be Mj until yawmul qiyahma.

Now to your point, yes Sanaag/Hayland is apart of Puntland currently however i believe that they want out, just speak to the warsangeli users on this forum who have Makhir flags on the display picture. Puntland waxay uu furantahay dadka raba, once Warsangeli waqooyi make that decision waala fasaxayaa and i would fully support that decision.

What i view as dhul balaarsi is imposing rule upon a people oo doonaya maamul kale.The warsangeli within the other regions of PL are then free to become president and lead, meesha dhaxal maha and i personally want to see Non-MS rule of PL despite being MS myself.Harti Waqooyi dhulkaaga sii noqon maayo, nimankaan wey tashteen, ka samar dhulkooda.

Bari Nugaal iyo North Mudug inaga badan
They don’t want out, regardless of what you may see online. Their elders are all in PL and they’ve spoken about this before. They don’t want to join SSC either. If SSC isn’t recognized as a federal state yet what makes you think Maakhir will be? The likes of Shiine Baahane and Dhoore don’t count.
donald trump together we can achieve absolutely anything GIF by State of the Union address 2018
Also, you new "MJs" have it easy on here with your isku dir and other strange antics. When I get my people back on this forum, I am bringing back the ID checks and then we will see who remains on here, or who scatters like a cockroach.

Majeerteen lama sheegto, waa loo dhashaa.
mj wuu jabay, ma nin gurigiisa baa ugu hormaraynaa, end of the day these are our isins i'll take any decision they come to laakin aragtidayda hadaan qiimeeyo sidaan waalaga fcn yahay.
Warsangali are 100% Puntlanders. Maakhir flag is just like any other qabiil flag like Mx, LLK and Xawaadle. Harti waqooyi won’t survive without Puntland backing them militarily and financialy. There are about 4k troops in Oog that get their salary from Puntland. Most of the hiil Harti troops from Bari are still in Sool. Sidoo kale dhulka warsangali waa dhul keena waana lagu dagaalmin inshallah.



Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Harti Waqooyi is a factual statement, they live in Waqooyi and they are harti, even gahayle are Harti waqooyi. Tol waa la yahay yes buts lets not have recency bias, we were alive before 2023.
If u don’t fight in ceerigeebo the war will come to you in qardho ina hassan mohamadow 😂 makhiir and khatuumo are our buffer zone….
If Buddha doesn’t whip SSC and by extension Puntland in ceerigeebo. Then Reer Isaaq leadership should be couped and the seccesionists propagandist need their ass beat for fcking over their people


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