Sultan Osman Mahamud Royal Emblem = Inspiration for the Somali Flag?

He lived in 19th century right?

The current Somali flag was created by Maxamed Cawaale Liibaan (AUN) he speaks about it here, maybe he was inspired by the seal of the Sultan. Maybe this is a bit of a stretch, but they do look similar

He lived in the 19th century and early 20th century (up until the 1930s if i’m not mistaken). He was overthrown in 1927 by the fascist Italians and exiled to Mogadishu under their close supervision.

Even though the emblem is beautiful along with the red flag, we shouldn’t adopt it since Somalis are tribally diverse and this would ignite tensions since Somalis are arrogant and like to brag a lot.

Also we have to stop repeating this refuted myth that a man in the 1950s created the flag. The blue flag/white star was an Italian colonial emblem Italy used for it’s occupied territories in Libya and East Africa.
He lived in the 19th century and early to mid 20th century (up until the 1930s if i’m not mistaken). He was overthrown in 1927 by the fascist Italians and exiled to Mogadishu under their close supervision.

Even though the emblem is beautiful along with the red flag, we shouldn’t adopt it since Somalis are tribally diverse and this would ignite tensions since Somalis are arrogant and like to brag a lot.

Also we have to stop repeating this refuted myth that a man in the 1950s created the flag. The blue flag/white star was an Italian colonial emblem Italy used for it’s occupied territories in Libya and East Africa.
You and I went back and forth on this subject a few months back.
It wasn't rebranded, you can cry all you want. Maxamed Cawaale Liibaan (AUN) talked about it. Your claims can be made for literally every flag on the planet. There is nothing "satanic" about it. Many Somalis died for that flag during the 77' war too. Judging by your posts

Sxb, I bet you're the type of person favor of completing changing the official language in Somalia to Arabic

I disagree with the notion being that the flag is a colonial flag. Can you prove these are fairytales? You are just making assumptions without any proof, just speculation, provide me with a source that states the Somali flag was created by Italians sxb and I will concede to you

Also, Osman Mahamud Emblem looks oddly similar to the flag as well. The Emblem is most likely was used by previous Sultans as well, that would put it at use way before Italians came into Somalia
You and I went back and forth on this subject a few months back.

I disagree with the notion being that the flag is a colonial flag. Can you prove these are fairytales? You are just making assumptions without any proof, just speculation, provide me with a source that states the Somali flag was created by Italians sxb and I will concede to you

Also, Osman Mahamud Emblem looks oddly similar to the flag as well. The Emblem is most likely was used by previous Sultans as well, that would put it at use way before Italians came into Somalia
The emblem and the red flag they had looks nothing like the White star/blue flag Somalis currently have today.

“Provide me with a source that states the Somali flag was created by Italians”

It’s very simple. Look at the history of the blue flag/white star and connect the dots.

Here are some following points to consider:

1. Italy occupied Somalia/East Africa.

2. Italy used the blue flag/white star as a colonial emblem for East Africa/Libya occupied territories.

3. Somalia adopts the blue flag/white star as their official flag.

4. Therefore, the Somali flag was inspired by colonial Italy.

Do you really think it’s a mere coincidence that a country happens to have the same flag that was used by it’s former colonial occupier? It’s very easy to analyze the historical context and connect the dots.


He lived in the 19th century and early 20th century (up until the 1930s if i’m not mistaken). He was overthrown in 1927 by the fascist Italians and exiled to Mogadishu under their close supervision.

Even though the emblem is beautiful along with the red flag, we shouldn’t adopt it since Somalis are tribally diverse and this would ignite tensions since Somalis are arrogant and like to brag a lot.

Also we have to stop repeating this refuted myth that a man in the 1950s created the flag. The blue flag/white star was an Italian colonial emblem Italy used for it’s occupied territories in Libya and East Africa.
Again with this anti Somali BS. The dude who invented the flag is on video telling you how he created it and never mentions Italy once.
I'm embarrassed by the lies anti Somali self hater spread to undermine Somalia


The emblem and the red flag they had looks nothing like the White star/blue flag Somalis currently have today.

“Provide me with a source that states the Somali flag was created by Italians”

It’s very simple. Look at the history of the blue flag/white star and connect the dots.

Here are some following points to consider:

1. Italy occupied Somalia/East Africa.

2. Italy used the blue flag/white star as a colonial emblem for East Africa/Libya occupied territories.

3. Somalia adopts the blue flag/white star as their official flag.

4. Therefore, the Somali flag was inspired by colonial Italy.

Do you really think it’s a mere coincidence that a country happens to have the same flag that was used by it’s former colonial occupier? It’s very easy to analyze the historical context and connect the dots.
Yes it's a mere coincidence.
1) Italian emblem had a gray / silver star. The star was of Greek inspiration and is now part of the Italian coat of arms. The star of our flag represent the five Somali territories and it has an anti colonial meaning. Also the Italian somalia emblem had a red part which is missing from our flag
The blue in the Italian emblem was dark our blue is light.
2) the inventor of the flag clearly stated that he got inspired by the UN and by the blue sea/sky of Somalia. He never mentioned Italy as an inspiration. The flag was an independent creation that happens to be similar to the Italian colony coat of arms.
3) let's pretend you are correct. If that's the case why didn't anybody mention that the flag is inspired by Italians? The Italian governor who congratulated Somalia when the flag was raised in the 50s said it was a simple of our beautiful sea, never mentioned italy. The Somali government and the inventor of the flag also never mentioned anything about that. Keep in mind Somalis were hugely pro Italian in the early 60s , they would have had no problem saying that the flag came from the colonial emblem if that was the case. This theory of yours is found only in the internet by Sspot trolls here or on Twitter. No reputable source ever mentioned this NEVER.
4) the only thing that may be inspired by the eblem is the leopard on the coat of arms but again that's just an animal part of Somali wildlife, nothing inherently colonial about it.
5) the somali flag is classified as an ETHNIC flag. Somalilanders adopted it first and raised it on 26 June 1960. How could Somaliland adopted an Italian inspired flag ? Somali galbeed also adopted it partially.


He lived in the 19th century and early 20th century (up until the 1930s if i’m not mistaken). He was overthrown in 1927 by the fascist Italians and exiled to Mogadishu under their close supervision.

Even though the emblem is beautiful along with the red flag, we shouldn’t adopt it since Somalis are tribally diverse and this would ignite tensions since Somalis are arrogant and like to brag a lot.

Also we have to stop repeating this refuted myth that a man in the 1950s created the flag. The blue flag/white star was an Italian colonial emblem Italy used for it’s occupied territories in Libya and East Africa.
Actually OP's theory is exactly like your theory. Both are based on visual similarities because of the presence of the star and the colour Blue


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
The emblem and the red flag they had looks nothing like the White star/blue flag Somalis currently have today.

“Provide me with a source that states the Somali flag was created by Italians”

It’s very simple. Look at the history of the blue flag/white star and connect the dots.

Here are some following points to consider:

1. Italy occupied Somalia/East Africa.

2. Italy used the blue flag/white star as a colonial emblem for East Africa/Libya occupied territories.

3. Somalia adopts the blue flag/white star as their official flag.

4. Therefore, the Somali flag was inspired by colonial Italy.

Do you really think it’s a mere coincidence that a country happens to have the same flag that was used by it’s former colonial occupier? It’s very easy to analyze the historical context and connect the dots.
Can I please see the red flag ?


E pluribus unum
Yes it's a mere coincidence.
1) Italian emblem had a gray / silver star. The star was of Greek inspiration and is now part of the Italian coat of arms. The star of our flag represent the five Somali territories and it has an anti colonial meaning. Also the Italian somalia emblem had a red part which is missing from our flag
The blue in the Italian emblem was dark our blue is light.
2) the inventor of the flag clearly stated that he got inspired by the UN and by the blue sea/sky of Somalia. He never mentioned Italy as an inspiration. The flag was an independent creation that happens to be similar to the Italian colony coat of arms.
3) let's pretend you are correct. If that's the case why didn't anybody mention that the flag is inspired by Italians? The Italian governor who congratulated Somalia when the flag was raised in the 50s said it was a simple of our beautiful sea, never mentioned italy. The Somali government and the inventor of the flag also never mentioned anything about that. Keep in mind Somalis were hugely pro Italian in the early 60s , they would have had no problem saying that the flag came from the colonial emblem if that was the case. This theory of yours is found only in the internet by Sspot trolls here or on Twitter. No reputable source ever mentioned this NEVER.
4) the only thing that may be inspired by the eblem is the leopard on the coat of arms but again that's just an animal part of Somali wildlife, nothing inherently colonial about it.
5) the somali flag is classified as an ETHNIC flag. Somalilanders adopted it first and raised it on 26 June 1960. How could Somaliland adopted an Italian inspired flag ? Somali galbeed also adopted it partially.
Wow you destroyed him.
The emblem and the red flag they had looks nothing like the White star/blue flag Somalis currently have today.

“Provide me with a source that states the Somali flag was created by Italians”

It’s very simple. Look at the history of the blue flag/white star and connect the dots.

Here are some following points to consider:

1. Italy occupied Somalia/East Africa.

2. Italy used the blue flag/white star as a colonial emblem for East Africa/Libya occupied territories.

3. Somalia adopts the blue flag/white star as their official flag.

4. Therefore, the Somali flag was inspired by colonial Italy.

Do you really think it’s a mere coincidence that a country happens to have the same flag that was used by it’s former colonial occupier? It’s very easy to analyze the historical context and connect the dots.
Lol moving from point 2 to 3 is a huge leap.
You’re making a circular argument.

As Som has stated the 5 star represents the five Somali regions.
The blue background depicting the sea is also mentioned in Nationalist Somali songs.

Every national symbol of Somalia is from the previous Italian colonizer.
The light blue color is an Italian nationalist symbol called Savoy blue or Savoy azure to the royal Italian house responsible of uniting the Italian peninsula and you can see it in their national sports team kit.

The star is also one of their main national symbol called Stella d'Italia "Star of Italy" and it was included in some of Italian colonial territory coat of arms including with the Savoy blue like Italian Tripolitania and Italian Cyrenaica.


There's nothing Somali about the flag of Somalia that actually represents our identity and culture.


The light blue color is an Italian nationalist symbol called Savoy blue or Savoy azure to the royal Italian house responsible of uniting the Italian peninsula and you can see it in their national sports team kit.

The star is also one of their main national symbol called Stella d'Italia "Star of Italy" and it was included in some of Italian colonial territory coat of arms including with the Savoy blue like Italian Tripolitania and Italian Cyrenaica.

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There's nothing Somali about the flag of Somalia that actually represents our identity and culture.
Your only source is a comparison between these emblems and the flag. Why nobody ever mention this except online anti Somali trolls? Why didn't Somalis back then admit to this? They were friends with ITALY, Siad Barre was pro Italian, spoke their language and had close ties with them. Never mentioned anything about the flag. It's a mere coincidence as simple as that.
Your only source is a comparison between these emblems and the flag. Why nobody ever mention this except online anti Somali trolls? Why didn't Somalis back then admit to this? They were friends with ITALY, Siad Barre was pro Italian, spoke their language and had close ties with them. Never mentioned anything about the flag. It's a mere coincidence as simple as that.
Can't be a coincidence what the color and symbol match Italian symbols. Open your eyes and use your head to see the reality.


Can't be a coincidence what the color and symbol match Italian symbols. Open your eyes and use your head to see the reality.
You have to provide sources. I can't find anything that says the Somali flag is based on the colonial coat of arms.
You have to provide sources. I can't find anything that says the Somali flag is based on the colonial coat of arms.
Okay tell me how come the flag looks and resembles exactly like the Italian colonial coat of arms of Somalia??? and let's not forget where the leopard in Somalia's coat arms comes from too.

Just like I said before there's nothing Somali about that flag.


Okay tell me how come the flag looks and resembles exactly like the Italian colonial coat of arms of Somalia??? and let's not forget where the leopard in Somalia's coat arms comes from too.

Just like I said before there's nothing Somali about that flag.
This is basic heraldry for you, A flag or coat of arms comes from the blazon, not the illustration. The blazon, as you may know, is a description of the flag, and it is up to the artist to interpret it. The fact is, nowhere in the officiall blazon is Italian influence mentioned.

Here is what it says in the official blazon:
The adoption of blue was influenced by the United Nations flag. The five pointed star represents the five counties in which the Somalis live: Somali (Italian colony), British Somali, Ethiopia, Kenya and Djibouti.

You clearly have no idea what it is you are talking about and seem content to spew bullshit.

