Supermodel IMAN describes Somali society as an oriental fantasy?

True I have attended many weddings of widows and divorcees. Its not really seen as an issue in the old gen but the young gen in the West anyways has adopted the current views around us but I wouldn't say its because of other muslim groups but a mix of multiple factors. Since before the divorce was in the hands of men but now women run towards western governments or just simply walk away in the West with no repercussions.
What you're saying is highly inaccurate and doesn't represent British Muslims. UK Muslims hardly register their marriages and since there are hardly any Islamic courts in which women can easily access Khul'a, divorce is still indeed in the hands of Muslim men. The only way a Muslim woman can get divorce is through Talaq, Fassaq and Khula. Due to how ineffective Islamic centers are in the UK, its very hard for women to get Khula and fassaq and there are many cases of men refusing to divorce a woman and women having to fight for it by constantly going to Imams ect. A woman would obviously have to push for it and tell him she doesn't want to be with him. If he refuses, a Muslim woman in the West with hardly any decent Islamic courts will have a long fight to free herself. Muslim women cannot simply 'file' for divorce.
And this whole men vs women stuff is spreading across cultures and effecting everyone so now every community whether they were or not discriminating against divorcees Now are I guess.
Its because in the West, the Muslim community is a melting pot, clearly we're going to influence each other. Now you have the rise of redpill and some men are lapping it up.
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Wanaag iyo Dhiig kar
What you're saying is highly inaccurate and doesn't represent British Muslims. UK Muslims hardly register their marriages and since there are hardly any Islamic courts in which women can easily access Khul'a, divorce is still indeed in the hands of Muslim men. The only way a Muslim woman can get divorce is through Talaq, Fassaq and Khula. Due to how ineffective Islamic centers are in the UK, its very hard for women to get Khula and fassaq and there are many cases of men refusing to divorce a woman and women having to fight for it by constantly going to Imams ect. A woman would obviously have to push for it and tell him she doesn't want to be with him. If he refuses, a Muslim woman in the West with hardly any decent Islamic courts will have a long fight to free herself. Muslim women cannot simply 'file' for divorce.

Its because in the West, the Muslim community is a melting pot, clearly we're going to influence each other. Now you have the rise of redpill and some men are lapping it up.

In our culture it’s easy for a woman to get a divorce , if a man refuses to divorce his wife all a woman has to do is make her relatives put pressure on the guy and his family will pressure the guy to give her the Talaq. Somali families see it as ceeb to have their son/nephew etc holding a woman hostage in a marriage.
In our culture it’s easy for a woman to get a divorce , if a man refuses to divorce his wife all a woman has to do is make her relatives put pressure on the guy and his family will pressure the guy to give her the Talaq. Somali families see it as ceeb to have their son/nephew etc holding a woman hostage in a marriage.
Culturally yes, but i've seen my fair share of women being denied divorce by husbands who don't care about 'ceeb' and familial pressure. Also, not all Somali families are the same. Sone women are pressured by families with the whole sabr and even dua and habaar tactic. Hence,
with no Islamic courts and proper Khula in the West, it can easily become a toxic shit show.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
I don't know why she lied. All the history books i've read about Somali society makes it clear that divorced women found it very easy to re-marry. I would say, Somalis in the West now in 2022 are more discriminating towards divorced women than a geelgire in the 60s. We've been influenced by Asian/Arab conservatism ect.
Why do most Somali women get offended at the word “garoob” then. It has a negative connotation?

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Husbands taking the children is true, my hooyo told that back in the day when divorce happened, the children were given to the father side and the mother left empty handed. Not always the case but still.


Cant believe there is a Somali out there that has David Bowie has an Abti :banderas:

What you're saying is highly inaccurate and doesn't represent British Muslims. UK Muslims hardly register their marriages and since there are hardly any Islamic courts in which women can easily access Khul'a, divorce is still indeed in the hands of Muslim men. The only way a Muslim woman can get divorce is through Talaq, Fassaq and Khula. Due to how ineffective Islamic centers are in the UK, its very hard for women to get Khula and fassaq and there are many cases of men refusing to divorce a woman and women having to fight for it by constantly going to Imams ect. A woman would obviously have to push for it and tell him she doesn't want to be with him. If he refuses, a Muslim woman in the West with hardly any decent Islamic courts will have a long fight to free herself. Muslim women cannot simply 'file' for divorce.

Its because in the West, the Muslim community is a melting pot, clearly we're going to influence each other. Now you have the rise of redpill and some men are lapping it up.
You completely skipped over the point that women just walk away in the West and when I say run to the government it doesn't mean to file for divorce. It means to get support to be moved away from her husband or something like a restraining order. The government doesn't even recognise Islamic marriage which is a plus in some situations but bad in others.
You completely skipped over the point that women just walk away in the West and when I say run to the government it doesn't mean to file for divorce. It means to get support to be moved away from her husband or something like a restraining order. The government doesn't even recognise Islamic marriage which is a plus in some situations but bad in others.
I don't understand your points. If a woman doesn't want to be with a man, obviously she'll leave. Whether it be using her own money or taking advantage of government housing or going back to her parents house. What is the issues with that? Do you expect women to stay imprisoned in their marriage?

So what exactly is your point? Even in the West, usually family will get involved and if the wife is done done as @Leila mentioned family will just tell him to let her go like they even do back home. I've seen enough divorces and if the wife isn't happy, usually the girl's dad and brother will speak to the husband to tell him to let the wife go. Imprisoning a woman in a marriage isn't exactly liked by Somalis, although some unhinged men try and in that situation dad's get involved.

I've never heard of a woman getting a restraining order unless she was abused or the relationship become incredibly toxic. That certainly is not the norm. And if he was a weird abuser then good for her. Marriages should never get to the point that one party has to hide from you. Get a divorce, be civil and the co-parent.
I don't understand your points. If a woman doesn't want to be with a man, obviously she'll leave. Whether it be using her own money or taking advantage of government housing or going back to her parents house. What is the issues with that? Do you expect women to stay imprisoned in their marriage?

So what exactly is your point? Even in the West, usually family will get involved and if the wife is done done as @Leila mentioned family will just tell him to let her go like they even do back home. I've seen enough divorces and if the wife isn't happy, usually the girl's dad and brother will speak to the husband to tell him to let the wife go. Imprisoning a woman in a marriage isn't exactly liked by Somalis, although some unhinged men try and in that situation dad's get involved.

I've never heard of a woman getting a restraining order unless she was abused or the relationship become incredibly toxic. That certainly is not the norm. And if he was a weird abuser then good for her. Marriages should never get to the point that one party has to hide from you. Get a divorce, be civil and the co-parent.
Na I have heard of many situations where women just run off and disappear on there children and husband only to be found later in a different city with a lover. That wouldn't fly or work in somalia. Some do it secretly and just go one night while others do it openly.

Not everyone lives with family around both my parents families don't live in the UK at all it's only us.
Na I have heard of many situations where women just run off and disappear on there children and husband only to be found later in a different city with a lover.
No offense but I fail to believe that is true and if it does happen only once in a very blue moon. I've only heard of one case and I didn't even know the person and it was a massive scandal as even randoms were gossiping about it and randoms like me found out about it. A woman in the West doesn't need to run away. She can get a house, pay her own rent ect.
That wouldn't fly or work in somalia. Some do it secretly and just go one night while others do it openly.
It hardly ever happens in the West, in my 20-something years and bearing in my mind i'm in my late 20s pushing 30. We're a conservative community. Right now you're talking about extreme situations and trying to present it as a norm that happens to Western Faraxs. That is insane walal. This isn't me defending Xalimos Wallahi, its just that what you're saying is mad since i'm from London and live in a heavily Somali area. Women bouncing with the kids and moving to a new house? Yes normal. Women running away with a lover? Crazy and such stories end up circulating London because of how rare and crazy such a situation is. We're not gaal walalo and we don't have high rates of Xalimos committing adultery. At this point you're slandering the Somali community in the UK. Shocking.
Not everyone lives with family around both my parents families don't live in the UK at all it's only us.
People still discussing Iman? What went wrong with people's moral combass? Waar, I would never read anything written by her even I am paid to do so. Somalis should find something useful to discuss than wasting time on lost souls.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Majeertania gone amuck!
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